Leg - Amazon Location Service


Contains the calculated route's details for each path between a pair of positions. The number of legs returned corresponds to one fewer than the total number of positions in the request.

For example, a route with a departure position and destination position returns one leg with the positions snapped to a nearby road:

  • The StartPosition is the departure position.

  • The EndPosition is the destination position.

A route with a waypoint between the departure and destination position returns two legs with the positions snapped to a nearby road:

  • Leg 1: The StartPosition is the departure position . The EndPosition is the waypoint positon.

  • Leg 2: The StartPosition is the waypoint position. The EndPosition is the destination position.



The distance between the leg's StartPosition and EndPosition along a calculated route.

  • The default measurement is Kilometers unless the request specifies a DistanceUnit of Miles.

Type: Double

Valid Range: Minimum value of 0.

Required: Yes


The estimated travel time between the leg's StartPosition and EndPosition. The travel mode and departure time that you specify in the request determines the calculated time.

Type: Double

Valid Range: Minimum value of 0.

Required: Yes


The terminating position of the leg. Follows the format [longitude,latitude].


If the EndPosition isn't located on a road, it's snapped to a nearby road.

Type: Array of doubles

Array Members: Fixed number of 2 items.

Required: Yes


The starting position of the leg. Follows the format [longitude,latitude].


If the StartPosition isn't located on a road, it's snapped to a nearby road.

Type: Array of doubles

Array Members: Fixed number of 2 items.

Required: Yes


Contains a list of steps, which represent subsections of a leg. Each step provides instructions for how to move to the next step in the leg such as the step's start position, end position, travel distance, travel duration, and geometry offset.

Type: Array of Step objects

Required: Yes


Contains the calculated route's path as a linestring geometry.

Type: LegGeometry object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: