AWS::SageMaker::InferenceComponent DeployedImage - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::SageMaker::InferenceComponent DeployedImage

Gets the Amazon EC2 Container Registry path of the docker image of the model that is hosted in this ProductionVariant.

If you used the registry/repository[:tag] form to specify the image path of the primary container when you created the model hosted in this ProductionVariant, the path resolves to a path of the form registry/repository[@digest]. A digest is a hash value that identifies a specific version of an image. For information about Amazon ECR paths, see Pulling an Image in the Amazon ECR User Guide.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "ResolutionTime" : String, "ResolvedImage" : String, "SpecifiedImage" : String }


ResolutionTime: String ResolvedImage: String SpecifiedImage: String



The date and time when the image path for the model resolved to the ResolvedImage

Required: No

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


The specific digest path of the image hosted in this ProductionVariant.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: [\S]+

Maximum: 255

Update requires: No interruption


The image path you specified when you created the model.

Required: No

Type: String

Pattern: [\S]+

Maximum: 255

Update requires: No interruption