Create service roles for Automation by using AWS CloudFormation - AWS Systems Manager

Create service roles for Automation by using AWS CloudFormation

You can create a service role for Automation, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, from an AWS CloudFormation template. After you create the service role, you can specify the service role in runbooks using the parameter AutomationAssumeRole.

Create the service role using AWS CloudFormation

Use the following procedure to create the required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for Systems Manager Automation by using AWS CloudFormation.

To create the required IAM role
  1. Download and unzip the file. This file includes the AWS-SystemsManager-AutomationServiceRole.yaml AWS CloudFormation template file.

  2. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  3. Choose Create Stack.

  4. In the Specify template section, choose Upload a template file.

  5. Choose Browse, and then choose the AWS-SystemsManager-AutomationServiceRole.yaml AWS CloudFormation template file.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. On the Specify stack details page, in the Stack name field, enter a name.

  8. On the Configure stack options page, you don’t need to make any selections. Choose Next.

  9. On the Review page, scroll down and choose the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources option.

  10. Choose Create.

CloudFormation shows the CREATE_IN_PROGRESS status for approximately three minutes. The status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE after the stack is created and your roles are ready to use.


If you run an automation workflow that invokes other services by using an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role, be aware that the service role must be configured with permission to invoke those services. This requirement applies to all AWS Automation runbooks (AWS-* runbooks) such as the AWS-ConfigureS3BucketLogging, AWS-CreateDynamoDBBackup, and AWS-RestartEC2Instance runbooks, to name a few. This requirement also applies to any custom Automation runbooks you create that invoke other AWS services by using actions that call other services. For example, if you use the aws:executeAwsApi, aws:createStack, or aws:copyImage actions, configure the service role with permission to invoke those services. You can give permissions to other AWS services by adding an IAM inline policy to the role. For more information, see (Optional) Add an Automation inline policy or customer managed policy to invoke other AWS services.

Copy role information for Automation

Use the following procedure to copy information about the Automation service role from the AWS CloudFormation console. You must specify these roles when you use a runbook.


You don't need to copy role information using this procedure if you run the AWS-UpdateLinuxAmi or AWS-UpdateWindowsAmi runbooks. These runbooks already have the required roles specified as default values. The roles specified in these runbooks use IAM managed policies.

To copy the role names
  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  2. Select the Automation Stack name you created in the previous procedure.

  3. Choose the Resources tab.

  4. Choose the Physical ID link for AutomationServiceRole. The IAM console opens to a summary of the Automation service role.

  5. Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) next to Role ARN. The ARN is similar to the following: arn:aws:iam::12345678:role/AutomationServiceRole

  6. Paste the ARN into a text file to use later.

You have finished configuring the service role for Automation. You can now use the Automation service role ARN in your runbooks.