C++ API Reference (Version 1.10)

SerializeContext.h File Reference

Open 3D Engine (O3DE), the successor to Lumberyard, is now available in Developer Preview. Download O3DE or visit the AWS Game Tech blog to learn more.

Header file for the serialize context, which manages information about every class that needs to be saved to persistent storage and reconstructed in memory. More...


class AZ::SerializeContext
The serialize context contains information about every Lumberyard class that might need to be saved to persistent storage and reconstructed in memory. More...
struct AZ::SerializeContext::DbgStackEntry
A debug stack element that provides useful debugging information as Lumberyard traverses through the class hierarchy to serialize data. More...
class AZ::SerializeContext::ErrorHandler
Reports errors and warnings as Lumberyard serializes data. More...
struct AZ::SerializeContext::ClassElement
A subelement of a class that is reflected to the serialize context. More...
class AZ::SerializeContext::ClassData
This structure is built up and stored in the serialize context while you are calling SerializeContext::ClassInfo functions to reflect a class's data to the serialize context. More...
class AZ::SerializeContext::IEventHandler
You can use this class if you want special functions to run before reading or writing a class. More...
struct AZ::SerializeContext::DataElement
Represents an element within the tree of serialized data. More...
class AZ::SerializeContext::DataElementNode
Represents a node in the tree of serialized data. More...
class AZ::SerializeContext::ClassInfo
Builder class that reflects class members to the serialize context. More...



Detailed Description

Header file for the serialize context, which manages information about every class that needs to be saved to persistent storage and reconstructed in memory.

Classes that need to be editable in Lumberyard Editor depend on the serialize context also, because the EditContext class depends on the SerializeContext class.