Configuring build settings - AWS Amplify Hosting

Configuring build settings

When you deploy an app with Amplify Hosting, it automatically detects the front end framework and associated build settings by inspecting the package.json file in your repository. You have the following options for storing your app's build settings:

  • Save the build settings in the Amplify console - The Amplify console autodetects build settings and saves them so that they can be accessed via the Amplify console. Amplify applies these settings to all of your branches unless there is an amplify.yml file stored in your repository.

  • Save the build settings in your repository - Download the amplify.yml file and add it to the root of your repository.

You can edit an app's build settings in the Amplify console by choosing App settings, Build settings. The build settings are applied to all the branches in your app, except for the branches that have an amplify.yml file saved in the repository.


Build settings is visible in the Amplify console's App settings menu only when an app is set up for continuous deployment and connected to a git repository. For instructions on this type of deployment, see Getting started with existing code.

Build specification commands and settings

The build specification YAML contains a collection of build commands and related settings that Amplify uses to run your build. The following list describes these settings and how they are used.


The Amplify YAML version number.


The path within the repository that this application resides in. Ignored unless multiple applications are defined.


Add environment variables to this section. You can also add environment variables using the console.


Run Amplify CLI commands to provision a backend, update Lambda functions, or GraphQL schemas as part of continuous deployment. Learn how to deploy a backend with your frontend.


Run frontend build commands.


Run commands during a test phase. Learn how to add tests to your app.

build phases

The frontend, backend, and test have three phases that represent the commands run during each sequence of the build.

  • preBuild - The preBuild script runs before the actual build starts, but after Amplify installs dependencies.

  • build - Your build commands.

  • postBuild - The post-build script runs after the build has finished and Amplify has copied all the necessary artifacts to the output directory.


The path to use to run the build. Amplify uses this path to locate your build artifacts. If you don't specify a path, Amplify uses the monorepo app root, for example apps/app.


The directory in which your build artifacts exist.


Specify files from your artifacts you want to deploy. Enter **/* to include all files.


The buildspec’s cache field is used to cache build-time dependencies such as the node_modules folder, and is automatically suggested based on the package manager and framework that the customer’s app is built in. During the first build, any paths here are cached, and on subsequent builds we re-inflate the cache and use those cached dependencies where possible to speed up build time.

The following example build specification demonstrates the basic YAML syntax:

version: 1 env: variables: key: value backend: phases: preBuild: commands: - *enter command* build: commands: - *enter command* postBuild: commands: - *enter command* frontend: buildpath: phases: preBuild: commands: - cd react-app - npm ci build: commands: - npm run build artifacts: files: - location - location discard-paths: yes baseDirectory: location cache: paths: - path - path test: phases: preTest: commands: - *enter command* test: commands: - *enter command* postTest: commands: - *enter command* artifacts: files: - location - location configFilePath: *location* baseDirectory: *location*

Branch-specific build settings

You can use bash shell scripting to set branch-specific build settings. For example, the following script uses the system environment variable $AWS_BRANCH to execute one set of commands if the branch name is main and a different set of commands if the branch name is dev.

frontend: phases: build: commands: - if [ "${AWS_BRANCH}" = "main" ]; then echo "main branch"; fi - if [ "${AWS_BRANCH}" = "dev" ]; then echo "dev branch"; fi

For monorepos, users want to be able to cd into a folder to run the build. After you run the cd command, it applies to all stages of your build so you don’t need to repeat the command in separate phases.

version: 1 env: variables: key: value frontend: phases: preBuild: commands: - cd react-app - npm ci build: commands: - npm run build

Deploying the backend with the front end

The amplifyPush command is a helper script that helps you with backend deployments. The build settings below automatically determine the correct backend environment to deploy for the current branch.

version: 1 env: variables: key: value backend: phases: build: commands: - amplifyPush --simple

Setting the output folder

The following build settings set the output directory to the public folder.

frontend: phases: commands: build: - yarn run build artifacts: baseDirectory: public

Installing packages as part of a build

You can use the npm or yarn commands to install packages during the build.

frontend: phases: build: commands: - npm install -g <package> - <package> deploy - yarn run build artifacts: baseDirectory: public

Using a private npm registry

You can add references to a private registry in your build settings or add it as an environment variable.

build: phases: preBuild: commands: - npm config set <key> <value> - npm config set registry - npm config set always-auth true - npm config set email - yarn install

Installing OS packages

Amplify's AL2023 image runs your code with a non-privileged user named amplify. Amplify grants this user privileges to run OS commands using the Linux sudo command. If you want to install OS packages for missing dependencies, you can use commands such as yum and rpm with sudo.

The following example build section demonstrates the syntax for installing an OS package using the sudo command.

build: phases: preBuild: commands: - sudo yum install -y <package>

Key-value storage for every build

The envCache provides key-value storage at build time. Values stored in the envCache can only be modified during a build and can be re-used at the next build. Using the envCache, we can store information on the deployed environment and make it available to the build container in successive builds. Unlike values stored in the envCache, changes to environment variables during a build are not persisted to future builds.

Example usage:

envCache --set <key> <value> envCache --get <key>

Skip build for a commit

To skip an automatic build on a particular commit, include the text [skip-cd] at the end of the commit message.

Disable automatic builds

You can configure Amplify to disable automatic builds on every code commit. To set up, choose App settings, General, and then scroll to the Branches section that lists the connected branches. Select a branch, and then choose Action, Disable auto build. Further commits to that branch will no longer trigger a new build.

Enable or disable diff based frontend build and deploy

You can configure Amplify to use diff based frontend builds. If enabled, at the start of each build Amplify attempts to run a diff on either your appRoot, or the /src/ folder by default. If Amplify doesn't find any differences, it skips the frontend build, test (if configured), and deploy steps, and does not update your hosted app.

To configure diff based frontend build and deploy
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console.

  2. Choose the app to configure diff based frontend build and deploy for.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose App settings, Environment variables.

  4. In the Environment variables section, choose Manage variables.

  5. The procedure for configuring the environment variable varies depending on whether you are enabling or disabling diff based frontend build and deploy.

    • To enable diff based frontend build and deploy

      1. In the Manage variables section, under Variable, enter AMPLIFY_DIFF_DEPLOY.

      2. For Value, enter true.

    • To disable diff based frontend build and deploy

      1. Do one of the following:

        • In the Manage variables section, locate AMPLIFY_DIFF_DEPLOY. For Value, enter false.

        • Remove the AMPLIFY_DIFF_DEPLOY environment variable.

  6. Choose Save.

Optionally, you can set the AMPLIFY_DIFF_DEPLOY_ROOT environment variable to override the default path with a path relative to the root of your repo, such as dist.

Enable or disable diff based backend builds

You can configure Amplify Hosting to use diff based backend builds using the AMPLIFY_DIFF_BACKEND environment variable. When you enable diff based backend builds, at the start of each build Amplify attempts to run a diff on the amplify folder in your repository. If Amplify doesn't find any differences, it skips the backend build step, and doesn't update your backend resources. If your project doesn't have an amplify folder in your repository, Amplify ignores the value of the AMPLIFY_DIFF_BACKEND environment variable.

If you currently have custom commands specified in the build settings of your backend phase, conditional backend builds won't work. If you want those custom commands to run, you must move them to the frontend phase of your build settings in your app's amplify.yml file.

To configure diff based backend builds
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console.

  2. Choose the app to configure diff based backend builds for.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose App settings, Environment variables.

  4. In the Environment variables section, choose Manage variables.

  5. The procedure for configuring the environment variable varies depending on whether you are enabling or disabling diff based backend builds.

    • To enable diff based backend builds

      1. In the Manage variables section, under Variable, enter AMPLIFY_DIFF_BACKEND.

      2. For Value, enter true.

    • To disable diff based backend builds

      1. Do one of the following:

        • In the Manage variables section, locate AMPLIFY_DIFF_BACKEND. For Value, enter false.

        • Remove the AMPLIFY_DIFF_BACKEND environment variable.

  6. Choose Save.