AWS::SSMIncidents::ResponsePlan DynamicSsmParameter - AWS CloudFormation

AWS::SSMIncidents::ResponsePlan DynamicSsmParameter

When you add a runbook to a response plan, you can specify the parameters for the runbook to use at runtime. Response plans support parameters with both static and dynamic values. For static values, you enter the value when you define the parameter in the response plan. For dynamic values, the system determines the correct parameter value by collecting information from the incident. Incident Manager supports the following dynamic parameters:

Incident ARN

When Incident Manager creates an incident, the system captures the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the corresponding incident record and enters it for this parameter in the runbook.


This value can only be assigned to parameters of type String. If assigned to a parameter of any other type, the runbook fails to run.

Involved resources

When Incident Manager creates an incident, the system captures the ARNs of the resources involved in the incident. These resource ARNs are then assigned to this parameter in the runbook.


This value can only be assigned to parameters of type StringList. If assigned to a parameter of any other type, the runbook fails to run.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Key" : String, "Value" : DynamicSsmParameterValue }



The key parameter to use when running the Systems Manager Automation runbook.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 50

Update requires: No interruption


The dynamic parameter value.

Required: Yes

Type: DynamicSsmParameterValue

Update requires: No interruption