AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Class AccessDeniedException

The account or role doesn't have the right permissions to make the request.

Class AppTestPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the AppTest service

Class Batch

Defines a batch.

Class BatchStepInput

Defines a batch step input.

Class BatchStepOutput

Defines a batch step output.

Class BatchSummary

Summarizes a batch job.

Class CloudFormation

Specifies the CloudFormation template and its parameters.

Class CloudFormationAction

Specifies the CloudFormation action.

Class CloudFormationStepSummary

Specifies the CloudFormation step summary.

Class CompareAction

Compares the action.

Class CompareActionSummary

Specifies the compare action summary.

Class CompareDatabaseCDCStepInput

Compares the database Change Data Capture (CDC) step input.

Class CompareDatabaseCDCStepOutput

Compares the database CDC step output.

Class CompareDatabaseCDCSummary

Compares the database CDC summary.

Class CompareDataSetsStepInput

Specifies the compare data sets step input.

Class CompareDataSetsStepOutput

Specifies the compare data sets step output.

Class CompareDataSetsSummary

Compares data sets summary.

Class CompareFileType

Compares the file type.

Class ConflictException

The parameters provided in the request conflict with existing resources.

Class CreateCloudFormationStepInput

Creates the CloudFormation step input.

Class CreateCloudFormationStepOutput

Creates a CloudFormation step output.

Class CreateCloudFormationSummary

Creates a CloudFormation summary.

Class CreateTestCaseRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateTestCase operation. Creates a test case.

Class CreateTestCaseResponse

This is the response object from the CreateTestCase operation.

Class CreateTestConfigurationRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateTestConfiguration operation. Creates a test configuration.

Class CreateTestConfigurationResponse

This is the response object from the CreateTestConfiguration operation.

Class CreateTestSuiteRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateTestSuite operation. Creates a test suite.

Class CreateTestSuiteResponse

This is the response object from the CreateTestSuite operation.

Class DatabaseCDC

Defines the Change Data Capture (CDC) of the database.

Class DataSet

Defines a data set.

Class DeleteCloudFormationStepInput

Deletes the CloudFormation step input.

Class DeleteCloudFormationStepOutput

Deletes the CloudFormation summary step output.

Class DeleteCloudFormationSummary

Deletes the CloudFormation summary.

Class DeleteTestCaseRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteTestCase operation. Deletes a test case.

Class DeleteTestCaseResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteTestCase operation.

Class DeleteTestConfigurationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteTestConfiguration operation. Deletes a test configuration.

Class DeleteTestConfigurationResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteTestConfiguration operation.

Class DeleteTestRunRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteTestRun operation. Deletes a test run.

Class DeleteTestRunResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteTestRun operation.

Class DeleteTestSuiteRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteTestSuite operation. Deletes a test suite.

Class DeleteTestSuiteResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteTestSuite operation.

Class File

Defines a file.

Class FileMetadata

Specifies a file metadata.

Class GetTestCaseRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetTestCase operation. Gets a test case.

Class GetTestCaseResponse

This is the response object from the GetTestCase operation.

Class GetTestConfigurationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetTestConfiguration operation. Gets a test configuration.

Class GetTestConfigurationResponse

This is the response object from the GetTestConfiguration operation.

Class GetTestRunStepRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetTestRunStep operation. Gets a test run step.

Class GetTestRunStepResponse

This is the response object from the GetTestRunStep operation.

Class GetTestSuiteRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetTestSuite operation. Gets a test suite.

Class GetTestSuiteResponse

This is the response object from the GetTestSuite operation.

Class Input

Specifies the input.

Class InputFile

Specifies the input file.

Class InternalServerException

An unexpected error occurred during the processing of the request.

Class ListTagsForResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. Lists tags for a resource.

Class ListTagsForResourceResponse

This is the response object from the ListTagsForResource operation.

Class ListTestCasesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTestCases operation. Lists test cases.

Class ListTestCasesResponse

This is the response object from the ListTestCases operation.

Class ListTestConfigurationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTestConfigurations operation. Lists test configurations.

Class ListTestConfigurationsResponse

This is the response object from the ListTestConfigurations operation.

Class ListTestRunsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTestRuns operation. Lists test runs.

Class ListTestRunsResponse

This is the response object from the ListTestRuns operation.

Class ListTestRunStepsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTestRunSteps operation. Lists test run steps.

Class ListTestRunStepsResponse

This is the response object from the ListTestRunSteps operation.

Class ListTestRunTestCasesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTestRunTestCases operation. Lists test run test cases.

Class ListTestRunTestCasesResponse

This is the response object from the ListTestRunTestCases operation.

Class ListTestSuitesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTestSuites operation. Lists test suites.

Class ListTestSuitesResponse

This is the response object from the ListTestSuites operation.

Class M2ManagedActionProperties

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed action properties.

Class M2ManagedApplication

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed application.

Class M2ManagedApplicationAction

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed application action.

Class M2ManagedApplicationStepInput

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed application step input.

Class M2ManagedApplicationStepOutput

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed application step output.

Class M2ManagedApplicationStepSummary

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed application step summary.

Class M2ManagedApplicationSummary

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization managed application summary.

Class M2NonManagedApplication

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization non-managed application.

Class M2NonManagedApplicationAction

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization non-managed application action.

Class M2NonManagedApplicationStepInput

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization non-managed application step input.

Class M2NonManagedApplicationStepOutput

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization non-managed application step output.

Class M2NonManagedApplicationStepSummary

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization non-managed application step summary.

Class M2NonManagedApplicationSummary

Specifies the AWS Mainframe Modernization non-managed application summary.

Class MainframeAction

Specifies the mainframe action.

Class MainframeActionProperties

Specifies the mainframe action properties.

Class MainframeActionSummary

Specifies the mainframe action summary.

Class MainframeActionType

Specifies the mainframe action type.

Class MainframeResourceSummary

Specifies the mainframe resource summary.

Class Output

Specifies an output.

Class OutputFile

Specifies an output file.

Class Resource

Specifies a resource.

Class ResourceAction

Specifies a resource action.

Class ResourceActionSummary

Specifies the resource action summary.

Class ResourceNotFoundException

The specified resource was not found.

Class ResourceType

Specifies the resource type.

Class Script

Specifies the script.

Class ScriptSummary

Specifies the scripts summary.

Class ServiceQuotaExceededException

One or more quotas for AWS Application Testing exceeds the limit.

Class ServiceSettings

Specifies the service settings.

Class SourceDatabaseMetadata

Specifies the source database metadata.

Class StartTestRunRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartTestRun operation. Starts a test run.

Class StartTestRunResponse

This is the response object from the StartTestRun operation.

Class Step

Defines a step.

Class StepAction

Specifies a step action.

Class StepRunSummary

Defines the step run summary.

Class TagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the TagResource operation. Specifies tags of a resource.

Class TagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the TagResource operation.

Class TargetDatabaseMetadata

Specifies a target database metadata.

Class TestCaseLatestVersion

Specifies the latest version of a test case.

Class TestCaseRunSummary

Specifies the test case run summary.

Class TestCases

Specifies test cases.

Class TestCaseSummary

Specifies a test case summary.

Class TestConfigurationLatestVersion

Specifies the latest version of the test configuration.

Class TestConfigurationSummary

Specifies a test configuration summary.

Class TestRunStepSummary

Specifies a test run step summary.

Class TestRunSummary

Specifies a test run summary.

Class TestSuiteLatestVersion

Specifies the latest version of a test suite.

Class TestSuiteSummary

Specifies the test suite summary.

Class ThrottlingException

The number of requests made exceeds the limit.

Class TN3270

Specifies the TN3270 protocol.

Class TN3270StepInput

Specifies a TN3270 step input.

Class TN3270StepOutput

Specifies a TN3270 step output.

Class TN3270Summary

Specifies a TN3270 summary.

Class UntagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the UntagResource operation. Untags a resource.

Class UntagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the UntagResource operation.

Class UpdateTestCaseRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateTestCase operation. Updates a test case.

Class UpdateTestCaseResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateTestCase operation.

Class UpdateTestConfigurationRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateTestConfiguration operation. Updates a test configuration.

Class UpdateTestConfigurationResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateTestConfiguration operation.

Class UpdateTestSuiteRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateTestSuite operation. Updates a test suite.

Class UpdateTestSuiteResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateTestSuite operation.

Class ValidationException

One or more parameter provided in the request is not valid.

Class ValidationExceptionField

Specifies a validation exception field.


Interface IAppTestPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the AppTest service

Interface IListTestCasesPaginator

Paginator for the ListTestCases operation

Interface IListTestConfigurationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListTestConfigurations operation

Interface IListTestRunsPaginator

Paginator for the ListTestRuns operation

Interface IListTestRunStepsPaginator

Paginator for the ListTestRunSteps operation

Interface IListTestRunTestCasesPaginator

Paginator for the ListTestRunTestCases operation

Interface IListTestSuitesPaginator

Paginator for the ListTestSuites operation