You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::CodeDeploy::Client

Seahorse::Client::Base show all
Defined in:


An API client for AWS CodeDeploy. To construct a client, you need to configure a :region and :credentials.

codedeploy =
  region: region_name,
  credentials: credentials,
  # ...

See #initialize for a full list of supported configuration options.


You can configure a default region in the following locations:

  • Aws.config[:region]

Go here for a list of supported regions.


Default credentials are loaded automatically from the following locations:

  • Aws.config[:credentials]
  • The shared credentials ini file at ~/.aws/credentials (more information)
  • From an instance profile when running on EC2

You can also construct a credentials object from one of the following classes:

Alternatively, you configure credentials with :access_key_id and :secret_access_key:

# load credentials from disk
creds = YAML.load('/path/to/secrets'))
  access_key_id: creds['access_key_id'],
  secret_access_key: creds['secret_access_key']

Always load your credentials from outside your application. Avoid configuring credentials statically and never commit them to source control.

Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Seahorse::Client::Base

#config, #handlers

Constructor collapse

API Operations collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Seahorse::Client::Base

add_plugin, api, #build_request, clear_plugins, define, new, #operation, #operation_names, plugins, remove_plugin, set_api, set_plugins

Methods included from Seahorse::Client::HandlerBuilder

#handle, #handle_request, #handle_response

Constructor Details

#initialize(options = {}) ⇒ Aws::CodeDeploy::Client

Constructs an API client.

Options Hash (options):

  • :access_key_id (String)

    Used to set credentials statically. See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.

  • :active_endpoint_cache (Boolean)

    When set to true, a thread polling for endpoints will be running in the background every 60 secs (default). Defaults to false. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :convert_params (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, an attempt is made to coerce request parameters into the required types. See Plugins::ParamConverter for more details.

  • :credentials (required, Credentials)

    Your AWS credentials. The following locations will be searched in order for credentials:

    • :access_key_id, :secret_access_key, and :session_token options
    • HOME/.aws/credentials shared credentials file
    • EC2 instance profile credentials See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.
  • :disable_host_prefix_injection (Boolean)

    Set to true to disable SDK automatically adding host prefix to default service endpoint when available. See Plugins::EndpointPattern for more details.

  • :endpoint (String)

    A default endpoint is constructed from the :region. See Plugins::RegionalEndpoint for more details.

  • :endpoint_cache_max_entries (Integer)

    Used for the maximum size limit of the LRU cache storing endpoints data for endpoint discovery enabled operations. Defaults to 1000. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :endpoint_cache_max_threads (Integer)

    Used for the maximum threads in use for polling endpoints to be cached, defaults to 10. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :endpoint_cache_poll_interval (Integer)

    When :endpoint_discovery and :active_endpoint_cache is enabled, Use this option to config the time interval in seconds for making requests fetching endpoints information. Defaults to 60 sec. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :endpoint_discovery (Boolean)

    When set to true, endpoint discovery will be enabled for operations when available. Defaults to false. See Plugins::EndpointDiscovery for more details.

  • :http_continue_timeout (Float) — default: 1

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_idle_timeout (Integer) — default: 5

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_open_timeout (Integer) — default: 15

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_proxy (String)

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_read_timeout (Integer) — default: 60

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :http_wire_trace (Boolean) — default: false

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :log_level (Symbol) — default: :info

    The log level to send messages to the logger at. See Plugins::Logging for more details.

  • :log_formatter (Logging::LogFormatter)

    The log formatter. Defaults to Seahorse::Client::Logging::Formatter.default. See Plugins::Logging for more details.

  • :logger (Logger) — default: nil

    The Logger instance to send log messages to. If this option is not set, logging will be disabled. See Plugins::Logging for more details.

  • :profile (String)

    Used when loading credentials from the shared credentials file at HOME/.aws/credentials. When not specified, 'default' is used. See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.

  • :raise_response_errors (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, response errors are raised. See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::RaiseResponseErrors for more details.

  • :region (required, String)

    The AWS region to connect to. The region is used to construct the client endpoint. Defaults to ENV['AWS_REGION']. Also checks AMAZON_REGION and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION. See Plugins::RegionalEndpoint for more details.

  • :retry_limit (Integer) — default: 3

    The maximum number of times to retry failed requests. Only ~ 500 level server errors and certain ~ 400 level client errors are retried. Generally, these are throttling errors, data checksum errors, networking errors, timeout errors and auth errors from expired credentials. See Plugins::RetryErrors for more details.

  • :secret_access_key (String)

    Used to set credentials statically. See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.

  • :session_token (String)

    Used to set credentials statically. See Plugins::RequestSigner for more details.

  • :simple_json (Boolean) — default: false

    Disables request parameter conversion, validation, and formatting. Also disable response data type conversions. This option is useful when you want to ensure the highest level of performance by avoiding overhead of walking request parameters and response data structures.

    When :simple_json is enabled, the request parameters hash must be formatted exactly as the DynamoDB API expects. See Plugins::Protocols::JsonRpc for more details.

  • :ssl_ca_bundle (String)

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :ssl_ca_directory (String)

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :ssl_ca_store (String)

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :ssl_verify_peer (Boolean) — default: true

    See Seahorse::Client::Plugins::NetHttp for more details.

  • :stub_responses (Boolean) — default: false

    Causes the client to return stubbed responses. By default fake responses are generated and returned. You can specify the response data to return or errors to raise by calling Aws::ClientStubs#stub_responses. See Aws::ClientStubs for more information.

    Please note When response stubbing is enabled, no HTTP requests are made, and retries are disabled. See Plugins::StubResponses for more details.

  • :validate_params (Boolean) — default: true

    When true, request parameters are validated before sending the request. See Plugins::ParamValidator for more details.

Instance Method Details

#add_tags_to_on_premises_instances(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Adds tags to on-premises instances.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.add_tags_to_on_premises_instances({
  tags: [ # required
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",
  instance_names: ["InstanceName"], # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :tags (required, Array<Types::Tag>)

    The tag key-value pairs to add to the on-premises instances.

    Keys and values are both required. Keys cannot be null or empty strings. Value-only tags are not allowed.

  • :instance_names (required, Array<String>)

    The names of the on-premises instances to which to add tags.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#batch_get_application_revisions(options = {}) ⇒ Types::BatchGetApplicationRevisionsOutput

Gets information about one or more application revisions. The maximum number of application revisions that can be returned is 25.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_get_application_revisions({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  revisions: [ # required
      revision_type: "S3", # accepts S3, GitHub, String, AppSpecContent
      s3_location: {
        bucket: "S3Bucket",
        key: "S3Key",
        bundle_type: "tar", # accepts tar, tgz, zip, YAML, JSON
        version: "VersionId",
        e_tag: "ETag",
      git_hub_location: {
        repository: "Repository",
        commit_id: "CommitId",
      string: {
        content: "RawStringContent",
        sha256: "RawStringSha256",
      app_spec_content: {
        content: "RawStringContent",
        sha256: "RawStringSha256",

Response structure

resp.application_name #=> String
resp.error_message #=> String
resp.revisions #=> Array
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.s3_location.key #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.s3_location.version #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.string.content #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.string.sha256 #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.revisions[0].revision_location.app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.revisions[0].generic_revision_info.description #=> String
resp.revisions[0].generic_revision_info.deployment_groups #=> Array
resp.revisions[0].generic_revision_info.deployment_groups[0] #=> String
resp.revisions[0].generic_revision_info.first_used_time #=> Time
resp.revisions[0].generic_revision_info.last_used_time #=> Time
resp.revisions[0].generic_revision_info.register_time #=> Time

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application about which to get revision information.

  • :revisions (required, Array<Types::RevisionLocation>)

    An array of RevisionLocation objects that specify information to get about the application revisions, including type and location. The maximum number of RevisionLocation objects you can specify is 25.


See Also:

#batch_get_applications(options = {}) ⇒ Types::BatchGetApplicationsOutput

Gets information about one or more applications. The maximum number of applications that can be returned is 100.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_get_applications({
  application_names: ["ApplicationName"], # required

Response structure

resp.applications_info #=> Array
resp.applications_info[0].application_id #=> String
resp.applications_info[0].application_name #=> String
resp.applications_info[0].create_time #=> Time
resp.applications_info[0].linked_to_git_hub #=> true/false
resp.applications_info[0]. #=> String
resp.applications_info[0].compute_platform #=> String, one of "Server", "Lambda", "ECS"

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_names (required, Array<String>)

    A list of application names separated by spaces. The maximum number of application names you can specify is 100.


See Also:

#batch_get_deployment_groups(options = {}) ⇒ Types::BatchGetDeploymentGroupsOutput

Gets information about one or more deployment groups.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_get_deployment_groups({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  deployment_group_names: ["DeploymentGroupName"], # required

Response structure

resp.deployment_groups_info #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].application_name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].deployment_group_id #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].deployment_group_name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].deployment_config_name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_filters #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_filters[0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_filters[0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_filters[0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_instance_tag_filters #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_instance_tag_filters[0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_instance_tag_filters[0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_instance_tag_filters[0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].auto_scaling_groups #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].auto_scaling_groups[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].auto_scaling_groups[0].hook #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].service_role_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.s3_location.key #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.s3_location.version #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.string.content #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.string.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].target_revision.app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].trigger_configurations #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].trigger_configurations[0].trigger_name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].trigger_configurations[0].trigger_target_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].trigger_configurations[0].trigger_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].trigger_configurations[0].trigger_events[0] #=> String, one of "DeploymentStart", "DeploymentSuccess", "DeploymentFailure", "DeploymentStop", "DeploymentRollback", "DeploymentReady", "InstanceStart", "InstanceSuccess", "InstanceFailure", "InstanceReady"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].alarm_configuration.enabled #=> true/false
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].alarm_configuration.ignore_poll_alarm_failure #=> true/false
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].alarm_configuration.alarms #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].alarm_configuration.alarms[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].auto_rollback_configuration.enabled #=> true/false
resp.deployment_groups_info[0] #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0][0] #=> String, one of "DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_REQUEST"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].deployment_style.deployment_type #=> String, one of "IN_PLACE", "BLUE_GREEN"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].deployment_style.deployment_option #=> String, one of "WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL", "WITHOUT_TRAFFIC_CONTROL"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success.action #=> String, one of "TERMINATE", "KEEP_ALIVE"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success.termination_wait_time_in_minutes #=> Integer
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.deployment_ready_option.action_on_timeout #=> String, one of "CONTINUE_DEPLOYMENT", "STOP_DEPLOYMENT"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.deployment_ready_option.wait_time_in_minutes #=> Integer
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.green_fleet_provisioning_option.action #=> String, one of "DISCOVER_EXISTING", "COPY_AUTO_SCALING_GROUP"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.elb_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.elb_info_list[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_info_list[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].target_groups #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].target_groups[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].prod_traffic_route.listener_arns #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].prod_traffic_route.listener_arns[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].test_traffic_route.listener_arns #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].test_traffic_route.listener_arns[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].last_successful_deployment.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].last_successful_deployment.status #=> String, one of "Created", "Queued", "InProgress", "Baking", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Stopped", "Ready"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].last_successful_deployment.end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].last_successful_deployment.create_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].last_attempted_deployment.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].last_attempted_deployment.status #=> String, one of "Created", "Queued", "InProgress", "Baking", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Stopped", "Ready"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].last_attempted_deployment.end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].last_attempted_deployment.create_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0] #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list[0] #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list[0][0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list[0][0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list[0][0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].compute_platform #=> String, one of "Server", "Lambda", "ECS"
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ecs_services #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ecs_services[0].service_name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups_info[0].ecs_services[0].cluster_name #=> String
resp.error_message #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

  • :deployment_group_names (required, Array<String>)

    The names of the deployment groups.


See Also:

#batch_get_deployment_instances(options = {}) ⇒ Types::BatchGetDeploymentInstancesOutput

This method works, but is deprecated. Use BatchGetDeploymentTargets instead.

Returns an array of one or more instances associated with a deployment. This method works with EC2/On-premises and AWS Lambda compute platforms. The newer BatchGetDeploymentTargets works with all compute platforms. The maximum number of instances that can be returned is 25.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_get_deployment_instances({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId", # required
  instance_ids: ["InstanceId"], # required

Response structure

resp.instances_summary #=> Array
resp.instances_summary[0].deployment_id #=> String
resp.instances_summary[0].instance_id #=> String
resp.instances_summary[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.instances_summary[0].last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.instances_summary[0].lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.instances_summary[0].instance_type #=> String, one of "Blue", "Green"
resp.error_message #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (required, String)

    The unique ID of a deployment.

  • :instance_ids (required, Array<String>)

    The unique IDs of instances used in the deployment. The maximum number of instance IDs you can specify is 25.


See Also:

#batch_get_deployment_targets(options = {}) ⇒ Types::BatchGetDeploymentTargetsOutput

Returns an array of one or more targets associated with a deployment. This method works with all compute types and should be used instead of the deprecated BatchGetDeploymentInstances. The maximum number of targets that can be returned is 25.

The type of targets returned depends on the deployment's compute platform or deployment method:

  • EC2/On-premises: Information about EC2 instance targets.

  • AWS Lambda: Information about Lambda functions targets.

  • Amazon ECS: Information about Amazon ECS service targets.

  • CloudFormation: Information about targets of blue/green deployments initiated by a CloudFormation stack update.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_get_deployment_targets({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId",
  target_ids: ["TargetId"],

Response structure

resp.deployment_targets #=> Array
resp.deployment_targets[0].deployment_target_type #=> String, one of "InstanceTarget", "LambdaTarget", "ECSTarget", "CloudFormationTarget"
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.target_id #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.target_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.deployment_targets[0].instance_target.instance_label #=> String, one of "Blue", "Green"
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.target_id #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.target_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lambda_function_info.function_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lambda_function_info.function_alias #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lambda_function_info.current_version #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lambda_function_info.target_version #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].lambda_target.lambda_function_info.target_version_weight #=> Float
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.target_id #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.target_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info #=> Array
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].identifer #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].desired_count #=> Integer
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].pending_count #=> Integer
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].running_count #=> Integer
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].status #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].traffic_weight #=> Float
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].task_set_label #=> String, one of "Blue", "Green"
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.target_id #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.resource_type #=> String
resp.deployment_targets[0].cloud_formation_target.target_version_weight #=> Float

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (String)

    The unique ID of a deployment.

  • :target_ids (Array<String>)

    The unique IDs of the deployment targets. The compute platform of the deployment determines the type of the targets and their formats. The maximum number of deployment target IDs you can specify is 25.

    • For deployments that use the EC2/On-premises compute platform, the target IDs are EC2 or on-premises instances IDs, and their target type is instanceTarget.

    • For deployments that use the AWS Lambda compute platform, the target IDs are the names of Lambda functions, and their target type is instanceTarget.

    • For deployments that use the Amazon ECS compute platform, the target IDs are pairs of Amazon ECS clusters and services specified using the format <clustername>:<servicename>. Their target type is ecsTarget.

    • For deployments that are deployed with AWS CloudFormation, the target IDs are CloudFormation stack IDs. Their target type is cloudFormationTarget.


See Also:

#batch_get_deployments(options = {}) ⇒ Types::BatchGetDeploymentsOutput

Gets information about one or more deployments. The maximum number of deployments that can be returned is 25.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_get_deployments({
  deployment_ids: ["DeploymentId"], # required

Response structure

resp.deployments_info #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].application_name #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_group_name #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_config_name #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.s3_location.key #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.s3_location.version #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.string.content #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.string.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].previous_revision.app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.s3_location.key #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.s3_location.version #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.string.content #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.string.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].revision.app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].status #=> String, one of "Created", "Queued", "InProgress", "Baking", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Stopped", "Ready"
resp.deployments_info[0].error_information.message #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].create_time #=> Time
resp.deployments_info[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployments_info[0].complete_time #=> Time
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_overview.pending #=> Integer
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_overview.in_progress #=> Integer
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_overview.succeeded #=> Integer
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_overview.failed #=> Integer
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_overview.skipped #=> Integer
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_overview.ready #=> Integer
resp.deployments_info[0].description #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].creator #=> String, one of "user", "autoscaling", "codeDeployRollback", "CodeDeploy", "CloudFormation", "CloudFormationRollback"
resp.deployments_info[0].ignore_application_stop_failures #=> true/false
resp.deployments_info[0].auto_rollback_configuration.enabled #=> true/false
resp.deployments_info[0] #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0][0] #=> String, one of "DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_REQUEST"
resp.deployments_info[0].update_outdated_instances_only #=> true/false
resp.deployments_info[0].rollback_info.rollback_deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].rollback_info.rollback_triggering_deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].rollback_info.rollback_message #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_style.deployment_type #=> String, one of "IN_PLACE", "BLUE_GREEN"
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_style.deployment_option #=> String, one of "WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL", "WITHOUT_TRAFFIC_CONTROL"
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.tag_filters #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.tag_filters[0].key #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.tag_filters[0].value #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.tag_filters[0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.auto_scaling_groups #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.auto_scaling_groups[0] #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0] #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].key #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].value #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployments_info[0].instance_termination_wait_time_started #=> true/false
resp.deployments_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success.action #=> String, one of "TERMINATE", "KEEP_ALIVE"
resp.deployments_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success.termination_wait_time_in_minutes #=> Integer
resp.deployments_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.deployment_ready_option.action_on_timeout #=> String, one of "CONTINUE_DEPLOYMENT", "STOP_DEPLOYMENT"
resp.deployments_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.deployment_ready_option.wait_time_in_minutes #=> Integer
resp.deployments_info[0].blue_green_deployment_configuration.green_fleet_provisioning_option.action #=> String, one of "DISCOVER_EXISTING", "COPY_AUTO_SCALING_GROUP"
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.elb_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.elb_info_list[0].name #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_info_list[0].name #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].target_groups #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].target_groups[0].name #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].prod_traffic_route.listener_arns #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].prod_traffic_route.listener_arns[0] #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].test_traffic_route.listener_arns #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].test_traffic_route.listener_arns[0] #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].additional_deployment_status_info #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].file_exists_behavior #=> String, one of "DISALLOW", "OVERWRITE", "RETAIN"
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_status_messages #=> Array
resp.deployments_info[0].deployment_status_messages[0] #=> String
resp.deployments_info[0].compute_platform #=> String, one of "Server", "Lambda", "ECS"
resp.deployments_info[0].external_id #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_ids (required, Array<String>)

    A list of deployment IDs, separated by spaces. The maximum number of deployment IDs you can specify is 25.


See Also:

#batch_get_on_premises_instances(options = {}) ⇒ Types::BatchGetOnPremisesInstancesOutput

Gets information about one or more on-premises instances. The maximum number of on-premises instances that can be returned is 25.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.batch_get_on_premises_instances({
  instance_names: ["InstanceName"], # required

Response structure

resp.instance_infos #=> Array
resp.instance_infos[0].instance_name #=> String
resp.instance_infos[0].iam_session_arn #=> String
resp.instance_infos[0].iam_user_arn #=> String
resp.instance_infos[0].instance_arn #=> String
resp.instance_infos[0].register_time #=> Time
resp.instance_infos[0].deregister_time #=> Time
resp.instance_infos[0].tags #=> Array
resp.instance_infos[0].tags[0].key #=> String
resp.instance_infos[0].tags[0].value #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :instance_names (required, Array<String>)

    The names of the on-premises instances about which to get information. The maximum number of instance names you can specify is 25.


See Also:

#continue_deployment(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

For a blue/green deployment, starts the process of rerouting traffic from instances in the original environment to instances in the replacement environment without waiting for a specified wait time to elapse. (Traffic rerouting, which is achieved by registering instances in the replacement environment with the load balancer, can start as soon as all instances have a status of Ready.)


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.continue_deployment({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId",
  deployment_wait_type: "READY_WAIT", # accepts READY_WAIT, TERMINATION_WAIT

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (String)

    The unique ID of a blue/green deployment for which you want to start rerouting traffic to the replacement environment.

  • :deployment_wait_type (String)

    The status of the deployment\'s waiting period. READY_WAIT indicates that the deployment is ready to start shifting traffic. TERMINATION_WAIT indicates that the traffic is shifted, but the original target is not terminated.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#create_application(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateApplicationOutput

Creates an application.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_application({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  compute_platform: "Server", # accepts Server, Lambda, ECS
  tags: [
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",

Response structure

resp.application_id #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of the application. This name must be unique with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

  • :compute_platform (String)

    The destination platform type for the deployment (Lambda, Server, or ECS).

  • :tags (Array<Types::Tag>)

    The metadata that you apply to CodeDeploy applications to help you organize and categorize them. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.


See Also:

#create_deployment(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateDeploymentOutput

Deploys an application revision through the specified deployment group.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_deployment({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  deployment_group_name: "DeploymentGroupName",
  revision: {
    revision_type: "S3", # accepts S3, GitHub, String, AppSpecContent
    s3_location: {
      bucket: "S3Bucket",
      key: "S3Key",
      bundle_type: "tar", # accepts tar, tgz, zip, YAML, JSON
      version: "VersionId",
      e_tag: "ETag",
    git_hub_location: {
      repository: "Repository",
      commit_id: "CommitId",
    string: {
      content: "RawStringContent",
      sha256: "RawStringSha256",
    app_spec_content: {
      content: "RawStringContent",
      sha256: "RawStringSha256",
  deployment_config_name: "DeploymentConfigName",
  description: "Description",
  ignore_application_stop_failures: false,
  target_instances: {
    tag_filters: [
        key: "Key",
        value: "Value",
        type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
    auto_scaling_groups: ["AutoScalingGroupName"],
    ec2_tag_set: {
      ec2_tag_set_list: [
            key: "Key",
            value: "Value",
            type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  auto_rollback_configuration: {
    enabled: false,
  update_outdated_instances_only: false,
  file_exists_behavior: "DISALLOW", # accepts DISALLOW, OVERWRITE, RETAIN

Response structure

resp.deployment_id #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

  • :deployment_group_name (String)

    The name of the deployment group.

  • :revision (Types::RevisionLocation)

    The type and location of the revision to deploy.

  • :deployment_config_name (String)

    The name of a deployment configuration associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

    If not specified, the value configured in the deployment group is used as the default. If the deployment group does not have a deployment configuration associated with it, CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime is used by default.

  • :description (String)

    A comment about the deployment.

  • :ignore_application_stop_failures (Boolean)

    If true, then if an ApplicationStop, BeforeBlockTraffic, or AfterBlockTraffic deployment lifecycle event to an instance fails, then the deployment continues to the next deployment lifecycle event. For example, if ApplicationStop fails, the deployment continues with DownloadBundle. If BeforeBlockTraffic fails, the deployment continues with BlockTraffic. If AfterBlockTraffic fails, the deployment continues with ApplicationStop.

    If false or not specified, then if a lifecycle event fails during a deployment to an instance, that deployment fails. If deployment to that instance is part of an overall deployment and the number of healthy hosts is not less than the minimum number of healthy hosts, then a deployment to the next instance is attempted.

    During a deployment, the AWS CodeDeploy agent runs the scripts specified for ApplicationStop, BeforeBlockTraffic, and AfterBlockTraffic in the AppSpec file from the previous successful deployment. (All other scripts are run from the AppSpec file in the current deployment.) If one of these scripts contains an error and does not run successfully, the deployment can fail.

    If the cause of the failure is a script from the last successful deployment that will never run successfully, create a new deployment and use ignoreApplicationStopFailures to specify that the ApplicationStop, BeforeBlockTraffic, and AfterBlockTraffic failures should be ignored.

  • :target_instances (Types::TargetInstances)

    Information about the instances that belong to the replacement environment in a blue/green deployment.

  • :auto_rollback_configuration (Types::AutoRollbackConfiguration)

    Configuration information for an automatic rollback that is added when a deployment is created.

  • :update_outdated_instances_only (Boolean)

    Indicates whether to deploy to all instances or only to instances that are not running the latest application revision.

  • :file_exists_behavior (String)

    Information about how AWS CodeDeploy handles files that already exist in a deployment target location but weren\'t part of the previous successful deployment.

    The fileExistsBehavior parameter takes any of the following values:

    • DISALLOW: The deployment fails. This is also the default behavior if no option is specified.

    • OVERWRITE: The version of the file from the application revision currently being deployed replaces the version already on the instance.

    • RETAIN: The version of the file already on the instance is kept and used as part of the new deployment.


See Also:

#create_deployment_config(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateDeploymentConfigOutput

Creates a deployment configuration.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_deployment_config({
  deployment_config_name: "DeploymentConfigName", # required
  minimum_healthy_hosts: {
    value: 1,
  traffic_routing_config: {
    type: "TimeBasedCanary", # accepts TimeBasedCanary, TimeBasedLinear, AllAtOnce
    time_based_canary: {
      canary_percentage: 1,
      canary_interval: 1,
    time_based_linear: {
      linear_percentage: 1,
      linear_interval: 1,
  compute_platform: "Server", # accepts Server, Lambda, ECS

Response structure

resp.deployment_config_id #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_config_name (required, String)

    The name of the deployment configuration to create.

  • :minimum_healthy_hosts (Types::MinimumHealthyHosts)

    The minimum number of healthy instances that should be available at any time during the deployment. There are two parameters expected in the input: type and value.

    The type parameter takes either of the following values:

    • HOST_COUNT: The value parameter represents the minimum number of healthy instances as an absolute value.

    • FLEET_PERCENT: The value parameter represents the minimum number of healthy instances as a percentage of the total number of instances in the deployment. If you specify FLEET_PERCENT, at the start of the deployment, AWS CodeDeploy converts the percentage to the equivalent number of instances and rounds up fractional instances.

    The value parameter takes an integer.

    For example, to set a minimum of 95% healthy instance, specify a type of FLEET_PERCENT and a value of 95.

  • :traffic_routing_config (Types::TrafficRoutingConfig)

    The configuration that specifies how the deployment traffic is routed.

  • :compute_platform (String)

    The destination platform type for the deployment (Lambda, Server, or ECS).


See Also:

#create_deployment_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::CreateDeploymentGroupOutput

Creates a deployment group to which application revisions are deployed.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.create_deployment_group({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  deployment_group_name: "DeploymentGroupName", # required
  deployment_config_name: "DeploymentConfigName",
  ec2_tag_filters: [
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",
      type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  on_premises_instance_tag_filters: [
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",
      type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  auto_scaling_groups: ["AutoScalingGroupName"],
  service_role_arn: "Role", # required
  trigger_configurations: [
      trigger_name: "TriggerName",
      trigger_target_arn: "TriggerTargetArn",
      trigger_events: ["DeploymentStart"], # accepts DeploymentStart, DeploymentSuccess, DeploymentFailure, DeploymentStop, DeploymentRollback, DeploymentReady, InstanceStart, InstanceSuccess, InstanceFailure, InstanceReady
  alarm_configuration: {
    enabled: false,
    ignore_poll_alarm_failure: false,
    alarms: [
        name: "AlarmName",
  auto_rollback_configuration: {
    enabled: false,
  deployment_style: {
    deployment_type: "IN_PLACE", # accepts IN_PLACE, BLUE_GREEN
  blue_green_deployment_configuration: {
    terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success: {
      action: "TERMINATE", # accepts TERMINATE, KEEP_ALIVE
      termination_wait_time_in_minutes: 1,
    deployment_ready_option: {
      wait_time_in_minutes: 1,
    green_fleet_provisioning_option: {
  load_balancer_info: {
    elb_info_list: [
        name: "ELBName",
    target_group_info_list: [
        name: "TargetGroupName",
    target_group_pair_info_list: [
        target_groups: [
            name: "TargetGroupName",
        prod_traffic_route: {
          listener_arns: ["ListenerArn"],
        test_traffic_route: {
          listener_arns: ["ListenerArn"],
  ec2_tag_set: {
    ec2_tag_set_list: [
          key: "Key",
          value: "Value",
          type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  ecs_services: [
      service_name: "ECSServiceName",
      cluster_name: "ECSClusterName",
  on_premises_tag_set: {
    on_premises_tag_set_list: [
          key: "Key",
          value: "Value",
          type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  tags: [
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",

Response structure

resp.deployment_group_id #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

  • :deployment_group_name (required, String)

    The name of a new deployment group for the specified application.

  • :deployment_config_name (String)

    If specified, the deployment configuration name can be either one of the predefined configurations provided with AWS CodeDeploy or a custom deployment configuration that you create by calling the create deployment configuration operation.

    CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime is the default deployment configuration. It is used if a configuration isn\'t specified for the deployment or deployment group.

    For more information about the predefined deployment configurations in AWS CodeDeploy, see Working with Deployment Configurations in CodeDeploy in the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.

  • :ec2_tag_filters (Array<Types::EC2TagFilter>)

    The Amazon EC2 tags on which to filter. The deployment group includes EC2 instances with any of the specified tags. Cannot be used in the same call as ec2TagSet.

  • :on_premises_instance_tag_filters (Array<Types::TagFilter>)

    The on-premises instance tags on which to filter. The deployment group includes on-premises instances with any of the specified tags. Cannot be used in the same call as OnPremisesTagSet.

  • :auto_scaling_groups (Array<String>)

    A list of associated Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups.

  • :service_role_arn (required, String)

    A service role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that allows AWS CodeDeploy to act on the user\'s behalf when interacting with AWS services.

  • :trigger_configurations (Array<Types::TriggerConfig>)

    Information about triggers to create when the deployment group is created. For examples, see Create a Trigger for an AWS CodeDeploy Event in the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.

  • :alarm_configuration (Types::AlarmConfiguration)

    Information to add about Amazon CloudWatch alarms when the deployment group is created.

  • :auto_rollback_configuration (Types::AutoRollbackConfiguration)

    Configuration information for an automatic rollback that is added when a deployment group is created.

  • :deployment_style (Types::DeploymentStyle)

    Information about the type of deployment, in-place or blue/green, that you want to run and whether to route deployment traffic behind a load balancer.

  • :blue_green_deployment_configuration (Types::BlueGreenDeploymentConfiguration)

    Information about blue/green deployment options for a deployment group.

  • :load_balancer_info (Types::LoadBalancerInfo)

    Information about the load balancer used in a deployment.

  • :ec2_tag_set (Types::EC2TagSet)

    Information about groups of tags applied to EC2 instances. The deployment group includes only EC2 instances identified by all the tag groups. Cannot be used in the same call as ec2TagFilters.

  • :ecs_services (Array<Types::ECSService>)

    The target Amazon ECS services in the deployment group. This applies only to deployment groups that use the Amazon ECS compute platform. A target Amazon ECS service is specified as an Amazon ECS cluster and service name pair using the format <clustername>:<servicename>.

  • :on_premises_tag_set (Types::OnPremisesTagSet)

    Information about groups of tags applied to on-premises instances. The deployment group includes only on-premises instances identified by all of the tag groups. Cannot be used in the same call as onPremisesInstanceTagFilters.

  • :tags (Array<Types::Tag>)

    The metadata that you apply to CodeDeploy deployment groups to help you organize and categorize them. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.


See Also:

#delete_application(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Deletes an application.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_application({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#delete_deployment_config(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Deletes a deployment configuration.

A deployment configuration cannot be deleted if it is currently in use. Predefined configurations cannot be deleted.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_deployment_config({
  deployment_config_name: "DeploymentConfigName", # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_config_name (required, String)

    The name of a deployment configuration associated with the IAM user or AWS account.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#delete_deployment_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteDeploymentGroupOutput

Deletes a deployment group.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_deployment_group({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  deployment_group_name: "DeploymentGroupName", # required

Response structure

resp.hooks_not_cleaned_up #=> Array
resp.hooks_not_cleaned_up[0].name #=> String
resp.hooks_not_cleaned_up[0].hook #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

  • :deployment_group_name (required, String)

    The name of a deployment group for the specified application.


See Also:

#delete_git_hub_account_token(options = {}) ⇒ Types::DeleteGitHubAccountTokenOutput

Deletes a GitHub account connection.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.({
  token_name: "GitHubAccountTokenName",

Response structure

resp.token_name #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :token_name (String)

    The name of the GitHub account connection to delete.


See Also:

#delete_resources_by_external_id(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Deletes resources linked to an external ID.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.delete_resources_by_external_id({
  external_id: "ExternalId",

Options Hash (options):

  • :external_id (String)

    The unique ID of an external resource (for example, a CloudFormation stack ID) that is linked to one or more CodeDeploy resources.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#deregister_on_premises_instance(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Deregisters an on-premises instance.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.deregister_on_premises_instance({
  instance_name: "InstanceName", # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :instance_name (required, String)

    The name of the on-premises instance to deregister.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#get_application(options = {}) ⇒ Types::GetApplicationOutput

Gets information about an application.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_application({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required

Response structure

resp.application.application_id #=> String
resp.application.application_name #=> String
resp.application.create_time #=> Time
resp.application.linked_to_git_hub #=> true/false
resp.application. #=> String
resp.application.compute_platform #=> String, one of "Server", "Lambda", "ECS"

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.


See Also:

#get_application_revision(options = {}) ⇒ Types::GetApplicationRevisionOutput

Gets information about an application revision.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_application_revision({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  revision: { # required
    revision_type: "S3", # accepts S3, GitHub, String, AppSpecContent
    s3_location: {
      bucket: "S3Bucket",
      key: "S3Key",
      bundle_type: "tar", # accepts tar, tgz, zip, YAML, JSON
      version: "VersionId",
      e_tag: "ETag",
    git_hub_location: {
      repository: "Repository",
      commit_id: "CommitId",
    string: {
      content: "RawStringContent",
      sha256: "RawStringSha256",
    app_spec_content: {
      content: "RawStringContent",
      sha256: "RawStringSha256",

Response structure

resp.application_name #=> String
resp.revision.revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.revision.s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.revision.s3_location.key #=> String
resp.revision.s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.revision.s3_location.version #=> String
resp.revision.s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.revision.git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.revision.git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.revision.string.content #=> String
resp.revision.string.sha256 #=> String
resp.revision.app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.revision.app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.revision_info.description #=> String
resp.revision_info.deployment_groups #=> Array
resp.revision_info.deployment_groups[0] #=> String
resp.revision_info.first_used_time #=> Time
resp.revision_info.last_used_time #=> Time
resp.revision_info.register_time #=> Time

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of the application that corresponds to the revision.

  • :revision (required, Types::RevisionLocation)

    Information about the application revision to get, including type and location.


See Also:

#get_deployment(options = {}) ⇒ Types::GetDeploymentOutput

Gets information about a deployment.

The content property of the appSpecContent object in the returned revision is always null. Use GetApplicationRevision and the sha256 property of the returned appSpecContent object to get the content of the deployment’s AppSpec file.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_deployment({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId", # required

Response structure

resp.deployment_info.application_name #=> String
resp.deployment_info.deployment_group_name #=> String
resp.deployment_info.deployment_config_name #=> String
resp.deployment_info.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.s3_location.key #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.s3_location.version #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.string.content #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.string.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.deployment_info.previous_revision.app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.deployment_info.revision.s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.s3_location.key #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.deployment_info.revision.s3_location.version #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.string.content #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.string.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.deployment_info.revision.app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployment_info.status #=> String, one of "Created", "Queued", "InProgress", "Baking", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Stopped", "Ready"
resp.deployment_info.error_information.message #=> String
resp.deployment_info.create_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_info.start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_info.complete_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_info.deployment_overview.pending #=> Integer
resp.deployment_info.deployment_overview.in_progress #=> Integer
resp.deployment_info.deployment_overview.succeeded #=> Integer
resp.deployment_info.deployment_overview.failed #=> Integer
resp.deployment_info.deployment_overview.skipped #=> Integer
resp.deployment_info.deployment_overview.ready #=> Integer
resp.deployment_info.description #=> String
resp.deployment_info.creator #=> String, one of "user", "autoscaling", "codeDeployRollback", "CodeDeploy", "CloudFormation", "CloudFormationRollback"
resp.deployment_info.ignore_application_stop_failures #=> true/false
resp.deployment_info.auto_rollback_configuration.enabled #=> true/false #=> Array[0] #=> String, one of "DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_REQUEST"
resp.deployment_info.update_outdated_instances_only #=> true/false
resp.deployment_info.rollback_info.rollback_deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_info.rollback_info.rollback_triggering_deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_info.rollback_info.rollback_message #=> String
resp.deployment_info.deployment_style.deployment_type #=> String, one of "IN_PLACE", "BLUE_GREEN"
resp.deployment_info.deployment_style.deployment_option #=> String, one of "WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL", "WITHOUT_TRAFFIC_CONTROL"
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.tag_filters #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.tag_filters[0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.tag_filters[0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.tag_filters[0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.auto_scaling_groups #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.auto_scaling_groups[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0] #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_info.target_instances.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_info.instance_termination_wait_time_started #=> true/false
resp.deployment_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success.action #=> String, one of "TERMINATE", "KEEP_ALIVE"
resp.deployment_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success.termination_wait_time_in_minutes #=> Integer
resp.deployment_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.deployment_ready_option.action_on_timeout #=> String, one of "CONTINUE_DEPLOYMENT", "STOP_DEPLOYMENT"
resp.deployment_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.deployment_ready_option.wait_time_in_minutes #=> Integer
resp.deployment_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.green_fleet_provisioning_option.action #=> String, one of "DISCOVER_EXISTING", "COPY_AUTO_SCALING_GROUP"
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.elb_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.elb_info_list[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_info_list[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].target_groups #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].target_groups[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].prod_traffic_route.listener_arns #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].prod_traffic_route.listener_arns[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].test_traffic_route.listener_arns #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].test_traffic_route.listener_arns[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_info.additional_deployment_status_info #=> String
resp.deployment_info.file_exists_behavior #=> String, one of "DISALLOW", "OVERWRITE", "RETAIN"
resp.deployment_info.deployment_status_messages #=> Array
resp.deployment_info.deployment_status_messages[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_info.compute_platform #=> String, one of "Server", "Lambda", "ECS"
resp.deployment_info.external_id #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (required, String)

    The unique ID of a deployment associated with the IAM user or AWS account.


See Also:

#get_deployment_config(options = {}) ⇒ Types::GetDeploymentConfigOutput

Gets information about a deployment configuration.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_deployment_config({
  deployment_config_name: "DeploymentConfigName", # required

Response structure

resp.deployment_config_info.deployment_config_id #=> String
resp.deployment_config_info.deployment_config_name #=> String
resp.deployment_config_info.minimum_healthy_hosts.value #=> Integer
resp.deployment_config_info.minimum_healthy_hosts.type #=> String, one of "HOST_COUNT", "FLEET_PERCENT"
resp.deployment_config_info.create_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_config_info.compute_platform #=> String, one of "Server", "Lambda", "ECS"
resp.deployment_config_info.traffic_routing_config.type #=> String, one of "TimeBasedCanary", "TimeBasedLinear", "AllAtOnce"
resp.deployment_config_info.traffic_routing_config.time_based_canary.canary_percentage #=> Integer
resp.deployment_config_info.traffic_routing_config.time_based_canary.canary_interval #=> Integer
resp.deployment_config_info.traffic_routing_config.time_based_linear.linear_percentage #=> Integer
resp.deployment_config_info.traffic_routing_config.time_based_linear.linear_interval #=> Integer

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_config_name (required, String)

    The name of a deployment configuration associated with the IAM user or AWS account.


See Also:

#get_deployment_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::GetDeploymentGroupOutput

Gets information about a deployment group.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_deployment_group({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  deployment_group_name: "DeploymentGroupName", # required

Response structure

resp.deployment_group_info.application_name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.deployment_group_id #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.deployment_group_name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.deployment_config_name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_filters #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_filters[0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_filters[0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_filters[0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_instance_tag_filters #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_instance_tag_filters[0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_instance_tag_filters[0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_instance_tag_filters[0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_group_info.auto_scaling_groups #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.auto_scaling_groups[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.auto_scaling_groups[0].hook #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.service_role_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.s3_location.key #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.s3_location.version #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.string.content #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.string.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.target_revision.app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.trigger_configurations #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.trigger_configurations[0].trigger_name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.trigger_configurations[0].trigger_target_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.trigger_configurations[0].trigger_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.trigger_configurations[0].trigger_events[0] #=> String, one of "DeploymentStart", "DeploymentSuccess", "DeploymentFailure", "DeploymentStop", "DeploymentRollback", "DeploymentReady", "InstanceStart", "InstanceSuccess", "InstanceFailure", "InstanceReady"
resp.deployment_group_info.alarm_configuration.enabled #=> true/false
resp.deployment_group_info.alarm_configuration.ignore_poll_alarm_failure #=> true/false
resp.deployment_group_info.alarm_configuration.alarms #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.alarm_configuration.alarms[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.auto_rollback_configuration.enabled #=> true/false #=> Array[0] #=> String, one of "DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM", "DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_REQUEST"
resp.deployment_group_info.deployment_style.deployment_type #=> String, one of "IN_PLACE", "BLUE_GREEN"
resp.deployment_group_info.deployment_style.deployment_option #=> String, one of "WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL", "WITHOUT_TRAFFIC_CONTROL"
resp.deployment_group_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success.action #=> String, one of "TERMINATE", "KEEP_ALIVE"
resp.deployment_group_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success.termination_wait_time_in_minutes #=> Integer
resp.deployment_group_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.deployment_ready_option.action_on_timeout #=> String, one of "CONTINUE_DEPLOYMENT", "STOP_DEPLOYMENT"
resp.deployment_group_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.deployment_ready_option.wait_time_in_minutes #=> Integer
resp.deployment_group_info.blue_green_deployment_configuration.green_fleet_provisioning_option.action #=> String, one of "DISCOVER_EXISTING", "COPY_AUTO_SCALING_GROUP"
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.elb_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.elb_info_list[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_info_list[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].target_groups #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].target_groups[0].name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].prod_traffic_route.listener_arns #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].prod_traffic_route.listener_arns[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].test_traffic_route.listener_arns #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.load_balancer_info.target_group_pair_info_list[0].test_traffic_route.listener_arns[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.last_successful_deployment.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.last_successful_deployment.status #=> String, one of "Created", "Queued", "InProgress", "Baking", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Stopped", "Ready"
resp.deployment_group_info.last_successful_deployment.end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_group_info.last_successful_deployment.create_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_group_info.last_attempted_deployment.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.last_attempted_deployment.status #=> String, one of "Created", "Queued", "InProgress", "Baking", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Stopped", "Ready"
resp.deployment_group_info.last_attempted_deployment.end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_group_info.last_attempted_deployment.create_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0] #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.ec2_tag_set.ec2_tag_set_list[0][0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list[0] #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list[0][0].key #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list[0][0].value #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.on_premises_tag_set.on_premises_tag_set_list[0][0].type #=> String, one of "KEY_ONLY", "VALUE_ONLY", "KEY_AND_VALUE"
resp.deployment_group_info.compute_platform #=> String, one of "Server", "Lambda", "ECS"
resp.deployment_group_info.ecs_services #=> Array
resp.deployment_group_info.ecs_services[0].service_name #=> String
resp.deployment_group_info.ecs_services[0].cluster_name #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

  • :deployment_group_name (required, String)

    The name of a deployment group for the specified application.


See Also:

#get_deployment_instance(options = {}) ⇒ Types::GetDeploymentInstanceOutput

Gets information about an instance as part of a deployment.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_deployment_instance({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId", # required
  instance_id: "InstanceId", # required

Response structure

resp.instance_summary.deployment_id #=> String
resp.instance_summary.instance_id #=> String
resp.instance_summary.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.instance_summary.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.instance_summary.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.instance_summary.instance_type #=> String, one of "Blue", "Green"

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (required, String)

    The unique ID of a deployment.

  • :instance_id (required, String)

    The unique ID of an instance in the deployment group.


See Also:

#get_deployment_target(options = {}) ⇒ Types::GetDeploymentTargetOutput

Returns information about a deployment target.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_deployment_target({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId",
  target_id: "TargetId",

Response structure

resp.deployment_target.deployment_target_type #=> String, one of "InstanceTarget", "LambdaTarget", "ECSTarget", "CloudFormationTarget"
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.target_id #=> String
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.target_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.deployment_target.instance_target.instance_label #=> String, one of "Blue", "Green"
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.target_id #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.target_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lambda_function_info.function_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lambda_function_info.function_alias #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lambda_function_info.current_version #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lambda_function_info.target_version #=> String
resp.deployment_target.lambda_target.lambda_function_info.target_version_weight #=> Float
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.target_id #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.target_arn #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info #=> Array
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].identifer #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].desired_count #=> Integer
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].pending_count #=> Integer
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].running_count #=> Integer
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].status #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].traffic_weight #=> Float
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info[0] #=> String
resp.deployment_target.ecs_target.task_sets_info[0].task_set_label #=> String, one of "Blue", "Green"
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.deployment_id #=> String
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.target_id #=> String
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.last_updated_at #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events #=> Array
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].lifecycle_event_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.error_code #=> String, one of "Success", "ScriptMissing", "ScriptNotExecutable", "ScriptTimedOut", "ScriptFailed", "UnknownError"
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.script_name #=> String
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.message #=> String
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].diagnostics.log_tail #=> String
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].start_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].end_time #=> Time
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.lifecycle_events[0].status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown"
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "InProgress", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Skipped", "Unknown", "Ready"
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.resource_type #=> String
resp.deployment_target.cloud_formation_target.target_version_weight #=> Float

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (String)

    The unique ID of a deployment.

  • :target_id (String)

    The unique ID of a deployment target.


See Also:

#get_on_premises_instance(options = {}) ⇒ Types::GetOnPremisesInstanceOutput

Gets information about an on-premises instance.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.get_on_premises_instance({
  instance_name: "InstanceName", # required

Response structure

resp.instance_info.instance_name #=> String
resp.instance_info.iam_session_arn #=> String
resp.instance_info.iam_user_arn #=> String
resp.instance_info.instance_arn #=> String
resp.instance_info.register_time #=> Time
resp.instance_info.deregister_time #=> Time
resp.instance_info.tags #=> Array
resp.instance_info.tags[0].key #=> String
resp.instance_info.tags[0].value #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :instance_name (required, String)

    The name of the on-premises instance about which to get information.


See Also:

#list_application_revisions(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListApplicationRevisionsOutput

Lists information about revisions for an application.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_application_revisions({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  sort_by: "registerTime", # accepts registerTime, firstUsedTime, lastUsedTime
  sort_order: "ascending", # accepts ascending, descending
  s3_bucket: "S3Bucket",
  s3_key_prefix: "S3Key",
  deployed: "include", # accepts include, exclude, ignore
  next_token: "NextToken",

Response structure

resp.revisions #=> Array
resp.revisions[0].revision_type #=> String, one of "S3", "GitHub", "String", "AppSpecContent"
resp.revisions[0].s3_location.bucket #=> String
resp.revisions[0].s3_location.key #=> String
resp.revisions[0].s3_location.bundle_type #=> String, one of "tar", "tgz", "zip", "YAML", "JSON"
resp.revisions[0].s3_location.version #=> String
resp.revisions[0].s3_location.e_tag #=> String
resp.revisions[0].git_hub_location.repository #=> String
resp.revisions[0].git_hub_location.commit_id #=> String
resp.revisions[0].string.content #=> String
resp.revisions[0].string.sha256 #=> String
resp.revisions[0].app_spec_content.content #=> String
resp.revisions[0].app_spec_content.sha256 #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

  • :sort_by (String)

    The column name to use to sort the list results:

    • registerTime: Sort by the time the revisions were registered with AWS CodeDeploy.

    • firstUsedTime: Sort by the time the revisions were first used in a deployment.

    • lastUsedTime: Sort by the time the revisions were last used in a deployment.

    If not specified or set to null, the results are returned in an arbitrary order.

  • :sort_order (String)

    The order in which to sort the list results:

    • ascending: ascending order.

    • descending: descending order.

    If not specified, the results are sorted in ascending order.

    If set to null, the results are sorted in an arbitrary order.

  • :s3_bucket (String)

    An Amazon S3 bucket name to limit the search for revisions.

    If set to null, all of the user\'s buckets are searched.

  • :s3_key_prefix (String)

    A key prefix for the set of Amazon S3 objects to limit the search for revisions.

  • :deployed (String)

    Whether to list revisions based on whether the revision is the target revision of a deployment group:

    • include: List revisions that are target revisions of a deployment group.

    • exclude: Do not list revisions that are target revisions of a deployment group.

    • ignore: List all revisions.

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous ListApplicationRevisions call. It can be used to return the next set of applications in the list.


See Also:

#list_applications(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListApplicationsOutput

Lists the applications registered with the IAM user or AWS account.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_applications({
  next_token: "NextToken",

Response structure

resp.applications #=> Array
resp.applications[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous list applications call. It can be used to return the next set of applications in the list.


See Also:

#list_deployment_configs(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListDeploymentConfigsOutput

Lists the deployment configurations with the IAM user or AWS account.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_deployment_configs({
  next_token: "NextToken",

Response structure

resp.deployment_configs_list #=> Array
resp.deployment_configs_list[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous ListDeploymentConfigs call. It can be used to return the next set of deployment configurations in the list.


See Also:

#list_deployment_groups(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListDeploymentGroupsOutput

Lists the deployment groups for an application registered with the IAM user or AWS account.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_deployment_groups({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  next_token: "NextToken",

Response structure

resp.application_name #=> String
resp.deployment_groups #=> Array
resp.deployment_groups[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous list deployment groups call. It can be used to return the next set of deployment groups in the list.


See Also:

#list_deployment_instances(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListDeploymentInstancesOutput

The newer BatchGetDeploymentTargets should be used instead because it works with all compute types. ListDeploymentInstances throws an exception if it is used with a compute platform other than EC2/On-premises or AWS Lambda.

Lists the instance for a deployment associated with the IAM user or AWS account.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_deployment_instances({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId", # required
  next_token: "NextToken",
  instance_status_filter: ["Pending"], # accepts Pending, InProgress, Succeeded, Failed, Skipped, Unknown, Ready
  instance_type_filter: ["Blue"], # accepts Blue, Green

Response structure

resp.instances_list #=> Array
resp.instances_list[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (required, String)

    The unique ID of a deployment.

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous list deployment instances call. It can be used to return the next set of deployment instances in the list.

  • :instance_status_filter (Array<String>)

    A subset of instances to list by status:

    • Pending: Include those instances with pending deployments.

    • InProgress: Include those instances where deployments are still in progress.

    • Succeeded: Include those instances with successful deployments.

    • Failed: Include those instances with failed deployments.

    • Skipped: Include those instances with skipped deployments.

    • Unknown: Include those instances with deployments in an unknown state.

  • :instance_type_filter (Array<String>)

    The set of instances in a blue/green deployment, either those in the original environment (\"BLUE\") or those in the replacement environment (\"GREEN\"), for which you want to view instance information.


See Also:

#list_deployment_targets(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListDeploymentTargetsOutput

Returns an array of target IDs that are associated a deployment.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_deployment_targets({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId",
  next_token: "NextToken",
  target_filters: {
    "TargetStatus" => ["FilterValue"],

Response structure

resp.target_ids #=> Array
resp.target_ids[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (String)

    The unique ID of a deployment.

  • :next_token (String)

    A token identifier returned from the previous ListDeploymentTargets call. It can be used to return the next set of deployment targets in the list.

  • :target_filters (Hash<String,Array<String>>)

    A key used to filter the returned targets. The two valid values are:

    • TargetStatus - A TargetStatus filter string can be Failed, InProgress, Pending, Ready, Skipped, Succeeded, or Unknown.

    • ServerInstanceLabel - A ServerInstanceLabel filter string can be Blue or Green.


See Also:

#list_deployments(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListDeploymentsOutput

Lists the deployments in a deployment group for an application registered with the IAM user or AWS account.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_deployments({
  application_name: "ApplicationName",
  deployment_group_name: "DeploymentGroupName",
  external_id: "ExternalId",
  include_only_statuses: ["Created"], # accepts Created, Queued, InProgress, Baking, Succeeded, Failed, Stopped, Ready
  create_time_range: {
  next_token: "NextToken",

Response structure

resp.deployments #=> Array
resp.deployments[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

    If applicationName is specified, then deploymentGroupName must be specified. If it is not specified, then deploymentGroupName must not be specified.

  • :deployment_group_name (String)

    The name of a deployment group for the specified application.

    If deploymentGroupName is specified, then applicationName must be specified. If it is not specified, then applicationName must not be specified.

  • :external_id (String)

    The unique ID of an external resource for returning deployments linked to the external resource.

  • :include_only_statuses (Array<String>)

    A subset of deployments to list by status:

    • Created: Include created deployments in the resulting list.

    • Queued: Include queued deployments in the resulting list.

    • In Progress: Include in-progress deployments in the resulting list.

    • Succeeded: Include successful deployments in the resulting list.

    • Failed: Include failed deployments in the resulting list.

    • Stopped: Include stopped deployments in the resulting list.

  • :create_time_range (Types::TimeRange)

    A time range (start and end) for returning a subset of the list of deployments.

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous list deployments call. It can be used to return the next set of deployments in the list.


See Also:

#list_git_hub_account_token_names(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListGitHubAccountTokenNamesOutput

Lists the names of stored connections to GitHub accounts.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.({
  next_token: "NextToken",

Response structure

resp.token_name_list #=> Array
resp.token_name_list[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous ListGitHubAccountTokenNames call. It can be used to return the next set of names in the list.


See Also:

#list_on_premises_instances(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListOnPremisesInstancesOutput

Gets a list of names for one or more on-premises instances.

Unless otherwise specified, both registered and deregistered on-premises instance names are listed. To list only registered or deregistered on-premises instance names, use the registration status parameter.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_on_premises_instances({
  registration_status: "Registered", # accepts Registered, Deregistered
  tag_filters: [
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",
      type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  next_token: "NextToken",

Response structure

resp.instance_names #=> Array
resp.instance_names[0] #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :registration_status (String)

    The registration status of the on-premises instances:

    • Deregistered: Include deregistered on-premises instances in the resulting list.

    • Registered: Include registered on-premises instances in the resulting list.

  • :tag_filters (Array<Types::TagFilter>)

    The on-premises instance tags that are used to restrict the on-premises instance names returned.

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous list on-premises instances call. It can be used to return the next set of on-premises instances in the list.


See Also:

#list_tags_for_resource(options = {}) ⇒ Types::ListTagsForResourceOutput

Returns a list of tags for the resource identified by a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Tags are used to organize and categorize your CodeDeploy resources.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.list_tags_for_resource({
  resource_arn: "Arn", # required
  next_token: "NextToken",

Response structure

resp.tags #=> Array
resp.tags[0].key #=> String
resp.tags[0].value #=> String
resp.next_token #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :resource_arn (required, String)

    The ARN of a CodeDeploy resource. ListTagsForResource returns all the tags associated with the resource that is identified by the ResourceArn.

  • :next_token (String)

    An identifier returned from the previous ListTagsForResource call. It can be used to return the next set of applications in the list.


See Also:

#put_lifecycle_event_hook_execution_status(options = {}) ⇒ Types::PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatusOutput

Sets the result of a Lambda validation function. The function validates lifecycle hooks during a deployment that uses the AWS Lambda or Amazon ECS compute platform. For AWS Lambda deployments, the available lifecycle hooks are BeforeAllowTraffic and AfterAllowTraffic. For Amazon ECS deployments, the available lifecycle hooks are BeforeInstall, AfterInstall, AfterAllowTestTraffic, BeforeAllowTraffic, and AfterAllowTraffic. Lambda validation functions return Succeeded or Failed. For more information, see AppSpec 'hooks' Section for an AWS Lambda Deployment and AppSpec 'hooks' Section for an Amazon ECS Deployment.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.put_lifecycle_event_hook_execution_status({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId",
  lifecycle_event_hook_execution_id: "LifecycleEventHookExecutionId",
  status: "Pending", # accepts Pending, InProgress, Succeeded, Failed, Skipped, Unknown

Response structure

resp.lifecycle_event_hook_execution_id #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (String)

    The unique ID of a deployment. Pass this ID to a Lambda function that validates a deployment lifecycle event.

  • :lifecycle_event_hook_execution_id (String)

    The execution ID of a deployment\'s lifecycle hook. A deployment lifecycle hook is specified in the hooks section of the AppSpec file.

  • :status (String)

    The result of a Lambda function that validates a deployment lifecycle event (Succeeded or Failed).


See Also:

#register_application_revision(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Registers with AWS CodeDeploy a revision for the specified application.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.register_application_revision({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  description: "Description",
  revision: { # required
    revision_type: "S3", # accepts S3, GitHub, String, AppSpecContent
    s3_location: {
      bucket: "S3Bucket",
      key: "S3Key",
      bundle_type: "tar", # accepts tar, tgz, zip, YAML, JSON
      version: "VersionId",
      e_tag: "ETag",
    git_hub_location: {
      repository: "Repository",
      commit_id: "CommitId",
    string: {
      content: "RawStringContent",
      sha256: "RawStringSha256",
    app_spec_content: {
      content: "RawStringContent",
      sha256: "RawStringSha256",

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the IAM user or AWS account.

  • :description (String)

    A comment about the revision.

  • :revision (required, Types::RevisionLocation)

    Information about the application revision to register, including type and location.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#register_on_premises_instance(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Registers an on-premises instance.

Only one IAM ARN (an IAM session ARN or IAM user ARN) is supported in the request. You cannot use both.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.register_on_premises_instance({
  instance_name: "InstanceName", # required
  iam_session_arn: "IamSessionArn",
  iam_user_arn: "IamUserArn",

Options Hash (options):

  • :instance_name (required, String)

    The name of the on-premises instance to register.

  • :iam_session_arn (String)

    The ARN of the IAM session to associate with the on-premises instance.

  • :iam_user_arn (String)

    The ARN of the IAM user to associate with the on-premises instance.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#remove_tags_from_on_premises_instances(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Removes one or more tags from one or more on-premises instances.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.remove_tags_from_on_premises_instances({
  tags: [ # required
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",
  instance_names: ["InstanceName"], # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :tags (required, Array<Types::Tag>)

    The tag key-value pairs to remove from the on-premises instances.

  • :instance_names (required, Array<String>)

    The names of the on-premises instances from which to remove tags.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#skip_wait_time_for_instance_termination(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

In a blue/green deployment, overrides any specified wait time and starts terminating instances immediately after the traffic routing is complete.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.skip_wait_time_for_instance_termination({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId",

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (String)

    The unique ID of a blue/green deployment for which you want to skip the instance termination wait time.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#stop_deployment(options = {}) ⇒ Types::StopDeploymentOutput

Attempts to stop an ongoing deployment.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.stop_deployment({
  deployment_id: "DeploymentId", # required
  auto_rollback_enabled: false,

Response structure

resp.status #=> String, one of "Pending", "Succeeded"
resp.status_message #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :deployment_id (required, String)

    The unique ID of a deployment.

  • :auto_rollback_enabled (Boolean)

    Indicates, when a deployment is stopped, whether instances that have been updated should be rolled back to the previous version of the application revision.


See Also:

#tag_resource(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Associates the list of tags in the input Tags parameter with the resource identified by the ResourceArn input parameter.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.tag_resource({
  resource_arn: "Arn", # required
  tags: [ # required
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",

Options Hash (options):

  • :resource_arn (required, String)

    The ARN of a resource, such as a CodeDeploy application or deployment group.

  • :tags (required, Array<Types::Tag>)

    A list of tags that TagResource associates with a resource. The resource is identified by the ResourceArn input parameter.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#untag_resource(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Disassociates a resource from a list of tags. The resource is identified by the ResourceArn input parameter. The tags are identified by the list of keys in the TagKeys input parameter.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.untag_resource({
  resource_arn: "Arn", # required
  tag_keys: ["Key"], # required

Options Hash (options):

  • :resource_arn (required, String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that specifies from which resource to disassociate the tags with the keys in the TagKeys input parameter.

  • :tag_keys (required, Array<String>)

    A list of keys of Tag objects. The Tag objects identified by the keys are disassociated from the resource specified by the ResourceArn input parameter.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#update_application(options = {}) ⇒ Struct

Changes the name of an application.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.update_application({
  application_name: "ApplicationName",
  new_application_name: "ApplicationName",

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (String)

    The current name of the application you want to change.

  • :new_application_name (String)

    The new name to give the application.


  • (Struct)

    Returns an empty response.

See Also:

#update_deployment_group(options = {}) ⇒ Types::UpdateDeploymentGroupOutput

Changes information about a deployment group.


Request syntax with placeholder values

resp = client.update_deployment_group({
  application_name: "ApplicationName", # required
  current_deployment_group_name: "DeploymentGroupName", # required
  new_deployment_group_name: "DeploymentGroupName",
  deployment_config_name: "DeploymentConfigName",
  ec2_tag_filters: [
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",
      type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  on_premises_instance_tag_filters: [
      key: "Key",
      value: "Value",
      type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  auto_scaling_groups: ["AutoScalingGroupName"],
  service_role_arn: "Role",
  trigger_configurations: [
      trigger_name: "TriggerName",
      trigger_target_arn: "TriggerTargetArn",
      trigger_events: ["DeploymentStart"], # accepts DeploymentStart, DeploymentSuccess, DeploymentFailure, DeploymentStop, DeploymentRollback, DeploymentReady, InstanceStart, InstanceSuccess, InstanceFailure, InstanceReady
  alarm_configuration: {
    enabled: false,
    ignore_poll_alarm_failure: false,
    alarms: [
        name: "AlarmName",
  auto_rollback_configuration: {
    enabled: false,
  deployment_style: {
    deployment_type: "IN_PLACE", # accepts IN_PLACE, BLUE_GREEN
  blue_green_deployment_configuration: {
    terminate_blue_instances_on_deployment_success: {
      action: "TERMINATE", # accepts TERMINATE, KEEP_ALIVE
      termination_wait_time_in_minutes: 1,
    deployment_ready_option: {
      wait_time_in_minutes: 1,
    green_fleet_provisioning_option: {
  load_balancer_info: {
    elb_info_list: [
        name: "ELBName",
    target_group_info_list: [
        name: "TargetGroupName",
    target_group_pair_info_list: [
        target_groups: [
            name: "TargetGroupName",
        prod_traffic_route: {
          listener_arns: ["ListenerArn"],
        test_traffic_route: {
          listener_arns: ["ListenerArn"],
  ec2_tag_set: {
    ec2_tag_set_list: [
          key: "Key",
          value: "Value",
          type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE
  ecs_services: [
      service_name: "ECSServiceName",
      cluster_name: "ECSClusterName",
  on_premises_tag_set: {
    on_premises_tag_set_list: [
          key: "Key",
          value: "Value",
          type: "KEY_ONLY", # accepts KEY_ONLY, VALUE_ONLY, KEY_AND_VALUE

Response structure

resp.hooks_not_cleaned_up #=> Array
resp.hooks_not_cleaned_up[0].name #=> String
resp.hooks_not_cleaned_up[0].hook #=> String

Options Hash (options):

  • :application_name (required, String)

    The application name that corresponds to the deployment group to update.

  • :current_deployment_group_name (required, String)

    The current name of the deployment group.

  • :new_deployment_group_name (String)

    The new name of the deployment group, if you want to change it.

  • :deployment_config_name (String)

    The replacement deployment configuration name to use, if you want to change it.

  • :ec2_tag_filters (Array<Types::EC2TagFilter>)

    The replacement set of Amazon EC2 tags on which to filter, if you want to change them. To keep the existing tags, enter their names. To remove tags, do not enter any tag names.

  • :on_premises_instance_tag_filters (Array<Types::TagFilter>)

    The replacement set of on-premises instance tags on which to filter, if you want to change them. To keep the existing tags, enter their names. To remove tags, do not enter any tag names.

  • :auto_scaling_groups (Array<String>)

    The replacement list of Auto Scaling groups to be included in the deployment group, if you want to change them. To keep the Auto Scaling groups, enter their names. To remove Auto Scaling groups, do not enter any Auto Scaling group names.

  • :service_role_arn (String)

    A replacement ARN for the service role, if you want to change it.

  • :trigger_configurations (Array<Types::TriggerConfig>)

    Information about triggers to change when the deployment group is updated. For examples, see Edit a Trigger in a CodeDeploy Deployment Group in the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.

  • :alarm_configuration (Types::AlarmConfiguration)

    Information to add or change about Amazon CloudWatch alarms when the deployment group is updated.

  • :auto_rollback_configuration (Types::AutoRollbackConfiguration)

    Information for an automatic rollback configuration that is added or changed when a deployment group is updated.

  • :deployment_style (Types::DeploymentStyle)

    Information about the type of deployment, either in-place or blue/green, you want to run and whether to route deployment traffic behind a load balancer.

  • :blue_green_deployment_configuration (Types::BlueGreenDeploymentConfiguration)

    Information about blue/green deployment options for a deployment group.

  • :load_balancer_info (Types::LoadBalancerInfo)

    Information about the load balancer used in a deployment.

  • :ec2_tag_set (Types::EC2TagSet)

    Information about groups of tags applied to on-premises instances. The deployment group includes only EC2 instances identified by all the tag groups.

  • :ecs_services (Array<Types::ECSService>)

    The target Amazon ECS services in the deployment group. This applies only to deployment groups that use the Amazon ECS compute platform. A target Amazon ECS service is specified as an Amazon ECS cluster and service name pair using the format <clustername>:<servicename>.

  • :on_premises_tag_set (Types::OnPremisesTagSet)

    Information about an on-premises instance tag set. The deployment group includes only on-premises instances identified by all the tag groups.


See Also:

#wait_until(waiter_name, params = {}) {|waiter| ... } ⇒ Boolean

Waiters polls an API operation until a resource enters a desired state.

Basic Usage

Waiters will poll until they are succesful, they fail by entering a terminal state, or until a maximum number of attempts are made.

# polls in a loop, sleeping between attempts client.waiter_until(waiter_name, params)


You can configure the maximum number of polling attempts, and the delay (in seconds) between each polling attempt. You configure waiters by passing a block to #wait_until:

# poll for ~25 seconds
client.wait_until(...) do |w|
  w.max_attempts = 5
  w.delay = 5


You can be notified before each polling attempt and before each delay. If you throw :success or :failure from these callbacks, it will terminate the waiter.

started_at =
client.wait_until(...) do |w|

  # disable max attempts
  w.max_attempts = nil

  # poll for 1 hour, instead of a number of attempts
  w.before_wait do |attempts, response|
    throw :failure if - started_at > 3600


Handling Errors

When a waiter is successful, it returns true. When a waiter fails, it raises an error. All errors raised extend from Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed.

rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed
  # resource did not enter the desired state in time


  • waiter_name (Symbol)

    The name of the waiter. See #waiter_names for a full list of supported waiters.

  • params (Hash) (defaults to: {})

    Additional request parameters. See the #waiter_names for a list of supported waiters and what request they call. The called request determines the list of accepted parameters.

Yield Parameters:


  • (Boolean)

    Returns true if the waiter was successful.


  • (Errors::FailureStateError)

    Raised when the waiter terminates because the waiter has entered a state that it will not transition out of, preventing success.

  • (Errors::TooManyAttemptsError)

    Raised when the configured maximum number of attempts have been made, and the waiter is not yet successful.

  • (Errors::UnexpectedError)

    Raised when an error is encounted while polling for a resource that is not expected.

  • (Errors::NoSuchWaiterError)

    Raised when you request to wait for an unknown state.


Returns the list of supported waiters. The following table lists the supported waiters and the client method they call:

Waiter NameClient MethodDefault Delay:Default Max Attempts:


  • (Array<Symbol>)

    the list of supported waiters.