AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Interface for accessing AppRunner

App Runner

App Runner is an application service that provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective way to go directly from an existing container image or source code to a running service in the Amazon Web Services Cloud in seconds. You don't need to learn new technologies, decide which compute service to use, or understand how to provision and configure Amazon Web Services resources.

App Runner connects directly to your container registry or source code repository. It provides an automatic delivery pipeline with fully managed operations, high performance, scalability, and security.

For more information about App Runner, see the App Runner Developer Guide. For release information, see the App Runner Release Notes.

To install the Software Development Kits (SDKs), Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Toolkits, and command line tools that you can use to access the API, see Tools for Amazon Web Services.


For a list of Region-specific endpoints that App Runner supports, see App Runner endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.AppRunner
Assembly: AWSSDK.AppRunner.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public interface IAmazonAppRunner
         IAmazonService, IDisposable

The IAmazonAppRunner type exposes the following members


Public Property Paginators Amazon.AppRunner.Model.IAppRunnerPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the service



Asynchronous operations (methods ending with Async) in the table below are for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the SDK follows the standard naming convention of BeginMethodName and EndMethodName to indicate asynchronous operations - these method pairs are not shown in the table below.

Public Method AssociateCustomDomain(AssociateCustomDomainRequest)

Associate your own domain name with the App Runner subdomain URL of your App Runner service.

After you call AssociateCustomDomain and receive a successful response, use the information in the CustomDomain record that's returned to add CNAME records to your Domain Name System (DNS). For each mapped domain name, add a mapping to the target App Runner subdomain and one or more certificate validation records. App Runner then performs DNS validation to verify that you own or control the domain name that you associated. App Runner tracks domain validity in a certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).

Public Method AssociateCustomDomainAsync(AssociateCustomDomainRequest, CancellationToken)

Associate your own domain name with the App Runner subdomain URL of your App Runner service.

After you call AssociateCustomDomain and receive a successful response, use the information in the CustomDomain record that's returned to add CNAME records to your Domain Name System (DNS). For each mapped domain name, add a mapping to the target App Runner subdomain and one or more certificate validation records. App Runner then performs DNS validation to verify that you own or control the domain name that you associated. App Runner tracks domain validity in a certificate stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).

Public Method CreateAutoScalingConfiguration(CreateAutoScalingConfigurationRequest)

Create an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource. App Runner requires this resource when you create or update App Runner services and you require non-default auto scaling settings. You can share an auto scaling configuration across multiple services.

Create multiple revisions of a configuration by calling this action multiple times using the same AutoScalingConfigurationName. The call returns incremental AutoScalingConfigurationRevision values. When you create a service and configure an auto scaling configuration resource, the service uses the latest active revision of the auto scaling configuration by default. You can optionally configure the service to use a specific revision.

Configure a higher MinSize to increase the spread of your App Runner service over more Availability Zones in the Amazon Web Services Region. The tradeoff is a higher minimal cost.

Configure a lower MaxSize to control your cost. The tradeoff is lower responsiveness during peak demand.

Public Method CreateAutoScalingConfigurationAsync(CreateAutoScalingConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Create an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource. App Runner requires this resource when you create or update App Runner services and you require non-default auto scaling settings. You can share an auto scaling configuration across multiple services.

Create multiple revisions of a configuration by calling this action multiple times using the same AutoScalingConfigurationName. The call returns incremental AutoScalingConfigurationRevision values. When you create a service and configure an auto scaling configuration resource, the service uses the latest active revision of the auto scaling configuration by default. You can optionally configure the service to use a specific revision.

Configure a higher MinSize to increase the spread of your App Runner service over more Availability Zones in the Amazon Web Services Region. The tradeoff is a higher minimal cost.

Configure a lower MaxSize to control your cost. The tradeoff is lower responsiveness during peak demand.

Public Method CreateConnection(CreateConnectionRequest)

Create an App Runner connection resource. App Runner requires a connection resource when you create App Runner services that access private repositories from certain third-party providers. You can share a connection across multiple services.

A connection resource is needed to access GitHub and Bitbucket repositories. Both require a user interface approval process through the App Runner console before you can use the connection.

Public Method CreateConnectionAsync(CreateConnectionRequest, CancellationToken)

Create an App Runner connection resource. App Runner requires a connection resource when you create App Runner services that access private repositories from certain third-party providers. You can share a connection across multiple services.

A connection resource is needed to access GitHub and Bitbucket repositories. Both require a user interface approval process through the App Runner console before you can use the connection.

Public Method CreateObservabilityConfiguration(CreateObservabilityConfigurationRequest)

Create an App Runner observability configuration resource. App Runner requires this resource when you create or update App Runner services and you want to enable non-default observability features. You can share an observability configuration across multiple services.

Create multiple revisions of a configuration by calling this action multiple times using the same ObservabilityConfigurationName. The call returns incremental ObservabilityConfigurationRevision values. When you create a service and configure an observability configuration resource, the service uses the latest active revision of the observability configuration by default. You can optionally configure the service to use a specific revision.

The observability configuration resource is designed to configure multiple features (currently one feature, tracing). This action takes optional parameters that describe the configuration of these features (currently one parameter, TraceConfiguration). If you don't specify a feature parameter, App Runner doesn't enable the feature.

Public Method CreateObservabilityConfigurationAsync(CreateObservabilityConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Create an App Runner observability configuration resource. App Runner requires this resource when you create or update App Runner services and you want to enable non-default observability features. You can share an observability configuration across multiple services.

Create multiple revisions of a configuration by calling this action multiple times using the same ObservabilityConfigurationName. The call returns incremental ObservabilityConfigurationRevision values. When you create a service and configure an observability configuration resource, the service uses the latest active revision of the observability configuration by default. You can optionally configure the service to use a specific revision.

The observability configuration resource is designed to configure multiple features (currently one feature, tracing). This action takes optional parameters that describe the configuration of these features (currently one parameter, TraceConfiguration). If you don't specify a feature parameter, App Runner doesn't enable the feature.

Public Method CreateService(CreateServiceRequest)

Create an App Runner service. After the service is created, the action also automatically starts a deployment.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method CreateServiceAsync(CreateServiceRequest, CancellationToken)

Create an App Runner service. After the service is created, the action also automatically starts a deployment.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method CreateVpcConnector(CreateVpcConnectorRequest)

Create an App Runner VPC connector resource. App Runner requires this resource when you want to associate your App Runner service to a custom Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

Public Method CreateVpcConnectorAsync(CreateVpcConnectorRequest, CancellationToken)

Create an App Runner VPC connector resource. App Runner requires this resource when you want to associate your App Runner service to a custom Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC).

Public Method CreateVpcIngressConnection(CreateVpcIngressConnectionRequest)

Create an App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource. App Runner requires this resource when you want to associate your App Runner service with an Amazon VPC endpoint.

Public Method CreateVpcIngressConnectionAsync(CreateVpcIngressConnectionRequest, CancellationToken)

Create an App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource. App Runner requires this resource when you want to associate your App Runner service with an Amazon VPC endpoint.

Public Method DeleteAutoScalingConfiguration(DeleteAutoScalingConfigurationRequest)

Delete an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource. You can delete a top level auto scaling configuration, a specific revision of one, or all revisions associated with the top level configuration. You can't delete the default auto scaling configuration or a configuration that's used by one or more App Runner services.

Public Method DeleteAutoScalingConfigurationAsync(DeleteAutoScalingConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Delete an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource. You can delete a top level auto scaling configuration, a specific revision of one, or all revisions associated with the top level configuration. You can't delete the default auto scaling configuration or a configuration that's used by one or more App Runner services.

Public Method DeleteConnection(DeleteConnectionRequest)

Delete an App Runner connection. You must first ensure that there are no running App Runner services that use this connection. If there are any, the DeleteConnection action fails.

Public Method DeleteConnectionAsync(DeleteConnectionRequest, CancellationToken)

Delete an App Runner connection. You must first ensure that there are no running App Runner services that use this connection. If there are any, the DeleteConnection action fails.

Public Method DeleteObservabilityConfiguration(DeleteObservabilityConfigurationRequest)

Delete an App Runner observability configuration resource. You can delete a specific revision or the latest active revision. You can't delete a configuration that's used by one or more App Runner services.

Public Method DeleteObservabilityConfigurationAsync(DeleteObservabilityConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Delete an App Runner observability configuration resource. You can delete a specific revision or the latest active revision. You can't delete a configuration that's used by one or more App Runner services.

Public Method DeleteService(DeleteServiceRequest)

Delete an App Runner service.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Make sure that you don't have any active VPCIngressConnections associated with the service you want to delete.

Public Method DeleteServiceAsync(DeleteServiceRequest, CancellationToken)

Delete an App Runner service.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Make sure that you don't have any active VPCIngressConnections associated with the service you want to delete.

Public Method DeleteVpcConnector(DeleteVpcConnectorRequest)

Delete an App Runner VPC connector resource. You can't delete a connector that's used by one or more App Runner services.

Public Method DeleteVpcConnectorAsync(DeleteVpcConnectorRequest, CancellationToken)

Delete an App Runner VPC connector resource. You can't delete a connector that's used by one or more App Runner services.

Public Method DeleteVpcIngressConnection(DeleteVpcIngressConnectionRequest)

Delete an App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource that's associated with an App Runner service. The VPC Ingress Connection must be in one of the following states to be deleted:





Public Method DeleteVpcIngressConnectionAsync(DeleteVpcIngressConnectionRequest, CancellationToken)

Delete an App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource that's associated with an App Runner service. The VPC Ingress Connection must be in one of the following states to be deleted:





Public Method DescribeAutoScalingConfiguration(DescribeAutoScalingConfigurationRequest)

Return a full description of an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource.

Public Method DescribeAutoScalingConfigurationAsync(DescribeAutoScalingConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Return a full description of an App Runner automatic scaling configuration resource.

Public Method DescribeCustomDomains(DescribeCustomDomainsRequest)

Return a description of custom domain names that are associated with an App Runner service.

Public Method DescribeCustomDomainsAsync(DescribeCustomDomainsRequest, CancellationToken)

Return a description of custom domain names that are associated with an App Runner service.

Public Method DescribeObservabilityConfiguration(DescribeObservabilityConfigurationRequest)

Return a full description of an App Runner observability configuration resource.

Public Method DescribeObservabilityConfigurationAsync(DescribeObservabilityConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Return a full description of an App Runner observability configuration resource.

Public Method DescribeService(DescribeServiceRequest)

Return a full description of an App Runner service.

Public Method DescribeServiceAsync(DescribeServiceRequest, CancellationToken)

Return a full description of an App Runner service.

Public Method DescribeVpcConnector(DescribeVpcConnectorRequest)

Return a description of an App Runner VPC connector resource.

Public Method DescribeVpcConnectorAsync(DescribeVpcConnectorRequest, CancellationToken)

Return a description of an App Runner VPC connector resource.

Public Method DescribeVpcIngressConnection(DescribeVpcIngressConnectionRequest)

Return a full description of an App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource.

Public Method DescribeVpcIngressConnectionAsync(DescribeVpcIngressConnectionRequest, CancellationToken)

Return a full description of an App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource.

Public Method DetermineServiceOperationEndpoint(AmazonWebServiceRequest)

Returns the endpoint that will be used for a particular request.

Public Method DisassociateCustomDomain(DisassociateCustomDomainRequest)

Disassociate a custom domain name from an App Runner service.

Certificates tracking domain validity are associated with a custom domain and are stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). These certificates aren't deleted as part of this action. App Runner delays certificate deletion for 30 days after a domain is disassociated from your service.

Public Method DisassociateCustomDomainAsync(DisassociateCustomDomainRequest, CancellationToken)

Disassociate a custom domain name from an App Runner service.

Certificates tracking domain validity are associated with a custom domain and are stored in AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). These certificates aren't deleted as part of this action. App Runner delays certificate deletion for 30 days after a domain is disassociated from your service.

Public Method ListAutoScalingConfigurations(ListAutoScalingConfigurationsRequest)

Returns a list of active App Runner automatic scaling configurations in your Amazon Web Services account. You can query the revisions for a specific configuration name or the revisions for all active configurations in your account. You can optionally query only the latest revision of each requested name.

To retrieve a full description of a particular configuration revision, call and provide one of the ARNs returned by ListAutoScalingConfigurations.

Public Method ListAutoScalingConfigurationsAsync(ListAutoScalingConfigurationsRequest, CancellationToken)

Returns a list of active App Runner automatic scaling configurations in your Amazon Web Services account. You can query the revisions for a specific configuration name or the revisions for all active configurations in your account. You can optionally query only the latest revision of each requested name.

To retrieve a full description of a particular configuration revision, call and provide one of the ARNs returned by ListAutoScalingConfigurations.

Public Method ListConnections(ListConnectionsRequest)

Returns a list of App Runner connections that are associated with your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListConnectionsAsync(ListConnectionsRequest, CancellationToken)

Returns a list of App Runner connections that are associated with your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListObservabilityConfigurations(ListObservabilityConfigurationsRequest)

Returns a list of active App Runner observability configurations in your Amazon Web Services account. You can query the revisions for a specific configuration name or the revisions for all active configurations in your account. You can optionally query only the latest revision of each requested name.

To retrieve a full description of a particular configuration revision, call and provide one of the ARNs returned by ListObservabilityConfigurations.

Public Method ListObservabilityConfigurationsAsync(ListObservabilityConfigurationsRequest, CancellationToken)

Returns a list of active App Runner observability configurations in your Amazon Web Services account. You can query the revisions for a specific configuration name or the revisions for all active configurations in your account. You can optionally query only the latest revision of each requested name.

To retrieve a full description of a particular configuration revision, call and provide one of the ARNs returned by ListObservabilityConfigurations.

Public Method ListOperations(ListOperationsRequest)

Return a list of operations that occurred on an App Runner service.

The resulting list of OperationSummary objects is sorted in reverse chronological order. The first object on the list represents the last started operation.

Public Method ListOperationsAsync(ListOperationsRequest, CancellationToken)

Return a list of operations that occurred on an App Runner service.

The resulting list of OperationSummary objects is sorted in reverse chronological order. The first object on the list represents the last started operation.

Public Method ListServices(ListServicesRequest)

Returns a list of running App Runner services in your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListServicesAsync(ListServicesRequest, CancellationToken)

Returns a list of running App Runner services in your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListServicesForAutoScalingConfiguration(ListServicesForAutoScalingConfigurationRequest)

Returns a list of the associated App Runner services using an auto scaling configuration.

Public Method ListServicesForAutoScalingConfigurationAsync(ListServicesForAutoScalingConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Returns a list of the associated App Runner services using an auto scaling configuration.

Public Method ListTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest)

List tags that are associated with for an App Runner resource. The response contains a list of tag key-value pairs.

Public Method ListTagsForResourceAsync(ListTagsForResourceRequest, CancellationToken)

List tags that are associated with for an App Runner resource. The response contains a list of tag key-value pairs.

Public Method ListVpcConnectors(ListVpcConnectorsRequest)

Returns a list of App Runner VPC connectors in your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListVpcConnectorsAsync(ListVpcConnectorsRequest, CancellationToken)

Returns a list of App Runner VPC connectors in your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListVpcIngressConnections(ListVpcIngressConnectionsRequest)

Return a list of App Runner VPC Ingress Connections in your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method ListVpcIngressConnectionsAsync(ListVpcIngressConnectionsRequest, CancellationToken)

Return a list of App Runner VPC Ingress Connections in your Amazon Web Services account.

Public Method PauseService(PauseServiceRequest)

Pause an active App Runner service. App Runner reduces compute capacity for the service to zero and loses state (for example, ephemeral storage is removed).

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method PauseServiceAsync(PauseServiceRequest, CancellationToken)

Pause an active App Runner service. App Runner reduces compute capacity for the service to zero and loses state (for example, ephemeral storage is removed).

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method ResumeService(ResumeServiceRequest)

Resume an active App Runner service. App Runner provisions compute capacity for the service.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method ResumeServiceAsync(ResumeServiceRequest, CancellationToken)

Resume an active App Runner service. App Runner provisions compute capacity for the service.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method StartDeployment(StartDeploymentRequest)

Initiate a manual deployment of the latest commit in a source code repository or the latest image in a source image repository to an App Runner service.

For a source code repository, App Runner retrieves the commit and builds a Docker image. For a source image repository, App Runner retrieves the latest Docker image. In both cases, App Runner then deploys the new image to your service and starts a new container instance.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method StartDeploymentAsync(StartDeploymentRequest, CancellationToken)

Initiate a manual deployment of the latest commit in a source code repository or the latest image in a source image repository to an App Runner service.

For a source code repository, App Runner retrieves the commit and builds a Docker image. For a source image repository, App Runner retrieves the latest Docker image. In both cases, App Runner then deploys the new image to your service and starts a new container instance.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method TagResource(TagResourceRequest)

Add tags to, or update the tag values of, an App Runner resource. A tag is a key-value pair.

Public Method TagResourceAsync(TagResourceRequest, CancellationToken)

Add tags to, or update the tag values of, an App Runner resource. A tag is a key-value pair.

Public Method UntagResource(UntagResourceRequest)

Remove tags from an App Runner resource.

Public Method UntagResourceAsync(UntagResourceRequest, CancellationToken)

Remove tags from an App Runner resource.

Public Method UpdateDefaultAutoScalingConfiguration(UpdateDefaultAutoScalingConfigurationRequest)

Update an auto scaling configuration to be the default. The existing default auto scaling configuration will be set to non-default automatically.

Public Method UpdateDefaultAutoScalingConfigurationAsync(UpdateDefaultAutoScalingConfigurationRequest, CancellationToken)

Update an auto scaling configuration to be the default. The existing default auto scaling configuration will be set to non-default automatically.

Public Method UpdateService(UpdateServiceRequest)

Update an App Runner service. You can update the source configuration and instance configuration of the service. You can also update the ARN of the auto scaling configuration resource that's associated with the service. However, you can't change the name or the encryption configuration of the service. These can be set only when you create the service.

To update the tags applied to your service, use the separate actions TagResource and UntagResource.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method UpdateServiceAsync(UpdateServiceRequest, CancellationToken)

Update an App Runner service. You can update the source configuration and instance configuration of the service. You can also update the ARN of the auto scaling configuration resource that's associated with the service. However, you can't change the name or the encryption configuration of the service. These can be set only when you create the service.

To update the tags applied to your service, use the separate actions TagResource and UntagResource.

This is an asynchronous operation. On a successful call, you can use the returned OperationId and the ListOperations call to track the operation's progress.

Public Method UpdateVpcIngressConnection(UpdateVpcIngressConnectionRequest)

Update an existing App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource. The VPC Ingress Connection must be in one of the following states to be updated:




Public Method UpdateVpcIngressConnectionAsync(UpdateVpcIngressConnectionRequest, CancellationToken)

Update an existing App Runner VPC Ingress Connection resource. The VPC Ingress Connection must be in one of the following states to be updated:




Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5