C++ API Reference (Version 1.10)

BehaviorContext.h File Reference

Open 3D Engine (O3DE), the successor to Lumberyard, is now available in Developer Preview. Download O3DE or visit the AWS Game Tech blog to learn more.

Header file for the behavior context, which contains information about classes, methods, properties, enums, constants, and EBuses to enable Lumberyard to interact with objects during run time. More...


class AZ::BehaviorClass
Contains all the information about a class that is reflected to the behavior context. More...
class AZ::BehaviorContextEvents
Interface for the AZ::BehaviorContextBus , which is the EBus that dispatches behavior context events. More...
class AZ::BehaviorContext
BehaviorContext is an object that contains information about classes, methods, properties, constants, enums, and EBuses to enable Lumberyard to interact with objects during run time. More...
struct AZ::BehaviorContext::ClassReflection< C >
This structure is built up while you call ClassReflection functions to reflect a class's information to the behavior context. More...
struct AZ::BehaviorContext::EBusReflection< Bus >
This structure is built up while you call EBusReflection functions to reflect an EBus 's information to the behavior context. More...




#define BehaviorValueGetter (valueAddress)
Generates a function that gets a value. More...
#define BehaviorValueSetter (valueAddress)
Generates a function that sets a value. More...
#define BehaviorValueProperty (valueAddress)
Creates getter and setter functions for a value. More...
#define BehaviorConstant (value)
Generates a function that gets a constant. More...
#define AZ_EBUS_BEHAVIOR_BINDER (_Handler, _Uuid, _Allocator, ...)
Macro that helps you write the handler class that forwards EBus notification events to handlers that are created by the behavior context. More...


using AZ::BehaviorContextBus = AZ::EBus < BehaviorContextEvents >
The EBus for behavior context notification events. More...

Detailed Description

Header file for the behavior context, which contains information about classes, methods, properties, enums, constants, and EBuses to enable Lumberyard to interact with objects during run time.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AZ_EBUS_BEHAVIOR_BINDER ( _Handler,

Macro that helps you write the handler class that forwards EBus notification events to handlers that are created by the behavior context.

This macro sets up the handler class, including adding run-time type information and functions to connect and disconnect from the bus.

You add this macro to the top of the handler class and then write handler functions. These handler functions use a Call() or CallResult() function to forward the events to handlers that are created by the behavior context.

You don't need to use this macro to write a handler class, but we highly recommend it because it helps you write less code.

The following example shows how to use this macro.

class MyComponentNotificationBusHandler : public MyComponentNotificationBus::Handler , public AZ::BehaviorEBusHandler
public :
AZ_EBUS_BEHAVIOR_BINDER (MyComponentNotificationBusHandler,
// Handler for an event with no argument or return value.
void OnEvent1() override
Call(FN_OnEvent1); // Forward the event to the behavior context handler.
// Handler for an event with an input argument and a return value.
int OnEvent2( int value) override
int result = 0; // Set the default value for the result.
CallResult(result, FN_OnEvent2, value); // Forward the event to the behavior context handler.
return result; // Return the result as with any EBus event.
// Handler for an event with a container as an input argument and a return value.
int OnEvent3( const AZStd::vector<int>& values) override
int result = 0; // Set the default value for the result.
CallResult(result, FN_OnEvent3, values); // Forward the event to the behavior context handler.
return result; // Return the result as with any EBus event.
_Handler The name of the handler class.
_Uuid A unique ID for the handler class.
_Allocator The memory allocator to use. This is typically AZ::SystemAllocator .
... The event names.


#define BehaviorConstant ( value )

Generates a function that gets a constant.

You must pass a constant or a literal value to this macro.

value A constant or a literal value.


behaviorContext->Constant( "constName" , BehaviorConstant (constValue));
behaviorContext->Constant( "anotherConstName" , BehaviorConstant (5));


#define BehaviorValueGetter ( valueAddress )

Generates a function that gets a value.

The value must be passed by pointer.

valueAddress A pointer to a global value or a reference to a member variable of a class.


behaviorContext->Property( "globalData" , BehaviorValueGetter (&g_globalDataValue), nullptr );
behaviorContext->Property( "classMemberData" , BehaviorValueGetter (&MyClass::memberDataValue), nullptr );


#define BehaviorValueProperty ( valueAddress )

Creates getter and setter functions for a value.

The value must be passed by pointer.

valueAddress A pointer to a global value or a reference to a member variable of a class.


behaviorContext->Property( "globalData" , BehaviorValueProperty (&g_globalDataValue));


#define BehaviorValueSetter ( valueAddress )

Generates a function that sets a value.

The value must be passed by pointer.

valueAddress A pointer to a global value or a reference to a member variable of a class.


behaviorContext->Property( "globalData" , nullptr , BehaviorValueSetter (&g_globalDataValue));
behaviorContext->Property( "classMemberData" , nullptr , BehaviorValueSetter (&MyClass::memberDataValue));