SubSlotValueElicitationSetting - Amazon Lex API Reference


Subslot elicitation settings.

DefaultValueSpecification is a list of default values for a constituent sub slot in a composite slot. Default values are used when Amazon Lex hasn't determined a value for a slot. You can specify default values from context variables, session attributes, and defined values. This is similar to DefaultValueSpecification for slots.

PromptSpecification is the prompt that Amazon Lex uses to elicit the sub slot value from the user. This is similar to PromptSpecification for slots.



Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex sends to a user to elicit a response.

Type: PromptSpecification object

Required: Yes


Defines a list of values that Amazon Lex should use as the default value for a slot.

Type: SlotDefaultValueSpecification object

Required: No


If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a sub slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances. This is similar to SampleUtterances for slots.

Type: Array of SampleUtterance objects

Required: No


Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

Type: WaitAndContinueSpecification object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: