View tags on a cluster - Amazon EMR

View tags on a cluster

If you want to see all tags associated with a cluster, you can view them with the console or the AWS CLI.

To view tags on a cluster with the new console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Under EMR on EC2 in the left navigation pane, choose Clusters, and select the cluster that you want to update.

  3. To view all of your tags, select the Tags tab on the cluster details page.

To view tags on a cluster with the AWS CLI

To view the tags on a cluster using the AWS CLI, type the describe-cluster subcommand with the --query parameter.

  • To view a cluster's tags, type the following command and replace j-KT4XXXXXXXX1NM with your cluster ID.

    aws emr describe-cluster --cluster-id j-KT4XXXXXX1NM --query Cluster.Tags

    The output displays all the tag information about the cluster similar to the following:

    Value: accounting Value: marketing Key: other Key: costCenter

    For more information on using Amazon EMR commands in the AWS CLI, see