C++ API Reference (Version 1.10)

EditContextConstants.inl File Reference

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Defines constants that you can use when you reflect class and data attributes to Lumberyard's global edit context. More...




static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::ClassElements::EditorData
This element enables you to add attributes that apply to an entire class. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::ClassElements::Group
This element represents a logical group that you can add attributes to. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::AddableByUser
Specifies whether a user can manually add this element to a game in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::AppearsInAddComponentMenu
Specifies whether the element appears in the component menu in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::AutoExpand
Specifies whether the properties of a class or group should be automatically expanded in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::ButtonText
Specifies the text for a button element. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::Category
Specifies a category for ClassElements . More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::Visibility
Specifies visibility settings for an element. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::ContainerCanBeModified
Specifies that Lumberyard Editor will have controls for adding and removing elements of the container. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::StringList
Provides strings for a combo box. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::ValueText
Provides text to display on the right-hand side value area in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::EnumValues
Specifies names to present in the UI (for example, in a drop-down menu) and the values that the names correspond to. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::AddNotify
Specifies a function to execute when something is added to a container. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify
Specifies how a property is refreshed in Lumberyard Editor when something changes, and gives you a place to put callbacks that respond to a value changing. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::NameLabelOverride
Specifies text to override the element's current name. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::DescriptionTextOverride
Specifies text to override the element's current description. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::PrimaryAssetType
Associates a given component type with a given asset type. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::Icon
Specifies an icon to represent the element in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::ViewportIcon
Specifies a viewport icon to represent the element in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::HideIcon
If true, suppresses any icon from being displayed for this class. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::PreferNoViewportIcon
Explicitly specifies that the element should not display a viewport icon. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::Min
Specifies a minimum value for the element. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::Max
Specifies a maximum value for the element. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::ReadOnly
Specifies whether the element is read only. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::Step
Specifies a step value, such as the increments by which a slider increases a value. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::Suffix
Appends a suffix to the value of the element. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::SoftMin
Specifies a soft minimum for a slider range. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::SoftMax
Specifies a soft maximum for a slider range. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::Decimals
Specifies a decimal precision. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::LabelForX
Specifies an X-axis label for a multi-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::LabelForY
Specifies a Y-axis label for a multi-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::LabelForZ
Specifies a Z-axis label for a multi-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::LabelForW
Specifies a W-axis label for a multi-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::StyleForX
Specifies an X-axis label style for a multi-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::StyleForY
Specifies a Y-axis label style for a multi-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::StyleForZ
Specifies a Z-axis label style for a multi-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::StyleForW
Specifies a W-axis label style for a multi-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::RequiredService
Put this on an entity ID (entity reference) to indicate that users can only choose entities with a component that provides this service. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::IncompatibleService
Put this on an entity ID (entity reference) to indicate that users cannot choose entities that have a component that provides this service. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::ComboBoxEditable
Allows users to manually type in values that are not presented in a combo box. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::Attributes::SliceFlags
Used by slice creation tools. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Default
The default UI handler. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Button
A button. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::CheckBox
A checkbox. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Color
A UI element for color. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::ComboBox
A combo box. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::EntityId
An entity ID property handler. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::LayoutPadding
A UI element for specifying padding inside the edges of an element. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::LineEdit
A UI element that allows entry of a single line of text. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::MultiLineEdit
A UI element that allows entry of multiple lines of text. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Quaternion
A quaternion property handler. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Slider
A slider. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::SpinBox
A spin box, which is a text box field with an up-down control. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Crc
A u32 representation of a CRC. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Vector2
A UI element for handling a two-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Vector3
A UI element for handling a three-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Vector4
A UI element for handling a four-dimensional vector. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::UIHandlers::Handler
A generic UI handler. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::PropertyRefreshLevels::None
Specifies that the properties displayed in the UI should not be refreshed. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::PropertyRefreshLevels::ValuesOnly
Specifies that only the values of the properties displayed in the UI should be refreshed. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::PropertyRefreshLevels::AttributesAndValues
Specifies that the attributes and values of the properties displayed in the UI should be refreshed. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::PropertyRefreshLevels::EntireTree
Specifies that the entire tree displayed in the UI should be refreshed. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::PropertyVisibility::Show
Specifies that the property should be shown in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::PropertyVisibility::ShowChildrenOnly
Specifies that only the child properties should be shown in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::Crc32 AZ::Edit::PropertyVisibility::Hide
Specifies that the property should be hidden in Lumberyard Editor. More...
static const AZ::u32 AZ::Edit::SliceFlags::DontGatherReference
Specifies that slice creation should not auto-gather entities referenced through this field. More...
static const AZ::u32 AZ::Edit::SliceFlags::NotPushable
Specifies that this field should not be pushed to slices. More...
static const AZ::u32 AZ::Edit::SliceFlags::NotPushableOnSliceRoot
Specifies that this field is not pushable on slice root entities. More...

Detailed Description

Defines constants that you can use when you reflect class and data attributes to Lumberyard's global edit context.

For an example that shows how to reflect information to the edit context, see AZ::EditContext .