QualificationRequirement - Amazon Mechanical Turk



The QualificationRequirement data structure describes a Qualification that a Worker must have before the Worker is allowed to accept a HIT. A requirement may optionally state that a Worker must have the Qualification in order to preview the HIT, or see the HIT in search results.

The QualificationRequirement data structure is used as a parameter for the following operations:

  • CreateHIT

  • CreateHITType

The QualificationRequirement data structure is used in the HIT data structure.

Using Custom, System-Assigned, and Master Qualification Types

A Qualification requirement can be based on a Qualification you assign to Workers. You can create a custom Qualification type using the CreateQualificationType operation. Then you can grant requests for the Qualification automatically using a Qualification test and answer key submitted with the Qualification type, or you can grant the request manually with the AcceptQualificationRequest operation. The CreateQualificationType returns a QualificationTypeId, which you can use with the QualificationRequirement data structure to identify the type of Qualification the Worker is required to have to accept a HIT. Either the Qualification test or your call to AcceptQualificationRequest determines a Qualification value, which is compared to the requirement in the HIT to determine the Worker's eligibility.

Amazon Mechanical Turk supplies several Qualification types for use by all Requesters. Mechanical Turk system-assigned Qualification types work the same way as Qualifications that you create, except that data from the Mechanical Turk marketplace determines the Worker’s values. Every Worker has a value for each system Qualification, and these values are updated as the Worker uses the system. Additionally, Amazon Mechanical Turk also provides Master Qualification types that give you access to an elite group of Workers who have demonstrated superior performance while completing thousands of HITs across the Mechanical Turk marketplace. You can use the Master and system-assigned Qualification types by using the corresponding Qualification type ID in the QualificationTypeId element of the QualificationRequirement data structure. For a list of the Master and system-assigned IDs, see Qualification Type IDs. For more information about using a Master Qualification type, see Master Qualification.


The QualificationRequirement data structure can contain the following elements.

Name Description Value

The ID of the Qualification type for the requirement. Can be up to 255 bytes in length.

A valid QualificationType ID from a custom Qualification type you created or an ID from the list of Master and system-assigned Qualification Type IDs.


The kind of comparison to make against a Qualification's value.

You can compare a Qualification's value:

  • To an IntegerValue to see if it is LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, EqualTo, or NotEqualTo the IntegerValue.

  • To a LocaleValue to see if it is EqualTo, or NotEqualTo the LocaleValue.

  • To see if the value is In or NotIn a set of IntegerValue or LocaleValue values.

A Qualification requirement can also test if a Qualification Exists or DoesNotExist in the user's profile, regardless of its value.

LessThan | LessThanOrEqualTo | GreaterThan | GreaterThanOrEqualTo | EqualTo | NotEqualTo | Exists | DoesNotExist | In | NotIn


Array of integer values to compare against the Qualification's value.

IntegerValue must not be present if Comparator is Exists or DoesNotExist.

IntegerValue can only be used if the Qualification type has an integer value; it cannot be used with the Worker_Locale QualificationType ID, see Qualification Type IDs.

When performing a set comparison by using the In or the NotIn comparator, you can use up to 15 elements in this list. For an example of a set comparison, see Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure for Comparing Multiple Values.

An integer.


The locale value to compare against the Qualification's value. The local value must be a valid ISO 3166 country code or supports ISO 3166-2 subdivisions.

LocaleValue can only be used with a Worker_Locale QualificationType ID, see Qualification Type IDs.

LocaleValue can only be used with the EqualTo, NotEqualTo, In, and NotIn comparators.

You must only use a single LocaleValue element when using the EqualTo or NotEqualTo comparators.

When performing a set comparison by using the In or the NotIn comparator, you can use up to 30 LocaleValue elements in a QualificationRequirement data structure. For an example of a set comparison, see Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure for Comparing Multiple Values.

A Locale data structure.


Setting this attribute prevents Workers whose Qualifications do not meet this requirement from taking the specified action.

Valid arguments are:

  • Accept (worker cannot accept the HIT)

  • PreviewAndAccept (worker cannot accept or preview the HIT)

  • DiscoverPreviewAndAccept (worker cannot accept, preview, or see the HIT in their search results)

It's possible for you to create a HIT with multiple QualificationRequirements (which can have different values for the ActionGuarded attribute). In this case, the Worker is only permitted to perform an action when they have met all QualificationRequirements guarding the action. The actions in the order of least restrictive to most restrictive is Discover, Preview and Accept. For example, if a Worker meets all QualificationRequirements that are set to DiscoverPreviewAndAccept, but do not meet all requirements that are set with PreviewAndAccept, then the Worker will be able to Discover, i.e. see the HIT in their search result, but will not be able to Preview or Accept the HIT.

The default is Accept.

Accept | PreviewAndAccept | DiscoverPreviewAndAccept


DEPRECATED as of 03/29/2018 - Use the ActionsGuarded field instead.

If true, the question data for the HIT will not be shown when a Worker whose Qualifications do not meet this requirement tries to preview the HIT. That is, a Worker's Qualifications must meet all of the requirements for which RequiredToPreview is true in order to preview the HIT.

If a Worker meets all of the requirements where RequiredToPreview is true (or if there are no such requirements), but does not meet all of the requirements for the HIT, the Worker will be allowed to preview the HIT's question data, but will not be allowed to accept and complete the HIT.

The default is false.

A Boolean value, true or false

Qualification Type IDs

The following table lists the Master and system-assigned Qualification Type IDs that can be used in the QualificationTypeId element.

Name QualificationTypeId Description



Masters are Workers who have demonstrated superior performance while completing thousands of HITs across the Mechanical Turk marketplace. Masters maintain this high level of performance to keep this distinction. Set the comparator parameter to "Exists" to require that Workers have this Qualification.

Note that for this Qualification type ID, the QualificationTypeId value for the Mechanical Turk Sandbox environment is different than the value for the production environment.

Worker_​NumberHITsApproved 00000000000000000040 Specifies the total number of HITs submitted by a Worker that have been approved. The value is an integer greater than or equal to 0.
Worker_Locale 00000000000000000071

The location of the Worker, as specified in the Worker's mailing address. For more information about the locale Qualification, see the The Locale Qualification section.

Worker_Adult 00000000000000000060 Requires workers to acknowledge that they are over 18 and that they agree to work on potentially offensive content. The value type is boolean, 1 (required), 0 (not required, the default).
Worker_​PercentAssignmentsApproved 000000000000000000L0

The percentage of assignments the Worker has submitted that were subsequently approved by the Requester, over all assignments the Worker has submitted. The value is an integer between 0 and 100.

Note that a Worker's approval rate is statistically meaningless for small numbers of assignments, since a single rejection can reduce the approval rate by many percentage points. So to ensure that a new Worker's approval rate is unaffected by these statistically meaningless changes, if a Worker has submitted less than 100 assignments, the Worker's approval rate in the system is 100%.

To prevent Workers who have less than 100 approved assignments from working on your HIT, set the Worker_​NumberHITsApproved qualification type ID to a value greater than 100.

Master Qualification

You can require that Workers must have a Master Qualification to complete your HITs.

To create a Qualification requirement for Masters, specify:

  • A QualificationTypeId of 2F1QJWKUDD8XADTFD2Q0G6UTO95ALH

  • A Comparator of Exists


The Master Qualification Type ID values used for the QualificationTypeId parameter in the preceding procedures are for the production environment. The ID values to use in the Mechanical Turk Sandbox environment are listed in the Qualification Type IDs table.

Adding Adult Content

Adult content can be offensive to some people. For that reason, if your HIT is adult-oriented, we ask you to use the following procedure.

Adding Adult HITs
  1. In the HIT title, include the words "adult content."

  2. Specify the worker's qualifications in one of the following ways:

    Using the API:

    • Set the CreateHit parameter, QualificationRequirement, to the qualification type, 00000000000000000060.

    • Set comparator parameter to "EqualTo."

    • Set the IntegerValue parameter to 1 (required).

  3. Define the HIT to be private or previewed.

    This setting prevents anyone who does not qualify from seeing the HIT. To make the HIT private, use one of the following methods:

    Using the API, set the ActionsGuarded parameter to PreviewAndAccept.

    Using the command line tools, in the HIT properties file, set the private parameter, qualification.private, to TRUE.

The Locale Qualification

You can create a Qualification requirement based on the Worker's location. The Worker's location is specified by the Worker to Amazon Mechanical Turk when the Worker creates his account.

To create a Qualification requirement based on the Worker's location, specify:

  • A QualificationTypeId of 00000000000000000071

  • A Comparator of EqualTo or NotEqualTo

  • A LocaleValue that corresponds to the desired locale

To create a Qualification requirement based on the Worker being in or not in one of several locations, specify:

  • A QualificationTypeId of 00000000000000000071

  • A Comparator of In or NotIn

  • Multiple LocaleValue values that correspond to the desired locales.

For more information on the format of a LocaleValue element, see Locale data structure.


The following example shows a QualificationRequirement specifying Workers located in the state of Pennsylvania. Workers located in the state of New York (US-NY) or in the country of India (IN) do not qualify for the HITs with this QualificationRequirement.

QualificationRequirement:{ QualificationTypeId:"00000000000000000071", Comparator:"EqualTo", LocaleValues:[{ Country:"US", Subdivision:"PA" }] }

The following example shows a QualificationRequirement specifying Workers not located in the state of California. Workers located in the state of New York or in the country of India (IN) will be qualified to do HITs with this QualificationRequirement.

QualificationRequirement:{ QualificationTypeId:"00000000000000000071", Comparator:"NotEqualTo", LocaleValues:[{ Country:"US", Subdivision:"CA" }] }

Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure

The following example of a QualificationRequirement data structure could be passed in to a call to CreateHIT. CreateHIT accepts parameters that describe the HIT being created, including one or more Qualification requirements:

QualificationRequirement:{ QualificationTypeId:"789RVWYBAZW00EXAMPLE", Comparator:"GreaterThan", IntegerValues:[18] }

Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure for Comparing Multiple Values

The following example of a QualificationRequirement data structure could be passed in to a call to CreateHIT. CreateHIT accepts parameters that describe the HIT being created, including one or more Qualification requirements.

Example Request

The following example shows a QualificationRequirement data structure used in a SOAP request that uses multiple IntegerValue values when performing a set comparison by using the In comparator.

QualificationRequirement:{ QualificationTypeId:"789RVWYBAZW00EXAMPLE", Comparator:"In", IntegerValues:[10, 20, 30] }

Example—Using the QualificationRequirement Data Structure to Hide HIT from Unqualified Workers

The following example of a QualificationRequirement data structure could be passed in to a call to CreateHIT. This will hide the HIT from unqualified Workers (these Workers will not be able to accept, preview, or see the HIT in search results). CreateHIT accepts parameters that describe the HIT being created, including one or more Qualification requirements:

QualificationRequirement:{ QualificationTypeId:"789RVWYBAZW00EXAMPLE", Comparator:"Exists", ActionsGuarded:"DiscoverPreviewAndAccept" }