AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Container for the parameters to the CreateEnvironment operation. Creates an environment. For each application, you define one or more environments. An environment is a deployment group of AppConfig targets, such as applications in a Beta or Production environment. You can also define environments for application subcomponents such as the Web, Mobile and Back-end components for your application. You can configure Amazon CloudWatch alarms for each environment. The system monitors alarms during a configuration deployment. If an alarm is triggered, the system rolls back the configuration.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.AppConfig.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.AppConfig.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class CreateEnvironmentRequest : AmazonAppConfigRequest

The CreateEnvironmentRequest type exposes the following members


Public Method CreateEnvironmentRequest()


Public Property ApplicationId System.String

Gets and sets the property ApplicationId.

The application ID.

Public Property Description System.String

Gets and sets the property Description.

A description of the environment.

Public Property Monitors System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.AppConfig.Model.Monitor>

Gets and sets the property Monitors.

Amazon CloudWatch alarms to monitor during the deployment process.

Public Property Name System.String

Gets and sets the property Name.

A name for the environment.

Public Property Tags System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String, System.String>

Gets and sets the property Tags.

Metadata to assign to the environment. Tags help organize and categorize your AppConfig resources. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define.


The following create-environment example creates an AWS AppConfig environment named Example-Environment using the application you created using create-application

To create an environment

var client = new AmazonAppConfigClient();
var response = client.CreateEnvironment(new CreateEnvironmentRequest 
    ApplicationId = "339ohji",
    Name = "Example-Environment"

string applicationId = response.ApplicationId;
string id = response.Id;
string name = response.Name;
string state = response.State;


Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5