Step 8: Clean up - AWS CodeDeploy

Step 8: Clean up

To avoid further charges for resources you used during this tutorial, you must terminate the Amazon EC2 instance and its associated resources. Optionally, you can delete the CodeDeploy deployment component records associated with this tutorial. If you were using a GitHub repository just for this tutorial, you can delete it now, too.

To delete a AWS CloudFormation stack (if you used the AWS CloudFormation template to create an Amazon EC2 instance)

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS CloudFormation console at

  2. In the Stacks column, choose the stack starting with CodeDeploySampleStack.

  3. Choose Delete.

  4. When prompted, choose Delete stack. The Amazon EC2 instance and the associated IAM instance profile and service role are deleted.

To manually deregister and clean up an on-premises instance (if you provisioned an on-premises instance)

  1. Use the AWS CLI to call the deregister command against the on-premises instance represented here by your-instance-name and the associated region by your-region:

    aws deploy deregister --instance-name your-instance-name --no-delete-iam-user --region your-region
  2. From the on-premises instance, call the uninstall command:

    aws deploy uninstall

To manually terminate an Amazon EC2 instance (if you manually launched an Amazon EC2 instance)

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Instances, choose Instances.

  3. Select the box next to the Amazon EC2 instance you want to terminate. In the Actions menu, point to Instance State, and then choose Terminate.

  4. When prompted, choose Yes, Terminate.

To delete the CodeDeploy deployment component records

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CodeDeploy console at


    Sign in with the same user that you set up in Getting started with CodeDeploy.

  2. In the navigation pane, expand Deploy, then choose Applications.

  3. Choose CodeDeployGitHubDemo-App.

  4. Choose Delete application.

  5. When prompted, enter Delete, and then choose Delete.

To delete your GitHub repository

See Deleting a repository in GitHub help.