Recipe Format Reference - Amazon Machine Learning

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Recipe Format Reference

Amazon ML recipes contain instructions for transforming your data as a part of the machine learning process. Recipes are defined using a JSON-like syntax, but they have additional restrictions beyond the normal JSON restrictions. Recipes have the following sections, which must appear in the order shown here:

  • Groups enable grouping of multiple variables, for ease of applying transformations. For example, you can create a group of all variables having to do with free-text parts of a web page (title, body), and then perform a transformation on all of these parts at once.

  • Assignments enable the creation of intermediate named variables that can be reused in processing.

  • Outputs define which variables will be used in the learning process, and what transformations (if any) apply to these variables.


You can define groups of variables in order to collectively transform all variables within the groups, or to use these variables for machine learning without transforming them. By default, Amazon ML creates the following groups for you:

ALL_TEXT, ALL_NUMERIC, ALL_CATEGORICAL, ALL_BINARY –Type-specific groups based on variables defined in the datasource schema.


You cannot create a group with ALL_INPUTS.

These variables can be used in the outputs section of your recipe without being defined. You can also create custom groups by adding to or subtracting variables from existing groups, or directly from a collection of variables. In the following example, we demonstrate all three approaches, and the syntax for the grouping assignment:

"groups": { "Custom_Group": "group(var1, var2)", "All_Categorical_plus_one_other": "group(ALL_CATEGORICAL, var2)" }

Group names need to start with an alphabetical character and can be between 1 and 64 characters long. If the group name does not start with an alphabetical character or if it contains special characters (, ' " \t \r \n ( ) \), then the name needs to be quoted to be included in the recipe.


You can assign one or more transformations to an intermediate variable, for convenience and readability. For example, if you have a text variable named email_subject, and you apply the lowercase transformation to it, you can name the resulting variable email_subject_lowercase, making it easy to keep track of it elsewhere in the recipe. Assignments can also be chained, enabling you to apply multiple transformations in a specified order. The following example shows single and chained assignments in recipe syntax:

"assignments": { "email_subject_lowercase": "lowercase(email_subject)", "email_subject_lowercase_ngram":"ngram(lowercase(email_subject), 2)" }

Intermediate variable names need to start with an alphabet character and can be between 1 and 64 characters long. If the name does not start with an alphabet or if it contains special characters (, ' " \t \r \n ( ) \), then the name needs to be quoted to be included in the recipe.


The outputs section controls which input variables will be used for the learning process, and which transformations apply to them. An empty or non-existent output section is an error, because no data will be passed to the learning process.

The simplest outputs section simply includes the predefined ALL_INPUTS group, instructing Amazon ML to use all of the variables defined in the datasource for learning:

"outputs": [ "ALL_INPUTS" ]

The output section can also refer to the other predefined groups by instructing Amazon ML to use all the variables in these groups:


The output section can also refer to custom groups. In the following example, only one of the custom groups defined in the grouping assignments section in the preceding example will be used for machine learning. All other variables will be dropped:

"outputs": [ "All_Categorical_plus_one_other" ]

The outputs section can also refer to variable assignments defined in the assignment section:

"outputs": [ "email_subject_lowercase" ]

And input variables or transformations can be defined directly in the outputs section:

"outputs": [ "var1", "lowercase(var2)" ]

Output needs to explicitly specify all variables and transformed variables that are expected to be available to the learning process. Say, for example, that you include in the output a Cartesian product of var1 and var2. If you would like to include both the raw variables var1 and var2 as well, then you need to add the raw variables in the output section:

"outputs": [ "cartesian(var1,var2)", "var1", "var2" ]

Outputs can include comments for readability by adding the comment text along with the variable:

"outputs": [ "quantile_bin(age, 10) //quantile bin age", "age // explicitly include the original numeric variable along with the binned version" ]

You can mix and match all of these approaches within the outputs section.


Comments are not allowed in the Amazon ML console when adding a recipe.

Complete Recipe Example

The following example refers to several built-in data processors that were introduced in preceding examples:

{ "groups": { "LONGTEXT": "group_remove(ALL_TEXT, title, subject)", "SPECIALTEXT": "group(title, subject)", "BINCAT": "group(ALL_CATEGORICAL, ALL_BINARY)" }, "assignments": { "binned_age" : "quantile_bin(age,30)", "country_gender_interaction" : "cartesian(country, gender)" }, "outputs": [ "lowercase(no_punct(LONGTEXT))", "ngram(lowercase(no_punct(SPECIALTEXT)),3)", "quantile_bin(hours-per-week, 10)", "hours-per-week // explicitly include the original numeric variable along with the binned version", "cartesian(binned_age, quantile_bin(hours-per-week,10)) // this one is critical", "country_gender_interaction", "BINCAT" ] }