AWS IoT tutorials - AWS IoT Core

AWS IoT tutorials

The AWS IoT tutorials are divided into two learning paths to support two different goals. Choose the best learning path for your goal.

  • You want to build a proof-of-concept to test or demonstrate an AWS IoT solution idea

    To demonstrate common IoT tasks and applications using the AWS IoT Device Client on your devices, follow the Building demos with the AWS IoT Device Client learning path. The AWS IoT Device Client provides device software with which you can apply your own cloud resources to demonstrate an end-to-end solution with minimum development.

    For information about the AWS IoT Device Client, see the AWS IoT Device Client.

  • You want to learn how to build production software to deploy your solution

    To create your own solution software that meets your specific requirements using an AWS IoT Device SDK, follow the Building solutions with the AWS IoT Device SDKs learning path.

    For information about the available AWS IoT Device SDKs, see AWS IoT Device SDKs. For information about the AWS SDKs, see Tools to Build on AWS.