CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters - Amazon EventBridge


Contains the authorization parameters for the connection.



A CreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters object that contains the API key authorization parameters to use for the connection.

Type: CreateConnectionApiKeyAuthRequestParameters object

Required: No


A CreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters object that contains the Basic authorization parameters to use for the connection.

Type: CreateConnectionBasicAuthRequestParameters object

Required: No


A ConnectionHttpParameters object that contains the API key authorization parameters to use for the connection. Note that if you include additional parameters for the target of a rule via HttpParameters, including query strings, the parameters added for the connection take precedence.

Type: ConnectionHttpParameters object

Required: No


A CreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters object that contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.

Type: CreateConnectionOAuthRequestParameters object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: