Listing Amazon MQ brokers and viewing broker details - Amazon MQ

Listing Amazon MQ brokers and viewing broker details

When you request that Amazon MQ create a broker, the creation process can take about 15 minutes.

The following example shows how you can confirm your broker's existence by listing your brokers in the current region using the AWS Management Console.

To list brokers and view broker details

  1. Sign in to the Amazon MQ console.

    Your brokers in the current region are listed.

    The following information is displayed for each broker:

  2. Choose your broker's name .

    For ActiveMQ brokers, on the MyBroker page, the configured Details are displayed for your broker:

    For Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ brokers, you can view your selected settings on the MyBroker2 page, under the Detailssection as shown in the following.

    Under the Details section, the following information is displayed:

    • In the Connections section, for Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ brokers, the web console URL and the wire-level protocol endpoints.

      In the Connections section, for Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ brokers, the web console URL and the secure AMQP endpoint.

    • For Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ brokers, in the Users section, the users associated with the broker


      Managing users via the AWS Management Console and the Amazon MQ API is not supported for Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ brokers.