DeploymentComponentUpdatePolicy - AWS IoT Greengrass


Contains information about a deployment's policy that defines when components are safe to update.

Each component on a device can report whether or not it's ready to update. After a component and its dependencies are ready, they can apply the update in the deployment. You can configure whether or not the deployment notifies components of an update and waits for a response. You specify the amount of time each component has to respond to the update notification.



Whether or not to notify components and wait for components to become safe to update. Choose from the following options:

  • NOTIFY_COMPONENTS – The deployment notifies each component before it stops and updates that component. Components can use the SubscribeToComponentUpdates IPC operation to receive these notifications. Then, components can respond with the DeferComponentUpdate IPC operation. For more information, see Create deployments in the AWS IoT Greengrass V2 Developer Guide.

  • SKIP_NOTIFY_COMPONENTS – The deployment doesn't notify components or wait for them to be safe to update.


Type: String


Required: No


The amount of time in seconds that each component on a device has to report that it's safe to update. If the component waits for longer than this timeout, then the deployment proceeds on the device.

Default: 60

Type: Integer

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: