Accessing Elastic Transcoder - Amazon Elastic Transcoder

Save costs and get more features with AWS Elemental MediaConvert

MediaConvert is a newer file-based video transcoding service that provides a comprehensive suite of advanced transcoding features, with on-demand rates starting at $0.0075/minute. Read more.

Already using Amazon Elastic Transcoder? It's simple to migrate to MediaConvert. For more information, see this overview which includes valuable information about the migration process and links to additional resources.

Accessing Elastic Transcoder

Elastic Transcoder is a RESTful web service that uses HTTPS as the protocol and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as the message format. Your application code can make requests directly to the Elastic Transcoder API. When using the REST API directly, you must write the necessary code to sign and authenticate your requests. For more information about the API and about signing requests, see API Reference.

Elastic Transcoder also provides a management console. You can use the console to perform all of the same operations that you can perform using the Elastic Transcoder API. For information about using the console to create and manage pipelines, presets, and jobs, see the applicable topic:

Regions and Endpoints

You create pipelines in a specific AWS region. You always send your Elastic Transcoder requests to a region-specific endpoint. For a list of supported AWS regions, go to the Regions and Endpoints section in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.