AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile CustomConnectorProfileCredentials - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::AppFlow::ConnectorProfile CustomConnectorProfileCredentials

The connector-specific profile credentials that are required when using the custom connector.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:



The API keys required for the authentication of the user.

Required: No

Type: ApiKeyCredentials

Update requires: No interruption


The authentication type that the custom connector uses for authenticating while creating a connector profile.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Allowed values: OAUTH2 | APIKEY | BASIC | CUSTOM

Update requires: No interruption


The basic credentials that are required for the authentication of the user.

Required: No

Type: BasicAuthCredentials

Update requires: No interruption


If the connector uses the custom authentication mechanism, this holds the required credentials.

Required: No

Type: CustomAuthCredentials

Update requires: No interruption


The OAuth 2.0 credentials required for the authentication of the user.

Required: No

Type: OAuth2Credentials

Update requires: No interruption