AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Implementation for accessing ARCZonalShift

Welcome to the API Reference Guide for zonal shift and zonal autoshift in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller (Route 53 ARC).

You can start a zonal shift to move traffic for a load balancer resource away from an Availability Zone to help your application recover quickly from an impairment in an Availability Zone. For example, you can recover your application from a developer's bad code deployment or from an Amazon Web Services infrastructure failure in a single Availability Zone.

You can also configure zonal autoshift for supported load balancer resources. Zonal autoshift is a capability in Route 53 ARC where you authorize Amazon Web Services to shift away application resource traffic from an Availability Zone during events, on your behalf, to help reduce your time to recovery. Amazon Web Services starts an autoshift when internal telemetry indicates that there is an Availability Zone impairment that could potentially impact customers.

To help make sure that zonal autoshift is safe for your application, you must also configure practice runs when you enable zonal autoshift for a resource. Practice runs start weekly zonal shifts for a resource, to shift traffic for the resource away from an Availability Zone. Practice runs help you to make sure, on a regular basis, that you have enough capacity in all the Availability Zones in an Amazon Web Services Region for your application to continue to operate normally when traffic for a resource is shifted away from one Availability Zone.

Before you configure practice runs or enable zonal autoshift, we strongly recommend that you prescale your application resource capacity in all Availability Zones in the Region where your application resources are deployed. You should not rely on scaling on demand when an autoshift or practice run starts. Zonal autoshift, including practice runs, works independently, and does not wait for auto scaling actions to complete. Relying on auto scaling, instead of pre-scaling, can result in loss of availability.

If you use auto scaling to handle regular cycles of traffic, we strongly recommend that you configure the minimum capacity of your auto scaling to continue operating normally with the loss of an Availability Zone.

Be aware that Route 53 ARC does not inspect the health of individual resources. Amazon Web Services only starts an autoshift when Amazon Web Services telemetry detects that there is an Availability Zone impairment that could potentially impact customers. In some cases, resources might be shifted away that are not experiencing impact.

For more information about using zonal shift and zonal autoshift, see the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.ARCZonalShift
Assembly: AWSSDK.ARCZonalShift.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class AmazonARCZonalShiftClient : AmazonServiceClient
         IAmazonARCZonalShift, IAmazonService, IDisposable

The AmazonARCZonalShiftClient type exposes the following members


Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient()

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/>

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(RegionEndpoint)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/>

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(AmazonARCZonalShiftConfig)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/>

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(AWSCredentials)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Credentials

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(AWSCredentials, RegionEndpoint)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Credentials

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(AWSCredentials, AmazonARCZonalShiftConfig)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Credentials and an AmazonARCZonalShiftClient Configuration object.

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(string, string)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(string, string, RegionEndpoint)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(string, string, AmazonARCZonalShiftConfig)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonARCZonalShiftClient Configuration object.

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(string, string, string)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(string, string, string, RegionEndpoint)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

Public Method AmazonARCZonalShiftClient(string, string, string, AmazonARCZonalShiftConfig)

Constructs AmazonARCZonalShiftClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonARCZonalShiftClient Configuration object.


Public Property Config Amazon.Runtime.IClientConfig Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonServiceClient.
Public Property Paginators Amazon.ARCZonalShift.Model.IARCZonalShiftPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the service



Asynchronous operations (methods ending with Async) in the table below are for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the SDK follows the standard naming convention of BeginMethodName and EndMethodName to indicate asynchronous operations - these method pairs are not shown in the table below.

Public Method CancelZonalShift(CancelZonalShiftRequest)

Cancel a zonal shift in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller. To cancel the zonal shift, specify the zonal shift ID.

A zonal shift can be one that you've started for a resource in your Amazon Web Services account in an Amazon Web Services Region, or it can be a zonal shift started by a practice run with zonal autoshift.

Public Method CancelZonalShiftAsync(CancelZonalShiftRequest, CancellationToken)

Cancel a zonal shift in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller. To cancel the zonal shift, specify the zonal shift ID.

A zonal shift can be one that you've started for a resource in your Amazon Web Services account in an Amazon Web Services Region, or it can be a zonal shift started by a practice run with zonal autoshift.

Public Method CreatePracticeRunConfiguration(CreatePracticeRunConfigurationRequest)

A practice run configuration for zonal autoshift is required when you enable zonal autoshift. A practice run configuration includes specifications for blocked dates and blocked time windows, and for Amazon CloudWatch alarms that you create to use with practice runs. The alarms that you specify are an outcome alarm, to monitor application health during practice runs and, optionally, a blocking alarm, to block practice runs from starting.

When a resource has a practice run configuration, Route 53 ARC starts zonal shifts for the resource weekly, to shift traffic for practice runs. Practice runs help you to ensure that shifting away traffic from an Availability Zone during an autoshift is safe for your application.

For more information, see Considerations when you configure zonal autoshift in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Public Method CreatePracticeRunConfigurationAsync(CreatePracticeRunConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

A practice run configuration for zonal autoshift is required when you enable zonal autoshift. A practice run configuration includes specifications for blocked dates and blocked time windows, and for Amazon CloudWatch alarms that you create to use with practice runs. The alarms that you specify are an outcome alarm, to monitor application health during practice runs and, optionally, a blocking alarm, to block practice runs from starting.

When a resource has a practice run configuration, Route 53 ARC starts zonal shifts for the resource weekly, to shift traffic for practice runs. Practice runs help you to ensure that shifting away traffic from an Availability Zone during an autoshift is safe for your application.

For more information, see Considerations when you configure zonal autoshift in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Public Method DeletePracticeRunConfiguration(DeletePracticeRunConfigurationRequest)

Deletes the practice run configuration for a resource. Before you can delete a practice run configuration for a resource., you must disable zonal autoshift for the resource. Practice runs must be configured for zonal autoshift to be enabled.

Public Method DeletePracticeRunConfigurationAsync(DeletePracticeRunConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Deletes the practice run configuration for a resource. Before you can delete a practice run configuration for a resource., you must disable zonal autoshift for the resource. Practice runs must be configured for zonal autoshift to be enabled.

Public Method DetermineServiceOperationEndpoint(AmazonWebServiceRequest)

Returns the endpoint that will be used for a particular request.

Public Method Dispose() Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonServiceClient.
Public Method GetAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatus(GetAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatusRequest)

Returns the status of autoshift observer notification. Autoshift observer notification enables you to be notified, through Amazon EventBridge, when there is an autoshift event for zonal autoshift.

If the status is ENABLED, Route 53 ARC includes all autoshift events when you use the EventBridge pattern Autoshift In Progress. When the status is DISABLED, Route 53 ARC includes only autoshift events for autoshifts when one or more of your resources is included in the autoshift.

For more information, see Notifications for practice runs and autoshifts in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Public Method GetAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatusAsync(GetAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatusRequest, CancellationToken)

Returns the status of autoshift observer notification. Autoshift observer notification enables you to be notified, through Amazon EventBridge, when there is an autoshift event for zonal autoshift.

If the status is ENABLED, Route 53 ARC includes all autoshift events when you use the EventBridge pattern Autoshift In Progress. When the status is DISABLED, Route 53 ARC includes only autoshift events for autoshifts when one or more of your resources is included in the autoshift.

For more information, see Notifications for practice runs and autoshifts in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Public Method GetManagedResource(GetManagedResourceRequest)

Get information about a resource that's been registered for zonal shifts with Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller in this Amazon Web Services Region. Resources that are registered for zonal shifts are managed resources in Route 53 ARC. You can start zonal shifts and configure zonal autoshift for managed resources.

At this time, you can only start a zonal shift or configure zonal autoshift for Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers with cross-zone load balancing turned off.

Public Method GetManagedResourceAsync(GetManagedResourceRequest, CancellationToken)

Get information about a resource that's been registered for zonal shifts with Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller in this Amazon Web Services Region. Resources that are registered for zonal shifts are managed resources in Route 53 ARC. You can start zonal shifts and configure zonal autoshift for managed resources.

At this time, you can only start a zonal shift or configure zonal autoshift for Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers with cross-zone load balancing turned off.

Public Method ListAutoshifts(ListAutoshiftsRequest)

Returns a list of autoshifts for an Amazon Web Services Region. By default, the call returns only ACTIVE autoshifts. Optionally, you can specify the status parameter to return COMPLETED autoshifts.

Public Method ListAutoshiftsAsync(ListAutoshiftsRequest, CancellationToken)

Returns a list of autoshifts for an Amazon Web Services Region. By default, the call returns only ACTIVE autoshifts. Optionally, you can specify the status parameter to return COMPLETED autoshifts.

Public Method ListManagedResources(ListManagedResourcesRequest)

Lists all the resources in your Amazon Web Services account in this Amazon Web Services Region that are managed for zonal shifts in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller, and information about them. The information includes the zonal autoshift status for the resource, as well as the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), the Availability Zones that each resource is deployed in, and the resource name.

Public Method ListManagedResourcesAsync(ListManagedResourcesRequest, CancellationToken)

Lists all the resources in your Amazon Web Services account in this Amazon Web Services Region that are managed for zonal shifts in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller, and information about them. The information includes the zonal autoshift status for the resource, as well as the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), the Availability Zones that each resource is deployed in, and the resource name.

Public Method ListZonalShifts(ListZonalShiftsRequest)

Lists all active and completed zonal shifts in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller in your Amazon Web Services account in this Amazon Web Services Region. ListZonalShifts returns customer-initiated zonal shifts, as well as practice run zonal shifts that Route 53 ARC started on your behalf for zonal autoshift.

The ListZonalShifts operation does not list autoshifts. For more information about listing autoshifts, see ">ListAutoshifts.

Public Method ListZonalShiftsAsync(ListZonalShiftsRequest, CancellationToken)

Lists all active and completed zonal shifts in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller in your Amazon Web Services account in this Amazon Web Services Region. ListZonalShifts returns customer-initiated zonal shifts, as well as practice run zonal shifts that Route 53 ARC started on your behalf for zonal autoshift.

The ListZonalShifts operation does not list autoshifts. For more information about listing autoshifts, see ">ListAutoshifts.

Public Method StartZonalShift(StartZonalShiftRequest)

You start a zonal shift to temporarily move load balancer traffic away from an Availability Zone in an Amazon Web Services Region, to help your application recover immediately, for example, from a developer's bad code deployment or from an Amazon Web Services infrastructure failure in a single Availability Zone. You can start a zonal shift in Route 53 ARC only for managed resources in your Amazon Web Services account in an Amazon Web Services Region. Resources are automatically registered with Route 53 ARC by Amazon Web Services services.

At this time, you can only start a zonal shift for Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers with cross-zone load balancing turned off.

When you start a zonal shift, traffic for the resource is no longer routed to the Availability Zone. The zonal shift is created immediately in Route 53 ARC. However, it can take a short time, typically up to a few minutes, for existing, in-progress connections in the Availability Zone to complete.

For more information, see Zonal shift in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Public Method StartZonalShiftAsync(StartZonalShiftRequest, CancellationToken)

You start a zonal shift to temporarily move load balancer traffic away from an Availability Zone in an Amazon Web Services Region, to help your application recover immediately, for example, from a developer's bad code deployment or from an Amazon Web Services infrastructure failure in a single Availability Zone. You can start a zonal shift in Route 53 ARC only for managed resources in your Amazon Web Services account in an Amazon Web Services Region. Resources are automatically registered with Route 53 ARC by Amazon Web Services services.

At this time, you can only start a zonal shift for Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers with cross-zone load balancing turned off.

When you start a zonal shift, traffic for the resource is no longer routed to the Availability Zone. The zonal shift is created immediately in Route 53 ARC. However, it can take a short time, typically up to a few minutes, for existing, in-progress connections in the Availability Zone to complete.

For more information, see Zonal shift in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Public Method UpdateAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatus(UpdateAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatusRequest)

Update the status of autoshift observer notification. Autoshift observer notification enables you to be notified, through Amazon EventBridge, when there is an autoshift event for zonal autoshift.

If the status is ENABLED, Route 53 ARC includes all autoshift events when you use the EventBridge pattern Autoshift In Progress. When the status is DISABLED, Route 53 ARC includes only autoshift events for autoshifts when one or more of your resources is included in the autoshift.

For more information, see Notifications for practice runs and autoshifts in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Public Method UpdateAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatusAsync(UpdateAutoshiftObserverNotificationStatusRequest, CancellationToken)

Update the status of autoshift observer notification. Autoshift observer notification enables you to be notified, through Amazon EventBridge, when there is an autoshift event for zonal autoshift.

If the status is ENABLED, Route 53 ARC includes all autoshift events when you use the EventBridge pattern Autoshift In Progress. When the status is DISABLED, Route 53 ARC includes only autoshift events for autoshifts when one or more of your resources is included in the autoshift.

For more information, see Notifications for practice runs and autoshifts in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

Public Method UpdatePracticeRunConfiguration(UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationRequest)

Update a practice run configuration to change one or more of the following: add, change, or remove the blocking alarm; change the outcome alarm; or add, change, or remove blocking dates or time windows.

Public Method UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationAsync(UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Update a practice run configuration to change one or more of the following: add, change, or remove the blocking alarm; change the outcome alarm; or add, change, or remove blocking dates or time windows.

Public Method UpdateZonalAutoshiftConfiguration(UpdateZonalAutoshiftConfigurationRequest)

The zonal autoshift configuration for a resource includes the practice run configuration and the status for running autoshifts, zonal autoshift status. When a resource has a practice run configuation, Route 53 ARC starts weekly zonal shifts for the resource, to shift traffic away from an Availability Zone. Weekly practice runs help you to make sure that your application can continue to operate normally with the loss of one Availability Zone.

You can update the zonal autoshift autoshift status to enable or disable zonal autoshift. When zonal autoshift is ENABLED, you authorize Amazon Web Services to shift away resource traffic for an application from an Availability Zone during events, on your behalf, to help reduce time to recovery. Traffic is also shifted away for the required weekly practice runs.

Public Method UpdateZonalAutoshiftConfigurationAsync(UpdateZonalAutoshiftConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

The zonal autoshift configuration for a resource includes the practice run configuration and the status for running autoshifts, zonal autoshift status. When a resource has a practice run configuation, Route 53 ARC starts weekly zonal shifts for the resource, to shift traffic away from an Availability Zone. Weekly practice runs help you to make sure that your application can continue to operate normally with the loss of one Availability Zone.

You can update the zonal autoshift autoshift status to enable or disable zonal autoshift. When zonal autoshift is ENABLED, you authorize Amazon Web Services to shift away resource traffic for an application from an Availability Zone during events, on your behalf, to help reduce time to recovery. Traffic is also shifted away for the required weekly practice runs.

Public Method UpdateZonalShift(UpdateZonalShiftRequest)

Update an active zonal shift in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller in your Amazon Web Services account. You can update a zonal shift to set a new expiration, or edit or replace the comment for the zonal shift.

Public Method UpdateZonalShiftAsync(UpdateZonalShiftRequest, CancellationToken)

Update an active zonal shift in Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller in your Amazon Web Services account. You can update a zonal shift to set a new expiration, or edit or replace the comment for the zonal shift.


Event AfterResponseEvent Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonServiceClient.
Event BeforeRequestEvent Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonServiceClient.
Event ExceptionEvent Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonServiceClient.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5