Example configurations - AWS AppConfig

Example configurations

Use AWS AppConfig, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, to create, manage, and quickly deploy application configurations. A configuration is a collection of settings that influence the behavior of your application. Here are some examples.

Feature flag configuration

The following feature flag configuration enables or disables mobile payments and default payments on a per-region basis.

{ "allow_mobile_payments": { "enabled": false }, "default_payments_per_region": { "enabled": true } }
--- allow_mobile_payments: enabled: false default_payments_per_region: enabled: true

Operational configuration

The following freeform configuration enforces limits on how an application processes requests.

{ "throttle-limits": { "enabled": "true", "throttles": [ { "simultaneous_connections": 12 }, { "tps_maximum": 5000 } ], "limit-background-tasks": [ true ] } }
--- throttle-limits: enabled: 'true' throttles: - simultaneous_connections: 12 - tps_maximum: 5000 limit-background-tasks: - true

Access control list configuration

The following access control list freeform configuration specifies which users or groups can access an application.

{ "allow-list": { "enabled": "true", "cohorts": [ { "internal_employees": true }, { "beta_group": false }, { "recent_new_customers": false }, { "user_name": "Jane_Doe" }, { "user_name": "John_Doe" } ] } }
--- allow-list: enabled: 'true' cohorts: - internal_employees: true - beta_group: false - recent_new_customers: false - user_name: Jane_Doe - user_name: Ashok_Kumar