Cloning a cluster using the console - Amazon EMR

Cloning a cluster using the console

You can use the Amazon EMR console to clone a cluster, which makes a copy of the configuration of the original cluster to use as the basis for a new cluster.


We’ve redesigned the Amazon EMR console to make it easier to use. You can clone clusters that use automatic scaling in the new console, but you can only create new clusters if you want to manually scale them or use managed scaling. See Amazon EMR console to learn more about the differences between the old and new console experiences.

New console
To clone a cluster with the new console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Under EMR on EC2 in the left navigation pane, choose Clusters.

  3. To clone a cluster from the cluster list

    1. Use the search and filter options to find the cluster that you want to clone in the list view.

    2. Select the check box to the left of the row for the cluster that you want to clone.

    3. The Clone option will now be available at the top of the list view. Select Clone to initiate the cloning process. If the cluster has steps configured, choose Include steps and Continue if you want to clone the steps along with the other cluster configurations.

    4. Review the settings for the new cluster that have copied over from the cloned cluster. Adjust the settings if needed. When you are satisfied with the new cluster's configuration, select Create cluster to launch the new cluster.

  4. To clone a cluster from a cluster detail page

    1. To navigate to the detail page of the cluster that you want to clone, select its Cluster ID from the cluster list view.

    2. At the top of the cluster detail page, select Clone cluster from the Actions menu to initiate the cloning process. If the cluster has steps configured, choose Include steps and Continue if you want to clone the steps along with the other cluster configurations.

    3. Review the settings for the new cluster that have copied over from the cloned cluster. Adjust the settings if needed. When you are satisfied with the new cluster's configuration, select Create cluster to launch the new cluster.

Old console
To clone a cluster using the old console
  1. Navigate to the new Amazon EMR console and select Switch to the old console from the side navigation. For more information on what to expect when you switch to the old console, see Using the old console.

  2. Choose Create cluster.

  3. From the Cluster List page, click a cluster to clone.

  4. At the top of the Cluster Details page, click Clone.

    In the dialog box, choose Yes to include the steps from the original cluster in the cloned cluster. Choose No to clone the original cluster's configuration without including any of the steps.


    For clusters created using AMI 3.1.1 and later (Hadoop 2.x) or AMI 2.4.8 and later (Hadoop 1.x), if you clone a cluster and include steps, all system steps (such as configuring Hive) are cloned along with user-submitted steps, up to 1,000 total. Any older steps that no longer appear in the console's step history cannot be cloned. For earlier AMIs, only 256 steps can be cloned (including system steps). For more information, see Submit work to a cluster.

  5. The Create Cluster page appears with a copy of the original cluster's configuration. Review the configuration, make any necessary changes, and then click Create Cluster.