Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS and Tools for Windows PowerShell - AWS Tools for PowerShell

Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS and Tools for Windows PowerShell

This section provides examples that show how to:

  • Create an Amazon SQS queue and get queue ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

  • Create an Amazon SNS topic.

  • Give permissions to the SNS topic so that it can send messages to the queue.

  • Subscribe the queue to the SNS topic

  • Give IAM users or AWS accounts permissions to publish to the SNS topic and read messages from the SQS queue.

  • Verify results by publishing a message to the topic and reading the message from the queue.

Create an Amazon SQS queue and get queue ARN

The following command creates an SQS queue in your default region. The output shows the URL of the new queue.

PS > New-SQSQueue -QueueName myQueue

The following command retrieves the ARN of the queue.

PS > Get-SQSQueueAttribute -QueueUrl -AttributeName QueueArn ... QueueARN : arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:123456789012:myQueue ...

Create an Amazon SNS topic

The following command creates an SNS topic in your default region, and returns the ARN of the new topic.

PS > New-SNSTopic -Name myTopic arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:myTopic

Give permissions to the SNS topic

The following example script creates both an SQS queue and an SNS topic, and grants permissions to the SNS topic so that it can send messages to the SQS queue:

# create the queue and topic to be associated $qurl = New-SQSQueue -QueueName "myQueue" $topicarn = New-SNSTopic -Name "myTopic" # get the queue ARN to inject into the policy; it will be returned # in the output's QueueARN member but we need to put it into a variable # so text expansion in the policy string takes effect $qarn = (Get-SQSQueueAttribute -QueueUrl $qurl -AttributeNames "QueueArn").QueueARN # construct the policy and inject arns $policy = @" { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "SQS:SendMessage", "Resource": "$qarn", "Condition": { "ArnEquals": { "aws:SourceArn": "$topicarn" } } } } "@ # set the policy Set-SQSQueueAttribute -QueueUrl $qurl -Attribute @{ Policy=$policy }

Subscribe the queue to the SNS topic

The following command subscribes the queue myQueue to the SNS topic myTopic, and returns the Subscription ID:

PS > Connect-SNSNotification ` -TopicARN arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:myTopic ` -Protocol SQS ` -Endpoint arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:123456789012:myQueue arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:myTopic:f8ff77c6-e719-4d70-8e5c-a54d41feb754

Give permissions

The following command grants permission to perform the sns:Publish action on the topic myTopic

PS > Add-SNSPermission ` -TopicArn arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:myTopic ` -Label ps-cmdlet-topic ` -AWSAccountIds 123456789012 ` -ActionNames publish

The following command grants permission to perform the sqs:ReceiveMessage and sqs:DeleteMessage actions on the queue myQueue.

PS > Add-SQSPermission ` -QueueUrl ` -AWSAccountId "123456789012" ` -Label queue-permission ` -ActionName SendMessage, ReceiveMessage

Verify results

The following command tests your new queue and topic by publishing a message to the SNS topic myTopic and returns the MessageId.

PS > Publish-SNSMessage ` -TopicArn arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:myTopic ` -Message "Have A Nice Day!" 728180b6-f62b-49d5-b4d3-3824bb2e77f4

The following command retrieves the message from the SQS queue myQueue and displays it.

PS > Receive-SQSMessage -QueueUrl Attributes : {} Body : { "Type" : "Notification", "MessageId" : "491c687d-b78d-5c48-b7a0-3d8d769ee91b", "TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:myTopic", "Message" : "Have A Nice Day!", "Timestamp" : "2019-09-09T21:06:27.201Z", "SignatureVersion" : "1", "Signature" : "llE17A2+XOuJZnw3TlgcXz4C4KPLXZxbxoEMIirelhl3u/oxkWmz5+9tJKFMns1ZOqQvKxk+ExfEZcD5yWt6biVuBb8pyRmZ1bO3hUENl3ayv2WQiQT1vpLpM7VEQN5m+hLIiPFcs vyuGkJReV7lOJWPHnCN+qTE2lId2RPkFOeGtLGawTsSPTWEvJdDbLlf7E0zZ0q1niXTUtpsZ8Swx01X3QO6u9i9qBFt0ekJFZNJp6Avu05hIklb4yoRs1IkbLVNBK/y0a8Yl9lWp7a7EoWaBn0zhCESe7o kZC6ncBJWphX7KCGVYD0qhVf/5VDgBuv9w8T+higJyvr3WbaSvg==", "SigningCertURL" : "", "UnsubscribeURL" : "" } MD5OfBody : 5b5ee4f073e9c618eda3718b594fa257 MD5OfMessageAttributes : MessageAttributes : {} MessageId : 728180b6-f62b-49d5-b4d3-3824bb2e77f4 ReceiptHandle : AQEB2vvk1e5cOKFjeIWJticabkc664yuDEjhucnIOqdVUmie7bX7GiJbl7F0enABUgaI2XjEcNPxixhVc/wfsAJZLNHnl8SlbQa0R/kD+Saqa4OIvfj8x3M4Oh1yM1cVKpYmhAzsYrAwAD5g5FvxNBD6zs +HmXdkax2Wd+9AxrHlQZV5ur1MoByKWWbDbsqoYJTJquCclOgWIak/sBx/daBRMTiVQ4GHsrQWMVHtNC14q7Jy/0L2dkmb4dzJfJq0VbFSX1G+u/lrSLpgae+Dfux646y8yFiPFzY4ua4mCF/SVUn63Spy sHN12776axknhg3j9K/Xwj54DixdsegnrKoLx+ctI+0jzAetBR66Q1VhIoJAq7s0a2MseyOeM/Jjucg6Sr9VUnTWVhV8ErXmotoiEg==