LambdaVolumeMount - AWS IoT Greengrass


Contains information about a volume that Linux processes in a container can access. When you define a volume, the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software mounts the source files to the destination inside the container.



The path to the logical volume in the file system.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The path to the physical volume in the file system.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Whether or not to add the AWS IoT Greengrass user group as an owner of the volume.

Default: false

Type: Boolean

Required: No


The permission to access the volume: read/only (ro) or read/write (rw).

Default: ro

Type: String

Valid Values: ro | rw

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: