Example AWS Lambda Functions for AWS Config Rules (Node.js) - AWS Config

Example AWS Lambda Functions for AWS Config Rules (Node.js)

AWS Lambda executes functions in response to events that are published by AWS services. The function for an AWS Config Custom Lambda rule receives an event that is published by AWS Config, and the function then uses data that it receives from the event and that it retrieves from the AWS Config API to evaluate the compliance of the rule. The operations in a function for a Config rule differ depending on whether it performs an evaluation that is triggered by configuration changes or triggered periodically.

For information about common patterns within AWS Lambda functions, see Programming Model in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.

Example Function for Evaluations Triggered by Configuration Changes

AWS Config will invoke a function like the following example when it detects a configuration change for a resource that is within a custom rule's scope.

If you use the AWS Config console to create a rule that is associated with a function like this example, choose Configuration changes as the trigger type. If you use the AWS Config API or AWS CLI to create the rule, set the MessageType attribute to ConfigurationItemChangeNotification and OversizedConfigurationItemChangeNotification. These settings enable your rule to be triggered whenever AWS Config generates a configuration item or an oversized configuration item as a result of a resource change.

This example evaluates your resources and checks whether the instances match the resource type, AWS::EC2::Instance. The rule is triggered when AWS Config generates a configuration item or an oversized configuration item notification.

'use strict'; import { ConfigServiceClient, GetResourceConfigHistoryCommand, PutEvaluationsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-config-service"; const configClient = new ConfigServiceClient({}); // Helper function used to validate input function checkDefined(reference, referenceName) { if (!reference) { throw new Error(`Error: ${referenceName} is not defined`); } return reference; } // Check whether the message type is OversizedConfigurationItemChangeNotification, function isOverSizedChangeNotification(messageType) { checkDefined(messageType, 'messageType'); return messageType === 'OversizedConfigurationItemChangeNotification'; } // Get the configurationItem for the resource using the getResourceConfigHistory API. async function getConfiguration(resourceType, resourceId, configurationCaptureTime, callback) { const input = { resourceType, resourceId, laterTime: new Date(configurationCaptureTime), limit: 1 }; const command = new GetResourceConfigHistoryCommand(input); await configClient.send(command).then( (data) => { callback(null, data.configurationItems[0]); }, (error) => { callback(error, null); } ); } // Convert the oversized configuration item from the API model to the original invocation model. function convertApiConfiguration(apiConfiguration) { apiConfiguration.awsAccountId = apiConfiguration.accountId; apiConfiguration.ARN = apiConfiguration.arn; apiConfiguration.configurationStateMd5Hash = apiConfiguration.configurationItemMD5Hash; apiConfiguration.configurationItemVersion = apiConfiguration.version; apiConfiguration.configuration = JSON.parse(apiConfiguration.configuration); if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(apiConfiguration, 'relationships')) { for (let i = 0; i < apiConfiguration.relationships.length; i++) { apiConfiguration.relationships[i].name = apiConfiguration.relationships[i].relationshipName; } } return apiConfiguration; } // Based on the message type, get the configuration item either from the configurationItem object in the invoking event or with the getResourceConfigHistory API in the getConfiguration function. async function getConfigurationItem(invokingEvent, callback) { checkDefined(invokingEvent, 'invokingEvent'); if (isOverSizedChangeNotification(invokingEvent.messageType)) { const configurationItemSummary = checkDefined(invokingEvent.configurationItemSummary, 'configurationItemSummary'); await getConfiguration(configurationItemSummary.resourceType, configurationItemSummary.resourceId, configurationItemSummary.configurationItemCaptureTime, (err, apiConfigurationItem) => { if (err) { callback(err); } const configurationItem = convertApiConfiguration(apiConfigurationItem); callback(null, configurationItem); }); } else { checkDefined(invokingEvent.configurationItem, 'configurationItem'); callback(null, invokingEvent.configurationItem); } } // Check whether the resource has been deleted. If the resource was deleted, then the evaluation returns not applicable. function isApplicable(configurationItem, event) { checkDefined(configurationItem, 'configurationItem'); checkDefined(event, 'event'); const status = configurationItem.configurationItemStatus; const eventLeftScope = event.eventLeftScope; return (status === 'OK' || status === 'ResourceDiscovered') && eventLeftScope === false; } // In this example, the resource is compliant if it is an instance and its type matches the type specified as the desired type. // If the resource is not an instance, then this resource is not applicable. function evaluateChangeNotificationCompliance(configurationItem, ruleParameters) { checkDefined(configurationItem, 'configurationItem'); checkDefined(configurationItem.configuration, 'configurationItem.configuration'); checkDefined(ruleParameters, 'ruleParameters'); if (configurationItem.resourceType !== 'AWS::EC2::Instance') { return 'NOT_APPLICABLE'; } else if (ruleParameters.desiredInstanceType === configurationItem.configuration.instanceType) { return 'COMPLIANT'; } return 'NON_COMPLIANT'; } // Receives the event and context from AWS Lambda. export const handler = async (event, context) => { checkDefined(event, 'event'); const invokingEvent = JSON.parse(event.invokingEvent); const ruleParameters = JSON.parse(event.ruleParameters); await getConfigurationItem(invokingEvent, async (err, configurationItem) => { let compliance = 'NOT_APPLICABLE'; let annotation = ''; const putEvaluationsRequest = {}; if (isApplicable(configurationItem, event)) { // Invoke the compliance checking function. compliance = evaluateChangeNotificationCompliance(configurationItem, ruleParameters); if (compliance === "NON_COMPLIANT") { annotation = "This is an annotation describing why the resource is not compliant."; } } // Initializes the request that contains the evaluation results. if (annotation) { putEvaluationsRequest.Evaluations = [ { ComplianceResourceType: configurationItem.resourceType, ComplianceResourceId: configurationItem.resourceId, ComplianceType: compliance, OrderingTimestamp: new Date(configurationItem.configurationItemCaptureTime), Annotation: annotation }, ]; } else { putEvaluationsRequest.Evaluations = [ { ComplianceResourceType: configurationItem.resourceType, ComplianceResourceId: configurationItem.resourceId, ComplianceType: compliance, OrderingTimestamp: new Date(configurationItem.configurationItemCaptureTime), }, ]; } putEvaluationsRequest.ResultToken = event.resultToken; // Sends the evaluation results to AWS Config. await configClient.send(new PutEvaluationsCommand(putEvaluationsRequest)); }); };
Function Operations

The function performs the following operations at runtime:

  1. The function runs when AWS Lambda passes the event object to the handler function. In this example, the function accepts the optional callback parameter, which it uses to return information to the caller. AWS Lambda also passes a context object, which contains information and methods that the function can use while it runs. Note that in newer versions of Lambda, context is no longer used.

  2. The function checks whether the messageType for the event is a configuration item or an oversized configuration item, and then returns the configuration item.

  3. The handler calls the isApplicable function to determine whether the resource was deleted.


    Rules reporting on deleted resources should return the evaluation result of NOT_APPLICABLE in order to avoid unnecessary rule evaluations.

  4. The handler calls the evaluateChangeNotificationCompliance function and passes the configurationItem and ruleParameters objects that AWS Config published in the event.

    The function first evaluates whether the resource is an EC2 instance. If the resource is not an EC2 instance, the function returns a compliance value of NOT_APPLICABLE.

    The function then evaluates whether the instanceType attribute in the configuration item is equal to the desiredInstanceType parameter value. If the values are equal, the function returns COMPLIANT. If the values are not equal, the function returns NON_COMPLIANT.

  5. The handler prepares to send the evaluation results to AWS Config by initializing the putEvaluationsRequest object. This object includes the Evaluations parameter, which identifies the compliance result, the resource type, and the ID of the resource that was evaluated. The putEvaluationsRequest object also includes the result token from the event, which identifies the rule and the event for AWS Config.

  6. The handler sends the evaluation results to AWS Config by passing the object to the putEvaluations method of the config client.

Example Function for Periodic Evaluations

AWS Config will invoke a function like the following example for periodic evaluations. Periodic evaluations occur at the frequency that you specify when you define the rule in AWS Config.

If you use the AWS Config console to create a rule that is associated with a function like this example, choose Periodic as the trigger type. If you use the AWS Config API or AWS CLI to create the rule, set the MessageType attribute to ScheduledNotification.

This example checks whether the total number of a specified resource exceeds a specified maximum.

'use strict'; import { ConfigServiceClient, ListDiscoveredResourcesCommand, PutEvaluationsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-config-service"; const configClient = new ConfigServiceClient({}); // Receives the event and context from AWS Lambda. export const handler = async (event, context, callback) => { // Parses the invokingEvent and ruleParameters values, which contain JSON objects passed as strings. var invokingEvent = JSON.parse(event.invokingEvent), ruleParameters = JSON.parse(event.ruleParameters), numberOfResources = 0; if (isScheduledNotification(invokingEvent) && hasValidRuleParameters(ruleParameters, callback)) { await countResourceTypes(ruleParameters.applicableResourceType, "", numberOfResources, async function (err, count) { if (err === null) { var putEvaluationsRequest; const compliance = evaluateCompliance(ruleParameters.maxCount, count); var annotation = ''; if (compliance === "NON_COMPLIANT") { annotation = "Description of why the resource is not compliant."; } // Initializes the request that contains the evaluation results. if (annotation) { putEvaluationsRequest = { Evaluations: [{ // Applies the evaluation result to the AWS account published in the event. ComplianceResourceType: 'AWS::::Account', ComplianceResourceId: event.accountId, ComplianceType: compliance, OrderingTimestamp: new Date(), Annotation: annotation }], ResultToken: event.resultToken }; } else { putEvaluationsRequest = { Evaluations: [{ // Applies the evaluation result to the AWS account published in the event. ComplianceResourceType: 'AWS::::Account', ComplianceResourceId: event.accountId, ComplianceType: compliance, OrderingTimestamp: new Date() }], ResultToken: event.resultToken }; } // Sends the evaluation results to AWS Config. try { await configClient.send(new PutEvaluationsCommand(putEvaluationsRequest)); } catch (e) { callback(e, null); } } else { callback(err, null); } }); } else { console.log("Invoked for a notification other than Scheduled Notification... Ignoring."); } }; // Checks whether the invoking event is ScheduledNotification. function isScheduledNotification(invokingEvent) { return (invokingEvent.messageType === 'ScheduledNotification'); } // Checks the rule parameters to see if they are valid function hasValidRuleParameters(ruleParameters, callback) { // Regular express to verify that applicable resource given is a resource type const awsResourcePattern = /^AWS::(\w*)::(\w*)$/; const isApplicableResourceType = awsResourcePattern.test(ruleParameters.applicableResourceType); // Check to make sure the maxCount in the parameters is an integer const maxCountIsInt = !isNaN(ruleParameters.maxCount) && parseInt(Number(ruleParameters.maxCount)) == ruleParameters.maxCount && !isNaN(parseInt(ruleParameters.maxCount, 10)); if (!isApplicableResourceType) { callback("The applicableResourceType parameter is not a valid resource type.", null); } if (!maxCountIsInt) { callback("The maxCount parameter is not a valid integer.", null); } return isApplicableResourceType && maxCountIsInt; } // Checks whether the compliance conditions for the rule are violated. function evaluateCompliance(maxCount, actualCount) { if (actualCount > maxCount) { return "NON_COMPLIANT"; } else { return "COMPLIANT"; } } // Counts the applicable resources that belong to the AWS account. async function countResourceTypes(applicableResourceType, nextToken, count, callback) { const input = { resourceType: applicableResourceType, nextToken: nextToken }; const command = new ListDiscoveredResourcesCommand(input); try { const response = await configClient.send(command); count = count + response.resourceIdentifiers.length; if (response.nextToken !== undefined && response.nextToken != null) { countResourceTypes(applicableResourceType, response.nextToken, count, callback); } callback(null, count); } catch (e) { callback(e, null); } return count; }
Function Operations

The function performs the following operations at runtime:

  1. The function runs when AWS Lambda passes the event object to the handler function. In this example, the function accepts the optional callback parameter, which it uses to return information to the caller. AWS Lambda also passes a context object, which contains information and methods that the function can use while it runs. Note that in newer versions of Lambda, context is no longer used.

  2. To count the resources of the specified type, the handler calls the countResourceTypes function, and it passes the applicableResourceType parameter that it received from the event. The countResourceTypes function calls the listDiscoveredResources method of the config client, which returns a list of identifiers for the applicable resources. The function uses the length of this list to determine the number of applicable resources, and it returns this count to the handler.

  3. The handler prepares to send the evaluation results to AWS Config by initializing the putEvaluationsRequest object. This object includes the Evaluations parameter, which identifies the compliance result and the AWS account that was published in the event. You can use the Evaluations parameter to apply the result to any resource type that is supported by AWS Config. The putEvaluationsRequest object also includes the result token from the event, which identifies the rule and the event for AWS Config.

  4. Within the putEvaluationsRequest object, the handler calls the evaluateCompliance function. This function tests whether the number of applicable resources exceeds the maximum assigned to the maxCount parameter, which was provided by the event. If the number of resources exceeds the maximum, the function returns NON_COMPLIANT. If the number of resources does not exceed the maximum, the function returns COMPLIANT.

  5. The handler sends the evaluation results to AWS Config by passing the object to the putEvaluations method of the config client.