AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

AWS services or capabilities described in AWS Documentation may vary by region/location. Click Getting Started with Amazon AWS to see specific differences applicable to the China (Beijing) Region.

Updates some of the parameters for a capability, based on the specified parameters. A trading capability contains the information required to transform incoming EDI documents into JSON or XML outputs.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to UpdateCapabilityAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.B2bi
Assembly: AWSSDK.B2bi.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public abstract UpdateCapabilityResponse UpdateCapability(
         UpdateCapabilityRequest request


Type: Amazon.B2bi.Model.UpdateCapabilityRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateCapability service method.

Return Value

The response from the UpdateCapability service method, as returned by B2bi.


AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
ConflictException A conflict exception is thrown when you attempt to delete a resource (such as a profile or a capability) that is being used by other resources.
InternalServerException This exception is thrown when an error occurs in the Amazon Web Services B2B Data Interchange service.
ResourceNotFoundException Occurs when the requested resource does not exist, or cannot be found. In some cases, the resource exists in a region other than the region specified in the API call.
ServiceQuotaExceededException Occurs when the calling command attempts to exceed one of the service quotas, for example trying to create a capability when you already have the maximum number of capabilities allowed.
ThrottlingException The request was denied due to throttling: the data speed and rendering may be limited depending on various parameters and conditions.
ValidationException Occurs when a B2BI object cannot be validated against a request from another object.


Sample UpdateCapability call

var client = new AmazonB2biClient();
var response = client.CreateCapability(new CreateCapabilityRequest 
    Name = "b2biexample",
    Type = "edi",
    ClientToken = "foo",
    Configuration = new CapabilityConfiguration { Edi = new EdiConfiguration {
        Type = new EdiType { X12Details = new X12Details {
            Version = "VERSION_4010",
            TransactionSet = "X12_110"
        } },
        InputLocation = new S3Location {
            Key = "input/",
            BucketName = "test-bucket"
        OutputLocation = new S3Location {
            Key = "output/",
            BucketName = "test-bucket"
        TransformerId = "tr-9a893cf536df4658b"
    } },
    InstructionsDocuments = new List<S3Location> {
        new S3Location {
            Key = "instructiondoc.txt",
            BucketName = "test-bucket"
    Tags = new List<Tag> {
        new Tag {
            Key = "capabilityKey1",
            Value = "capabilityValue1"

string name = response.Name;
string type = response.Type;
string capabilityArn = response.CapabilityArn;
string capabilityId = response.CapabilityId;
CapabilityConfiguration configuration = response.Configuration;
DateTime createdAt = response.CreatedAt;
List<S3Location> instructionsDocuments = response.InstructionsDocuments;


Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5

See Also