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Class: AWS::StorageGateway::Client

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Defined in:


Client class for AWS Storage Gateway.

Direct Known Subclasses

V20120630, V20130630

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: V20120630, V20130630

Constant Summary


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Core::Client


Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Core::Client

#initialize, #log_warning, #operations, #with_http_handler, #with_options

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from AWS::Core::Client

Instance Method Details

#activate_gateway(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the ActivateGateway API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :activation_key - required - (String) Your gateway activation key. You can obtain the activation key by sending an HTTP GET request with redirects enabled to the gateway IP address (port 80). The redirect URL returned in the response provides you the activation key for your gateway in the query string parameter activationKey. It may also include other activation-related parameters, however, these are merely defaults -- the arguments you pass to the ActivateGateway API call determine the actual configuration of your gateway.
    • :gateway_name - required - (String)
    • :gateway_timezone - required - (String) One of the values that indicates the time zone you want to set for the gateway. The time zone is used, for example, for scheduling snapshots and your gateway's maintenance schedule.
    • :gateway_region - required - (String) One of the values that indicates the region where you want to store the snapshot backups. The gateway region specified must be the same region as the region in your Host header in the request. For more information about available regions and endpoints for AWS Storage Gateway, see Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services Glossary. Valid Values: "us-east-1", "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "eu-west-1", "ap-northeast-1", "ap-southest-1", "sa-east-1"
    • :gateway_type - (String) One of the values that defines the type of gateway to activate. The type specified is critical to all later functions of the gateway and cannot be changed after activation. The default value is STORED.
    • :tape_drive_type - (String)
    • :medium_changer_type - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#add_cache(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the AddCache API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :disk_ids - required - (Array<)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#add_upload_buffer(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the AddUploadBuffer API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :disk_ids - required - (Array<)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#add_working_storage(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the AddWorkingStorage API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :disk_ids - required - (Array<)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#cancel_archival(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the CancelArchival API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :tape_arn - required - (String) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape you want to cancel archiving for.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tape_arn - (String)

#cancel_retrieval(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the CancelRetrieval API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :tape_arn - required - (String) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape you want to cancel retrieval for.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tape_arn - (String)

#create_cachedi_scsi_volume(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the CreateCachediSCSIVolume API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :volume_size_in_bytes - required - (Integer)
    • :snapshot_id - (String)
    • :target_name - required - (String)
    • :network_interface_id - required - (String)
    • :client_token - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :volume_arn - (String)
    • :target_arn - (String)

#create_snapshot(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the CreateSnapshot API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :volume_arn - required - (String)
    • :snapshot_description - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :volume_arn - (String)
    • :snapshot_id - (String)

#create_snapshot_from_volume_recovery_point(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPoint API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :volume_arn - required - (String)
    • :snapshot_description - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :snapshot_id - (String)
    • :volume_arn - (String)
    • :volume_recovery_point_time - (String)

#create_storedi_scsi_volume(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the CreateStorediSCSIVolume API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :disk_id - required - (String)
    • :snapshot_id - (String)
    • :preserve_existing_data - required - (Boolean)
    • :target_name - required - (String)
    • :network_interface_id - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :volume_arn - (String)
    • :volume_size_in_bytes - (Integer)
    • :target_arn - (String)

#create_tapes(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the CreateTapes API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String) The unique Amazon Resource Name(ARN) that represents the gateway to associate the virtual tapes with. Use the ListGateways operation to return a list of gateways for your account and region.
    • :tape_size_in_bytes - required - (Integer) The size, in bytes, of the virtual tapes you want to create. The size must be gigabyte (102410241024 byte) aligned.
    • :client_token - required - (String) A unique identifier that you use to retry a request. If you retry a request, use the same ClientToken you specified in the initial request. Using the same ClientToken prevents creating the tape multiple times.
    • :num_tapes_to_create - required - (Integer) The number of virtual tapes you want to create.
    • :tape_barcode_prefix - required - (String) A prefix you append to the barcode of the virtual tape you are creating. This makes a barcode unique. The prefix must be 1 to 4 characters in length and must be upper-case letters A-Z.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tape_ar_ns - (Array)

#delete_bandwidth_rate_limit(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteBandwidthRateLimit API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :bandwidth_type - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#delete_chap_credentials(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteChapCredentials API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :target_arn - required - (String)
    • :initiator_name - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :target_arn - (String)
    • :initiator_name - (String)

#delete_gateway(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteGateway API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#delete_snapshot_schedule(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteSnapshotSchedule API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :volume_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :volume_arn - (String)

#delete_tape(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteTape API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String) The unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway that the virtual tape to delete is associated with. Use the ListGateways operation to return a list of gateways for your account and region.
    • :tape_arn - required - (String) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape to delete.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tape_arn - (String)

#delete_tape_archive(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteTapeArchive API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :tape_arn - required - (String) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape to delete from the virtual tape shelf (VTS).


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tape_arn - (String)

#delete_volume(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DeleteVolume API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :volume_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :volume_arn - (String)

#describe_bandwidth_rate_limit(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeBandwidthRateLimit API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :average_upload_rate_limit_in_bits_per_sec - (Integer)
    • :average_download_rate_limit_in_bits_per_sec - (Integer)

#describe_cache(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeCache API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :disk_ids - (Array)
    • :cache_allocated_in_bytes - (Integer)
    • :cache_used_percentage - (Numeric)
    • :cache_dirty_percentage - (Numeric)
    • :cache_hit_percentage - (Numeric)
    • :cache_miss_percentage - (Numeric)

#describe_cachedi_scsi_volumes(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :volume_ar_ns - required - (Array<)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :cachedi_scsi_volumes - (Array)
      • :volume_arn - (String)
      • :volume_id - (String)
      • :volume_type - (String)
      • :volume_status - (String)
      • :volume_size_in_bytes - (Integer)
      • :volume_progress - (Numeric)
      • :source_snapshot_id - (String)
      • :volumei_scsi_attributes - (Hash)
        • :target_arn - (String)
        • :network_interface_id - (String)
        • :network_interface_port - (Integer)
        • :lun_number - (Integer)
        • :chap_enabled - (Boolean)

#describe_chap_credentials(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeChapCredentials API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :target_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :chap_credentials - (Array)
      • :target_arn - (String)
      • :secret_to_authenticate_initiator - (String)
      • :initiator_name - (String)
      • :secret_to_authenticate_target - (String)

#describe_gateway_information(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeGatewayInformation API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :gateway_id - (String)
    • :gateway_timezone - (String)
    • :gateway_state - (String)
    • :gateway_network_interfaces - (Array)
      • :ipv_4_address - (String)
      • :mac_address - (String)
      • :ipv_6_address - (String)
    • :gateway_type - (String)
    • :next_update_availability_date - (String)

#describe_maintenance_start_time(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeMaintenanceStartTime API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :hour_of_day - (Integer)
    • :minute_of_hour - (Integer)
    • :day_of_week - (Integer)
    • :timezone - (String)

#describe_snapshot_schedule(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeSnapshotSchedule API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :volume_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :volume_arn - (String)
    • :start_at - (Integer)
    • :recurrence_in_hours - (Integer)
    • :description - (String)
    • :timezone - (String)

#describe_storedi_scsi_volumes(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :volume_ar_ns - required - (Array<)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :storedi_scsi_volumes - (Array)
      • :volume_arn - (String)
      • :volume_id - (String)
      • :volume_type - (String)
      • :volume_status - (String)
      • :volume_size_in_bytes - (Integer)
      • :volume_progress - (Numeric)
      • :volume_disk_id - (String)
      • :source_snapshot_id - (String)
      • :preserved_existing_data - (Boolean)
      • :volumei_scsi_attributes - (Hash)
        • :target_arn - (String)
        • :network_interface_id - (String)
        • :network_interface_port - (Integer)
        • :lun_number - (Integer)
        • :chap_enabled - (Boolean)

#describe_tape_archives(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeTapeArchives API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :tape_ar_ns - (Array<) Specifies one or more unique Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) that represent the virtual tapes you want to describe.
    • :marker - (String) An opaque string that indicates the position at which to begin describing virtual tapes.
    • :limit - (Integer) Specifies that the number of virtual tapes descried be limited to the specified number.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tape_archives - (Array)
      • :tape_arn - (String)
      • :tape_barcode - (String)
      • :tape_size_in_bytes - (Integer)
      • :completion_time - (Time)
      • :retrieved_to - (String)
      • :tape_status - (String)
    • :marker - (String)

#describe_tape_recovery_points(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeTapeRecoveryPoints API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :marker - (String) An opaque string that indicates the position at which to begin describing the virtual tape recovery points.
    • :limit - (Integer) Specifies that the number of virtual tape recovery points that are described be limited to the specified number.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :tape_recovery_point_infos - (Array)
      • :tape_arn - (String)
      • :tape_recovery_point_time - (Time)
      • :tape_size_in_bytes - (Integer)
      • :tape_status - (String)
    • :marker - (String)

#describe_tapes(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeTapes API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :tape_ar_ns - (Array<) Specifies one or more unique Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) that represent the virtual tapes you want to describe. If this parameter is not specified, AWS Storage Gateway returns a description of all virtual tapes associated with the specified gateway.
    • :marker - (String) A marker value, obtained in a previous call to DescribeTapes. This marker indicates which page of results to retrieve. If not specified, the first page of results is retrieved.
    • :limit - (Integer) Specifies that the number of virtual tapes described be limited to the specified number. Amazon Web Services may impose its own limit, if this field is not set.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tapes - (Array)
      • :tape_arn - (String)
      • :tape_barcode - (String)
      • :tape_size_in_bytes - (Integer)
      • :tape_status - (String)
      • :vtl_device - (String)
      • :progress - (Numeric)
    • :marker - (String)

#describe_upload_buffer(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeUploadBuffer API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :disk_ids - (Array)
    • :upload_buffer_used_in_bytes - (Integer)
    • :upload_buffer_allocated_in_bytes - (Integer)

#describe_vtl_devices(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeVTLDevices API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :vtl_device_ar_ns - (Array<) An array of strings, where each string represents the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a VTL device. All of the specified VTL devices must be from the same gateway. If no VTL devices are specified, the result will contain all devices on the specified gateway.
    • :marker - (String) An opaque string that indicates the position at which to begin describing the VTL devices.
    • :limit - (Integer) Specifies that the number of VTL devices described be limited to the specified number.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :vtl_devices - (Array)
      • :vtl_device_arn - (String)
      • :vtl_device_type - (String)
      • :vtl_device_vendor - (String)
      • :vtl_device_product_identifier - (String)
      • :devicei_scsi_attributes - (Hash)
        • :target_arn - (String)
        • :network_interface_id - (String)
        • :network_interface_port - (Integer)
        • :chap_enabled - (Boolean)
    • :marker - (String)

#describe_working_storage(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DescribeWorkingStorage API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :disk_ids - (Array)
    • :working_storage_used_in_bytes - (Integer)
    • :working_storage_allocated_in_bytes - (Integer)

#disable_gateway(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the DisableGateway API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#list_gateways(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the ListGateways API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :marker - (String)
    • :limit - (Integer)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateways - (Array)
      • :gateway_arn - (String)
      • :gateway_type - (String)
      • :gateway_operational_state - (String)
    • :marker - (String)

#list_local_disks(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the ListLocalDisks API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :disks - (Array)
      • :disk_id - (String)
      • :disk_path - (String)
      • :disk_node - (String)
      • :disk_size_in_bytes - (Integer)
      • :disk_allocation_type - (String)
      • :disk_allocation_resource - (String)

#list_volume_recovery_points(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the ListVolumeRecoveryPoints API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :volume_recovery_point_infos - (Array)
      • :volume_arn - (String)
      • :volume_size_in_bytes - (Integer)
      • :volume_usage_in_bytes - (Integer)
      • :volume_recovery_point_time - (String)

#list_volumes(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the ListVolumes API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :marker - (String)
    • :limit - (Integer)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)
    • :marker - (String)
    • :volume_infos - (Array)
      • :volume_arn - (String)
      • :volume_type - (String)

#retrieve_tape_archive(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the RetrieveTapeArchive API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :tape_arn - required - (String) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape you want to retrieve from the virtual tape shelf (VTS).
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway you want to retrieve the virtual tape to. Use the ListGateways operation to return a list of gateways for your account and region. You retrieve archived virtual tapes to only one gateway and the gateway must be a gateway-VTL.


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tape_arn - (String)

#retrieve_tape_recovery_point(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the RetrieveTapeRecoveryPoint API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :tape_arn - required - (String) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the virtual tape for which you want to retrieve the recovery point.
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :tape_arn - (String)

#shutdown_gateway(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the ShutdownGateway API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#start_gateway(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the StartGateway API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#update_bandwidth_rate_limit(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the UpdateBandwidthRateLimit API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :average_upload_rate_limit_in_bits_per_sec - (Integer)
    • :average_download_rate_limit_in_bits_per_sec - (Integer)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#update_chap_credentials(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the UpdateChapCredentials API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :target_arn - required - (String)
    • :secret_to_authenticate_initiator - required - (String)
    • :initiator_name - required - (String)
    • :secret_to_authenticate_target - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :target_arn - (String)
    • :initiator_name - (String)

#update_gateway_information(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the UpdateGatewayInformation API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :gateway_name - (String)
    • :gateway_timezone - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#update_gateway_software_now(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#update_maintenance_start_time(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the UpdateMaintenanceStartTime API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :gateway_arn - required - (String)
    • :hour_of_day - required - (Integer)
    • :minute_of_hour - required - (Integer)
    • :day_of_week - required - (Integer)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :gateway_arn - (String)

#update_snapshot_schedule(options = {}) ⇒ Core::Response

Calls the UpdateSnapshotSchedule API operation.


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})
    • :volume_arn - required - (String)
    • :start_at - required - (Integer)
    • :recurrence_in_hours - required - (Integer)
    • :description - (String)


  • (Core::Response)

    The #data method of the response object returns a hash with the following structure:

    • :volume_arn - (String)