Accessing AWS Elemental MediaStore - AWS Elemental MediaStore

Accessing AWS Elemental MediaStore

You can access MediaStore using any of the following methods:

  • AWS Management Console - The procedures throughout this guide explain how to use the AWS Management Console to perform tasks for MediaStore. To access MediaStore using the console:

  • AWS Command Line Interface – For more information, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide. To access MediaStore using the CLI endpoint:

    aws mediastore
  • MediaStore API – If you're using a programming language that an SDK isn't available for, see the AWS Elemental MediaStore API Reference for information about API actions and about how to make API requests. To access MediaStore using the REST API endpoint:

  • AWS SDKs – If you're using a programming language that AWS provides an SDK for, you can use an SDK to access MediaStore. SDKs simplify authentication, integrate easily with your development environment, and provide easy access to MediaStore commands. For more information, see Tools for Amazon Web Services.

  • AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell – For more information, see the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell User Guide.