Manually remove on-premises instance tags from an on-premises instance - AWS CodeDeploy

Manually remove on-premises instance tags from an on-premises instance

Typically, you remove an on-premises instance tag from an on-premises instance when that tag is no longer being used, or you want to remove the on-premises instance from any deployment groups that rely on that tag. You can use the AWS CLI or the AWS CodeDeploy console to remove on-premises instance tags from on-premises instances.

You do not need to remove the on-premises instance tags from an on-premises instance before you deregister it.

Manually removing on-premises instance tags from an on-premises instance does not deregister the instance. It does not uninstall the CodeDeploy agent from the instance. It does not remove the configuration file from the instance. It does not delete the IAM user associated with the instance.

To automatically deregister the on-premises instance, see Automatically deregister an on-premises instance.

To manually deregister the on-premises instance, see Manually deregister an on-premises instance.

To automatically uninstall the CodeDeploy agent and remove the configuration file from the on-premises instance, see Automatically uninstall the CodeDeploy agent and remove the configuration file from an on-premises instance.

To manually uninstall just the CodeDeploy agent from the on-premises instance, see Managing CodeDeploy agent operations.

To manually delete the associated IAM user, see Deleting an IAM user from your AWS account.

To remove on-premises instance tags from an on-premises instance (CLI)
  • Call the remove-tags-from-on-premises-instances, specifying:

    • The names that uniquely identify the on-premises instance (with the --instance-names option).

    • The names and values of the tags you want to remove (with the --tags option).

      For example:

      aws deploy remove-tags-from-on-premises-instances --instance-names AssetTag12010298EX --tags Key=Name,Value=CodeDeployDemo-OnPrem
To remove on-premises instance tags from an on-premises instance (console)
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at


    Sign in with the same user that you set up in Getting started with CodeDeploy.

  2. In the navigation pane, expand Deploy, and choose On-premises instances.

  3. In the list of on-premises instances, choose the name of the on-premises instance from which you want to remove tags.

  4. In Tags, choose Remove next to each tag you want to remove.

  5. After you have deleted the tags, choose Update tags.