AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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A statement is the formal description of a single permission, and is always contained within a policy object.

A statement describes a rule for allowing or denying access to a specific AWS resource based on how the resource is being accessed, and who is attempting to access the resource. Statements can also optionally contain a list of conditions that specify when a statement is to be honored.

For example, consider a statement that: A is the prinicpal The AWS account that is making a request to access or modify one of your AWS resources. B is the action the way in which your AWS resource is being accessed or modified, such as sending a message to an Amazon SQS queue, or storing an object in an Amazon S3 bucket. C is the resource your AWS entity that the principal wants to access, such as an Amazon SQS queue, or an object stored in Amazon S3. D is the set of conditions optional constraints that specify when to allow or deny access for the principal to access your resource. Many expressive conditions are available, some specific to each service. For example you can use date conditions to allow access to your resources only after or before a specific time.

There are many resources and conditions available for use in statements, and you can combine them to form fine grained custom access control polices.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy
Assembly: AWSSDK.Core.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class Statement

The Statement type exposes the following members


Public Method Statement(Statement.StatementEffect)

Constructs a new access control policy statement with the specified effect.

Before a statement is valid and can be sent to AWS, callers must set the principals, resources, and actions (as well as any optional conditions) involved in the statement.


Public Property Actions System.Collections.Generic.IList<Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.ActionIdentifier>

Gets and Sets the list of actions to which this policy statement applies. Actions limit a policy statement to specific service operations that are being allowed or denied by the policy statement. For example, you might want to allow any AWS user to post messages to your SQS queue using the SendMessage action, but you don't want to allow those users other actions such as ReceiveMessage or DeleteQueue.

Public Property Conditions System.Collections.Generic.IList<Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Condition>

Gets and Sets the conditions associated with this policy statement. Conditions allow policy statements to be conditionally evaluated based on the many available condition types.

For example, a statement that allows access to an Amazon SQS queue could use a condition to only apply the effect of that statement for requests that are made before a certain date, or that originate from a range of IP addresses.

When multiple conditions are included in a single statement, all conditions must evaluate to true in order for the statement to take effect.

Public Property Effect Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Statement.StatementEffect

Gets and Sets the result effect of this policy statement when it is evaluated. A policy statement can either allow access or explicitly

Public Property Id System.String

Gets and Sets the ID for this statement. Statement IDs serve to help keep track of multiple statements, and are often used to give the statement a meaningful, human readable name.

Developers should be careful to not use the same statement ID for multiple statements in the same policy. Reusing the same statement ID in different policies is not a problem.

Public Property Principals System.Collections.Generic.IList<Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Principal>

Gets and Sets the principals associated with this policy statement, indicating which AWS accounts are affected by this policy statement.

Public Property Resources System.Collections.Generic.IList<Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Resource>

Gets and Sets the resources associated with this policy statement. Resources are what a policy statement is allowing or denying access to, such as an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic.

Note that some services allow only one resource to be specified per policy statement.



Asynchronous operations (methods ending with Async) in the table below are for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the SDK follows the standard naming convention of BeginMethodName and EndMethodName to indicate asynchronous operations - these method pairs are not shown in the table below.

Public Method WithActionIdentifiers(ActionIdentifier[])

Sets the list of actions to which this policy statement applies and returns this updated Statement object so that additional method calls can be chained together.

Actions limit a policy statement to specific service operations that are being allowed or denied by the policy statement. For example, you might want to allow any AWS user to post messages to your SQS queue using the SendMessage action, but you don't want to allow those users other actions such as ReceiveMessage or DeleteQueue.

Public Method WithConditions(Condition[])

Sets the conditions associated with this policy statement, and returns this updated Statement object so that additional method calls can be chained together.

Conditions allow policy statements to be conditionally evaluated based on the many available condition types.

For example, a statement that allows access to an Amazon SQS queue could use a condition to only apply the effect of that statement for requests that are made before a certain date, or that originate from a range of IP addresses.

Multiple conditions can be included in a single statement, and all conditions must evaluate to true in order for the statement to take effect.

Public Method WithId(string)

Sets the ID for this statement and returns the updated statement so multiple calls can be chained together.

Statement IDs serve to help keep track of multiple statements, and are often used to give the statement a meaningful, human readable name.

Developers should be careful to not use the same statement ID for multiple statements in the same policy. Reusing the same statement ID in different policies is not a problem.

Public Method WithPrincipals(Principal[])

Sets the principals associated with this policy statement, and returns this updated Statement object. Principals control which AWS accounts are affected by this policy statement.

If you don't want to restrict your policy to specific users, you can use Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Principal.AllUsers to apply the policy to any user trying to access your resource.

Public Method WithResources(Resource[])

Sets the resources associated with this policy statement and returns this updated Statement object so that additional method calls can be chained together.

Resources are what a policy statement is allowing or denying access to, such as an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic.

Note that some services allow only one resource to be specified per policy statement.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5