MetricConfiguration - Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager


This structure contains the Filter parameter which you can use to specify which metric namespaces are to be shared from this source account to the monitoring account.



Use this field to specify which metrics are to be shared with the monitoring account. Use the term Namespace and one or more of the following operands. Use single quotation marks (') around namespace names. The matching of namespace names is case sensitive. Each filter has a limit of five conditional operands. Conditional operands are AND and OR.

  • = and !=

  • AND

  • OR

  • LIKE and NOT LIKE. These can be used only as prefix searches. Include a % at the end of the string that you want to search for and include.

  • IN and NOT IN, using parentheses ( )


  • Namespace NOT LIKE 'AWS/%' includes only namespaces that don't start with AWS/, such as custom namespaces.

  • Namespace IN ('AWS/EC2', 'AWS/ELB', 'AWS/S3') includes only the metrics in the EC2, Elastic Load Balancing, and Amazon S3 namespaces.

  • Namespace = 'AWS/EC2' OR Namespace NOT LIKE 'AWS/%' includes only the EC2 namespace and your custom namespaces.


If you are updating a link that uses filters, you can specify * as the only value for the filter parameter to delete the filter and share all metric namespaces with the monitoring account.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2000.

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: