Amazon ECS container metadata file - Amazon Elastic Container Service

Amazon ECS container metadata file

Beginning with version 1.15.0 of the Amazon ECS container agent, various container metadata is available within your containers or the host container instance. By enabling this feature, you can query the information about a task, container, and container instance from within the container or the host container instance. The metadata file is created on the host instance and mounted in the container as a Docker volume and therefore is not available when a task is hosted on AWS Fargate.

The container metadata file is cleaned up on the host instance when the container is cleaned up. You can adjust when this happens with the ECS_ENGINE_TASK_CLEANUP_WAIT_DURATION container agent variable. For more information, see Automatic Amazon ECS task and image clean up.

Container metadata file locations

By default, the container metadata file is written to the following host and container paths.

  • For Linux instances:

    • Host path: /var/lib/ecs/data/metadata/cluster_name/task_id/container_name/ecs-container-metadata.json


      The Linux host path assumes that the default data directory mount path (/var/lib/ecs/data) is used when the agent is started. If you are not using an Amazon ECS-optimized AMI (or the ecs-init package to start and maintain the container agent), be sure to set the ECS_HOST_DATA_DIR agent configuration variable to the host path where the container agent's state file is located. For more information, see Amazon ECS container agent configuration.

    • Container path: /opt/ecs/metadata/random_ID/ecs-container-metadata.json

  • For Windows instances:

    • Host path: C:\ProgramData\Amazon\ECS\data\metadata\task_id\container_name\ecs-container-metadata.json

    • Container path: C:\ProgramData\Amazon\ECS\metadata\random_ID\ecs-container-metadata.json

However, for easy access, the container metadata file location is set to the ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_FILE environment variable inside the container. You can read the file contents from inside the container with the following command:

  • For Linux instances:

  • For Windows instances (PowerShell):

    Get-Content -path $env:ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_FILE