Represents a stream of events between your application and Amazon Lex V2.
- AudioInputEvent
Speech audio sent from your client application to Amazon Lex V2. Audio starts accumulating when Amazon Lex V2 identifies a voice and continues until a natural pause in the speech is found before processing.
Type: AudioInputEvent object
Required: No
- ConfigurationEvent
Configuration information sent from your client application to Amazon Lex V2
Type: ConfigurationEvent object
Required: No
- DisconnectionEvent
Event sent from the client application to indicate to Amazon Lex V2 that the conversation is over.
Type: DisconnectionEvent object
Required: No
- DTMFInputEvent
DTMF information sent to Amazon Lex V2 by your application. Amazon Lex V2 accumulates the DMTF information from when the user sends the first character and ends
when there's a pause longer that the value configured for the end timeout.
when there's a digit that is the configured end character.
when Amazon Lex V2 accumulates characters equal to the maximum DTMF character configuration.
Type: DTMFInputEvent object
Required: No
- PlaybackCompletionEvent
Event sent from the client application to Amazon Lex V2 to indicate that it has finished playing audio and that Amazon Lex V2 should start listening for user input.
Type: PlaybackCompletionEvent object
Required: No
- TextInputEvent
Text sent from your client application to Amazon Lex V2. Each
is processed individually.Type: TextInputEvent object
Required: No
See Also
For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: