This API documentation for the AWS SDK for PHP documents every namespace, class, and method in the SDK and its required dependencies. More importantly, it describes each of the services' APIs, including the parameter and result structures for each operation, so you can see how to use the operations in your PHP code. To view the API documentation for a particular service, look in the table below. To view API documentation for various classes in the SDK, use the namespace and class trees in the left sidebar.
Service APIs
Table of Contents
- AccessAnalyzer
- Account
- Acm
- Amplify
- AmplifyBackend
- AmplifyUIBuilder
- Api
- ApiGateway
- ApiGatewayManagementApi
- ApiGatewayV2
- AppConfig
- AppConfigData
- AppFabric
- Appflow
- AppIntegrationsService
- ApplicationAutoScaling
- ApplicationCostProfiler
- ApplicationDiscoveryService
- ApplicationInsights
- ApplicationSignals
- AppMesh
- AppRegistry
- AppRunner
- Appstream
- AppSync
- AppTest
- ARCZonalShift
- Arn
- Artifact
- Athena
- AuditManager
- AugmentedAIRuntime
- Auth
- AutoScaling
- AutoScalingPlans
- B2bi
- Backup
- BackupGateway
- BackupSearch
- Batch
- BCMDataExports
- BCMPricingCalculator
- Bedrock
- BedrockAgent
- BedrockAgentRuntime
- BedrockDataAutomation
- BedrockDataAutomationRuntime
- BedrockRuntime
- Billing
- BillingConductor
- Braket
- Budgets
- Chatbot
- Chime
- ChimeSDKIdentity
- ChimeSDKMediaPipelines
- ChimeSDKMeetings
- ChimeSDKMessaging
- ChimeSDKVoice
- CleanRooms
- CleanRoomsML
- ClientSideMonitoring
- Cloud9
- CloudControlApi
- CloudDirectory
- CloudFormation
- CloudFront
- CloudFrontKeyValueStore
- CloudHsm
- CloudHSMV2
- CloudSearch
- CloudSearchDomain
- CloudTrail
- CloudTrailData
- CloudWatch
- CloudWatchEvents
- CloudWatchEvidently
- CloudWatchLogs
- CloudWatchRUM
- CodeArtifact
- CodeBuild
- CodeCatalyst
- CodeCommit
- CodeConnections
- CodeDeploy
- CodeGuruProfiler
- CodeGuruReviewer
- CodeGuruSecurity
- CodePipeline
- CodeStarconnections
- CodeStarNotifications
- CognitoIdentity
- CognitoIdentityProvider
- CognitoSync
- Comprehend
- ComprehendMedical
- ComputeOptimizer
- ConfigService
- Configuration
- Connect
- ConnectCampaignService
- ConnectCampaignsV2
- ConnectCases
- ConnectContactLens
- ConnectParticipant
- ConnectWisdomService
- ControlCatalog
- ControlTower
- CostandUsageReportService
- CostExplorer
- CostOptimizationHub
- Credentials
- Crypto
- CustomerProfiles
- DatabaseMigrationService
- DataExchange
- DataPipeline
- DataSync
- DataZone
- Deadline
- DefaultsMode
- Detective
- DeviceFarm
- DevOpsGuru
- DirectConnect
- DirectoryService
- DirectoryServiceData
- DocDB
- DocDBElastic
- drs
- DynamoDb
- DynamoDbStreams
- Ec2
- EC2InstanceConnect
- Ecr
- ECRPublic
- Ecs
- Efs
- EKSAuth
- ElastiCache
- ElasticBeanstalk
- ElasticLoadBalancing
- ElasticLoadBalancingV2
- ElasticsearchService
- ElasticTranscoder
- Emr
- EMRContainers
- EMRServerless
- Endpoint
- EndpointDiscovery
- EndpointV2
- EntityResolution
- EventBridge
- Exception
- finspace
- FinSpaceData
- Firehose
- ForecastQueryService
- ForecastService
- FraudDetector
- FreeTier
- FSx
- GameLift
- GameLiftStreams
- GeoMaps
- GeoPlaces
- GeoRoutes
- Glacier
- GlobalAccelerator
- Glue
- GlueDataBrew
- Greengrass
- GreengrassV2
- GroundStation
- GuardDuty
- Handler
- Health
- HealthLake
- Iam
- Identity
- IdentityStore
- imagebuilder
- ImportExport
- Inspector
- Inspector2
- InspectorScan
- InternetMonitor
- Invoicing
- Iot
- IoTAnalytics
- IotDataPlane
- IoTDeviceAdvisor
- IoTEvents
- IoTEventsData
- IoTFleetHub
- IoTFleetWise
- IoTJobsDataPlane
- IoTManagedIntegrations
- IoTSecureTunneling
- IoTSiteWise
- IoTThingsGraph
- IoTTwinMaker
- IoTWireless
- ivschat
- IVSRealTime
- Kafka
- KafkaConnect
- kendra
- KendraRanking
- Keyspaces
- Kinesis
- KinesisAnalytics
- KinesisAnalyticsV2
- KinesisVideo
- KinesisVideoArchivedMedia
- KinesisVideoMedia
- KinesisVideoSignalingChannels
- KinesisVideoWebRTCStorage
- Kms
- LakeFormation
- Lambda
- LaunchWizard
- LexModelBuildingService
- LexModelsV2
- LexRuntimeService
- LexRuntimeV2
- LicenseManager
- LicenseManagerLinuxSubscriptions
- LicenseManagerUserSubscriptions
- Lightsail
- LocationService
- LookoutEquipment
- LookoutforVision
- LookoutMetrics
- MachineLearning
- Macie2
- MailManager
- MainframeModernization
- ManagedBlockchain
- ManagedBlockchainQuery
- ManagedGrafana
- MarketplaceAgreement
- MarketplaceCatalog
- MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics
- MarketplaceDeployment
- MarketplaceEntitlementService
- MarketplaceMetering
- MarketplaceReporting
- MediaConnect
- MediaConvert
- MediaLive
- MediaPackage
- MediaPackageV2
- MediaPackageVod
- MediaStore
- MediaStoreData
- MediaTailor
- MedicalImaging
- MemoryDB
- mgn
- MigrationHub
- MigrationHubConfig
- MigrationHubOrchestrator
- MigrationHubRefactorSpaces
- MigrationHubStrategyRecommendations
- MQ
- MTurk
- Multipart
- Neptune
- Neptunedata
- NeptuneGraph
- NetworkFirewall
- NetworkFlowMonitor
- NetworkManager
- NetworkMonitor
- Notifications
- NotificationsContacts
- ObservabilityAdmin
- Omics
- OpenSearchServerless
- OpenSearchService
- OpsWorks
- OpsWorksCM
- Organizations
- Outposts
- Panorama
- PartnerCentralSelling
- PaymentCryptography
- PaymentCryptographyData
- PcaConnectorAd
- PcaConnectorScep
- Personalize
- PersonalizeEvents
- PersonalizeRuntime
- PI
- Pinpoint
- PinpointEmail
- PinpointSMSVoice
- PinpointSMSVoiceV2
- Pipes
- Polly
- Pricing
- PrivateNetworks
- PrometheusService
- Proton
- QApps
- QBusiness
- QConnect
- QLDBSession
- QuickSight
- Rds
- RDSDataService
- RecycleBin
- Redshift
- RedshiftDataAPIService
- RedshiftServerless
- Rekognition
- Repostspace
- ResilienceHub
- ResourceExplorer2
- ResourceGroups
- ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI
- Retry
- RoboMaker
- RolesAnywhere
- Route53
- Route53Domains
- Route53Profiles
- Route53RecoveryCluster
- Route53RecoveryControlConfig
- Route53RecoveryReadiness
- Route53Resolver
- S3
- S3Control
- S3Outposts
- S3Tables
- SageMaker
- SagemakerEdgeManager
- SageMakerFeatureStoreRuntime
- SageMakerGeospatial
- SageMakerMetrics
- SageMakerRuntime
- SavingsPlans
- Scheduler
- Schemas
- Script
- SecretsManager
- SecurityHub
- SecurityIR
- SecurityLake
- ServerlessApplicationRepository
- ServiceCatalog
- ServiceDiscovery
- ServiceQuotas
- Ses
- SesV2
- Sfn
- Shield
- Signature
- signer
- SimSpaceWeaver
- Sms
- SnowBall
- SnowDeviceManagement
- Sns
- SocialMessaging
- Sqs
- Ssm
- SSMContacts
- SSMIncidents
- SSMQuickSetup
- SsmSap
- SSOAdmin
- StorageGateway
- Sts
- SupplyChain
- Support
- SupportApp
- Swf
- Synthetics
- TaxSettings
- Textract
- TimestreamInfluxDB
- TimestreamQuery
- TimestreamWrite
- Tnb
- Token
- TranscribeService
- Transfer
- Translate
- TrustedAdvisor
- VerifiedPermissions
- VoiceID
- VPCLattice
- Waf
- WafRegional
- WellArchitected
- WorkDocs
- WorkMail
- WorkMailMessageFlow
- WorkSpaces
- WorkSpacesThinClient
- WorkSpacesWeb
- XRay
- AwsClientInterface
- Represents an AWS client.
- CacheInterface
- Represents a simple cache interface.
- CommandInterface
- A command object encapsulates the input parameters used to control the creation of a HTTP request and processing of a HTTP response.
- ConfigurationProviderInterface
- HashInterface
- Interface that allows implementing various incremental hashes.
- MonitoringEventsInterface
- Interface for adding and retrieving client-side monitoring events
- ResponseContainerInterface
- ResultInterface
- Represents an AWS result object that is returned from executing an operation.
- AbstractConfigurationProvider
- A configuration provider is a function that returns a promise that is fulfilled with a configuration object. This class provides base functionality usable by specific configuration provider implementations
- AwsClient
- Default AWS client implementation
- Command
- AWS command object.
- CommandPool
- Sends and iterator of commands concurrently using a capped pool size.
- DoctrineCacheAdapter
- HandlerList
- Builds a single handler function from zero or more middleware functions and a handler. The handler function is then used to send command objects and return a promise that is resolved with an AWS result object.
- HashingStream
- Stream decorator that calculates a rolling hash of the stream as it is read.
- History
- Represents a history container that is required when using the history middleware.
- LruArrayCache
- Simple in-memory LRU cache that limits the number of cached entries.
- Middleware
- MockHandler
- Returns promises that are rejected or fulfilled using a queue of Aws\ResultInterface and Aws\Exception\AwsException objects.
- MultiRegionClient
- PhpHash
- Incremental hashing using PHP's hash functions.
- Psr16CacheAdapter
- PsrCacheAdapter
- Result
- AWS result.
- ResultPaginator
- Iterator that yields each page of results of a pageable operation.
- Sdk
- Builds AWS clients based on configuration settings.
- TraceMiddleware
- Traces state changes between middlewares.
- UserAgentMiddleware
- Builds and injects the user agent header values.
- Waiter
- "Waiters" are associated with an AWS resource (e.g., EC2 instance), and poll that resource and until it is in a particular state.
- WrappedHttpHandler
- Converts an HTTP handler into a Command HTTP handler.
- AwsClientTrait
- A trait providing generic functionality for interacting with Amazon Web Services. This is meant to be used in classes implementing \Aws\AwsClientInterface
- HasDataTrait
- Trait implementing ToArrayInterface, \ArrayAccess, \Countable, and \IteratorAggregate
- HasMonitoringEventsTrait
- constantly() : callable
- Returns a function that always returns the same value;
- filter() : Generator
- Filters values that do not satisfy the predicate function $pred.
- map() : Generator
- Applies a map function $f to each value in a collection.
- flatmap() : Generator
- Creates a generator that iterates over a sequence, then iterates over each value in the sequence and yields the application of the map function to each value.
- partition() : Generator
- Partitions the input sequence into partitions of the specified size.
- or_chain() : callable
- Returns a function that invokes the provided variadic functions one after the other until one of the functions returns a non-null value.
- load_compiled_json() : mixed
- Loads a compiled JSON file from a PHP file.
- clear_compiled_json() : mixed
- No-op
- dir_iterator() : Generator
- Iterates over the files in a directory and works with custom wrappers.
- recursive_dir_iterator() : Generator
- Returns a recursive directory iterator that yields absolute filenames.
- describe_type() : string
- Debug function used to describe the provided value type and class.
- default_http_handler() : callable
- Creates a default HTTP handler based on the available clients.
- default_user_agent() : string
- Gets the default user agent string depending on the Guzzle version
- serialize() : RequestInterface
- Serialize a request for a command but do not send it.
- manifest() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Retrieves data for a service from the SDK's service manifest file.
- is_valid_hostname() : bool
- Checks if supplied parameter is a valid hostname
- is_valid_hostlabel() : bool
- Checks if supplied parameter is a valid host label
- parse_ini_file() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Ignores '#' full line comments, which parse_ini_file no longer does in PHP 7+.
- boolean_value() : bool|null
- Outputs boolean value of input for a select range of possible values, null otherwise
- parse_ini_section_with_subsections() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Parses ini sections with subsections (i.e. the service section)
- is_valid_epoch() : bool
- Checks if an input is a valid epoch time
- is_fips_pseudo_region() : bool
- Checks if an input is a fips pseudo region
- strip_fips_pseudo_regions() : string
- Returns a region without a fips label
- is_associative() : bool
- Checks if an array is associative