Configuring Domain Endpoint Options in Amazon CloudSearch - Amazon CloudSearch

Configuring Domain Endpoint Options in Amazon CloudSearch

Amazon CloudSearch domains let you require that all traffic to the domain arrive over HTTPS. This security feature helps you block clients that send unencrypted requests to the domain.

Configuring Domain Endpoint Options Using the Amazon CloudSearch Console

To configure a search domain's endpoint options
  1. Within the Amazon CloudSearch console, choose the name of your domain to open its settings.

  2. Under Domain configuration, choose Edit next to HTTPS options.

  3. Enable Toggle HTTPS options.

  4. Choose Submit.

Configuring Domain Endpoint Options Using the AWS CLI

Use the aws cloudsearch update-domain-endpoint-options command. For more information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Configuring Domain Endpoint Options Using the AWS SDKs

The AWS SDKs (except the Android and iOS SDKs) support all of the Amazon CloudSearch actions defined in the Amazon CloudSearch Configuration API, including DescribeDomainEndpointOptions and UpdateDomainEndpointOptions. For more information about installing and using the AWS SDKs, see AWS Software Development Kits.