C++ API Reference (Version 1.10)

AZ::Edit::SliceFlags Namespace Reference

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static const AZ::u32 DontGatherReference
Specifies that slice creation should not auto-gather entities referenced through this field. More...
static const AZ::u32 NotPushable
Specifies that this field should not be pushed to slices. More...
static const AZ::u32 NotPushableOnSliceRoot
Specifies that this field is not pushable on slice root entities. More...

Variable Documentation


const AZ::u32 AZ::Edit::SliceFlags::DontGatherReference

Specifies that slice creation should not auto-gather entities referenced through this field.

Example: The following example shows how to specify slice creation settings for the TransformComponent parent entity ID.

editContext->Class<TransformComponent>( "Transform" , "Controls the placement of the entity in the world in 3D" )
->DataElement(0, &TransformComponent::m_parentEntityId, "Parent entity" , "" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &TransformComponent::ParentChanged)


const AZ::u32 AZ::Edit::SliceFlags::NotPushable

Specifies that this field should not be pushed to slices.

Can be bound as a dynamic attribute.

Example: The following example shows how to specify that the AzFramework::ScriptComponent::m_script property should not be pushed to slices.

editContext->Class<AzFramework::ScriptComponent>( "Script Component" , "Adding scripting functionality to the entity." )
->DataElement(0, &AzFramework::ScriptComponent::m_script, "Asset" , "" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::SliceFlags , AZ::Edit::SliceFlags::NotPushable ); // Only the editor component's script asset needs to be slice-pushable.


const AZ::u32 AZ::Edit::SliceFlags::NotPushableOnSliceRoot

Specifies that this field is not pushable on slice root entities.

Example: The following example shows how to specify that the TransformComponent parent entity ID is not pushable on slice root entities.

editContext->Class<TransformComponent>( "Transform" , "Controls the placement of the entity in the world in 3D" )
->DataElement(0, &TransformComponent::m_parentEntityId, "Parent entity" , "" )
->Attribute( AZ::Edit::Attributes::ChangeNotify , &TransformComponent::ParentChanged)