AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Class AccessDeniedException

Caller does not have sufficient access to perform this action.

Class AggregateColumn

Column in configured table that can be used in aggregate function in query.

Class AggregationConstraint

Constraint on query output removing output rows that do not meet a minimum number of distinct values of a specified column.

Class AnalysisParameter

Optional. The member who can query can provide this placeholder for a literal data value in an analysis template.

Class AnalysisRule

A specification about how data from the configured table can be used in a query.

Class AnalysisRuleAggregation

A type of analysis rule that enables query structure and specified queries that produce aggregate statistics.

Class AnalysisRuleCustom

A type of analysis rule that enables the table owner to approve custom SQL queries on their configured tables. It supports differential privacy.

Class AnalysisRuleIdMappingTable

Defines details for the analysis rule ID mapping table.

Class AnalysisRuleList

A type of analysis rule that enables row-level analysis.

Class AnalysisRulePolicy

Controls on the query specifications that can be run on configured table.

Class AnalysisRulePolicyV1

Controls on the query specifications that can be run on configured table.

Class AnalysisSchema

A relation within an analysis.

Class AnalysisSource

The structure that defines the body of the analysis template.

Class AnalysisTemplate

The analysis template.

Class AnalysisTemplateSummary

The metadata of the analysis template.

Class AnalysisTemplateValidationStatusDetail

The status details of the analysis template validation. Clean Rooms Differential Privacy uses a general-purpose query structure to support complex SQL queries and validates whether an analysis template fits that general-purpose query structure. Validation is performed when analysis templates are created and fetched. Because analysis templates are immutable by design, we recommend that you create analysis templates after you associate the configured tables with their analysis rule to your collaboration.

For more information, see

Class AnalysisTemplateValidationStatusReason

The reasons for the validation results.

Class AthenaTableReference

A reference to a table within Athena.

Class BatchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateError

Details of errors thrown by the call to retrieve multiple analysis templates within a collaboration by their identifiers.

Class BatchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplate operation. Retrieves multiple analysis templates within a collaboration by their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

Class BatchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the BatchGetCollaborationAnalysisTemplate operation.

Class BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRuleError

An error that describes why a schema could not be fetched.

Class BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRule operation. Retrieves multiple analysis rule schemas.

Class BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the BatchGetSchemaAnalysisRule operation.

Class BatchGetSchemaError

An error describing why a schema could not be fetched.

Class BatchGetSchemaRequest

Container for the parameters to the BatchGetSchema operation. Retrieves multiple schemas by their identifiers.

Class BatchGetSchemaResponse

This is the response object from the BatchGetSchema operation.

Class BilledResourceUtilization

Information related to the utilization of resources that have been billed or charged for in a given context, such as a protected query.

Class CleanRoomsPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the CleanRooms service

Class Collaboration

The multi-party data share environment. The collaboration contains metadata about its purpose and participants.

Class CollaborationAnalysisTemplate

The analysis template within a collaboration.

Class CollaborationAnalysisTemplateSummary

The metadata of the analysis template within a collaboration.

Class CollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation

The configured audience model association within a collaboration.

Class CollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationSummary

A summary of the configured audience model association in the collaboration.

Class CollaborationIdNamespaceAssociation

Defines details for the collaboration ID namespace association.

Class CollaborationIdNamespaceAssociationSummary

Provides summary information about the collaboration ID namespace association.

Class CollaborationPrivacyBudgetSummary

A summary of the collaboration privacy budgets. This summary includes the collaboration information, creation information, epsilon provided, and utility in terms of aggregations.

Class CollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplate

An array that specifies the information for a collaboration's privacy budget template.

Class CollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplateSummary

A summary of the collaboration's privacy budget template. This summary includes information about who created the privacy budget template and what collaborations it belongs to.

Class CollaborationSummary

The metadata of the collaboration.

Class Column

A column within a schema relation, derived from the underlying table.

Class ComputeConfiguration

The configuration of the compute resources for an analysis with the Spark analytics engine.

Class ConfigurationDetails

The configuration details.

Class ConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation

Details about the configured audience model association.

Class ConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationSummary

A summary of the configured audience model association.

Class ConfiguredTable

A table that has been configured for use in a collaboration.

Class ConfiguredTableAnalysisRule

A configured table analysis rule, which limits how data for this table can be used.

Class ConfiguredTableAnalysisRulePolicy

Controls on the query specifications that can be run on a configured table.

Class ConfiguredTableAnalysisRulePolicyV1

Controls on the query specifications that can be run on a configured table.

Class ConfiguredTableAssociation

A configured table association links a configured table to a collaboration.

Class ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule

An analysis rule for a configured table association. This analysis rule specifies how data from the table can be used within its associated collaboration. In the console, the ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule is referred to as the collaboration analysis rule.

Class ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleAggregation

The configured table association analysis rule applied to a configured table with the aggregation analysis rule.

Class ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleCustom

The configured table association analysis rule applied to a configured table with the custom analysis rule.

Class ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleList

The configured table association analysis rule applied to a configured table with the list analysis rule.

Class ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRulePolicy

Controls on the query specifications that can be run on an associated configured table.

Class ConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRulePolicyV1

Controls on the query specifications that can be run on an associated configured table.

Class ConfiguredTableAssociationSummary

The configured table association summary for the objects listed by the request.

Class ConfiguredTableSummary

The configured table summary for the objects listed by the request.

Class ConflictException

Updating or deleting a resource can cause an inconsistent state.

Class CreateAnalysisTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateAnalysisTemplate operation. Creates a new analysis template.

Class CreateAnalysisTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the CreateAnalysisTemplate operation.

Class CreateCollaborationRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateCollaboration operation. Creates a new collaboration.

Class CreateCollaborationResponse

This is the response object from the CreateCollaboration operation.

Class CreateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation. Provides the details necessary to create a configured audience model association.

Class CreateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the CreateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation.

Class CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation. Creates a new analysis rule for a configured table. Currently, only one analysis rule can be created for a given configured table.

Class CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the CreateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation.

Class CreateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation. Creates a new analysis rule for an associated configured table.

Class CreateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the CreateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation.

Class CreateConfiguredTableAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateConfiguredTableAssociation operation. Creates a configured table association. A configured table association links a configured table with a collaboration.

Class CreateConfiguredTableAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the CreateConfiguredTableAssociation operation.

Class CreateConfiguredTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateConfiguredTable operation. Creates a new configured table resource.

Class CreateConfiguredTableResponse

This is the response object from the CreateConfiguredTable operation.

Class CreateIdMappingTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateIdMappingTable operation. Creates an ID mapping table.

Class CreateIdMappingTableResponse

This is the response object from the CreateIdMappingTable operation.

Class CreateIdNamespaceAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateIdNamespaceAssociation operation. Creates an ID namespace association.

Class CreateIdNamespaceAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the CreateIdNamespaceAssociation operation.

Class CreateMembershipRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateMembership operation. Creates a membership for a specific collaboration identifier and joins the collaboration.

Class CreateMembershipResponse

This is the response object from the CreateMembership operation.

Class CreatePrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreatePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation. Creates a privacy budget template for a specified membership. Each membership can have only one privacy budget template, but it can be deleted and recreated. If you need to change the privacy budget template for a membership, use the UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation.

Class CreatePrivacyBudgetTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the CreatePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation.

Class DataEncryptionMetadata

The settings for client-side encryption for cryptographic computing.

Class DeleteAnalysisTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteAnalysisTemplate operation. Deletes an analysis template.

Class DeleteAnalysisTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteAnalysisTemplate operation.

Class DeleteCollaborationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteCollaboration operation. Deletes a collaboration. It can only be called by the collaboration owner.

Class DeleteCollaborationResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteCollaboration operation.

Class DeleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation. Provides the information necessary to delete a configured audience model association.

Class DeleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation.

Class DeleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation. Deletes a configured table analysis rule.

Class DeleteConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleResponse

An empty response that indicates a successful delete.

Class DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation. Deletes an analysis rule for a configured table association.

Class DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation.

Class DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteConfiguredTableAssociation operation. Deletes a configured table association.

Class DeleteConfiguredTableAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteConfiguredTableAssociation operation.

Class DeleteConfiguredTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteConfiguredTable operation. Deletes a configured table.

Class DeleteConfiguredTableResponse

The empty output for a successful deletion.

Class DeleteIdMappingTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteIdMappingTable operation. Deletes an ID mapping table.

Class DeleteIdMappingTableResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteIdMappingTable operation.

Class DeleteIdNamespaceAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteIdNamespaceAssociation operation. Deletes an ID namespace association.

Class DeleteIdNamespaceAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteIdNamespaceAssociation operation.

Class DeleteMemberRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteMember operation. Removes the specified member from a collaboration. The removed member is placed in the Removed status and can't interact with the collaboration. The removed member's data is inaccessible to active members of the collaboration.

Class DeleteMemberResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteMember operation.

Class DeleteMembershipRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteMembership operation. Deletes a specified membership. All resources under a membership must be deleted.

Class DeleteMembershipResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteMembership operation.

Class DeletePrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeletePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation. Deletes a privacy budget template for a specified membership.

Class DeletePrivacyBudgetTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the DeletePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation.

Class DifferentialPrivacyColumn

Specifies the name of the column that contains the unique identifier of your users, whose privacy you want to protect.

Class DifferentialPrivacyConfiguration

Specifies the unique identifier for your users.

Class DifferentialPrivacyParameters

An array that contains the sensitivity parameters.

Class DifferentialPrivacyPreviewAggregation

Provides an estimate of the number of aggregation functions that the member who can query can run given the epsilon and noise parameters.

Class DifferentialPrivacyPreviewParametersInput

The epsilon and noise parameters that you want to preview.

Class DifferentialPrivacyPrivacyBudget

Specifies the configured epsilon value and the utility in terms of total aggregations, as well as the remaining aggregations available.

Class DifferentialPrivacyPrivacyBudgetAggregation

Information about the total number of aggregations, as well as the remaining aggregations.

Class DifferentialPrivacyPrivacyImpact

Information about the number of aggregation functions that the member who can query can run given the epsilon and noise parameters.

Class DifferentialPrivacySensitivityParameters

Provides the sensitivity parameters.

Class DifferentialPrivacyTemplateParametersInput

The epsilon and noise parameter values that you want to use for the differential privacy template.

Class DifferentialPrivacyTemplateParametersOutput

The epsilon and noise parameter values that were used for the differential privacy template.

Class DifferentialPrivacyTemplateUpdateParameters

The epsilon and noise parameter values that you want to update in the differential privacy template.

Class DirectAnalysisConfigurationDetails

The direct analysis configuration details.

Class GetAnalysisTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetAnalysisTemplate operation. Retrieves an analysis template.

Class GetAnalysisTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the GetAnalysisTemplate operation.

Class GetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetCollaborationAnalysisTemplate operation. Retrieves an analysis template within a collaboration.

Class GetCollaborationAnalysisTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the GetCollaborationAnalysisTemplate operation.

Class GetCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation. Retrieves a configured audience model association within a collaboration.

Class GetCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the GetCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation.

Class GetCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociation operation. Retrieves an ID namespace association from a specific collaboration.

Class GetCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the GetCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociation operation.

Class GetCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplate operation. Returns details about a specified privacy budget template.

Class GetCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the GetCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplate operation.

Class GetCollaborationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetCollaboration operation. Returns metadata about a collaboration.

Class GetCollaborationResponse

This is the response object from the GetCollaboration operation.

Class GetConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation. Returns information about a configured audience model association.

Class GetConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the GetConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation.

Class GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation. Retrieves a configured table analysis rule.

Class GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the GetConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation.

Class GetConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation. Retrieves the analysis rule for a configured table association.

Class GetConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the GetConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation.

Class GetConfiguredTableAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetConfiguredTableAssociation operation. Retrieves a configured table association.

Class GetConfiguredTableAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the GetConfiguredTableAssociation operation.

Class GetConfiguredTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetConfiguredTable operation. Retrieves a configured table.

Class GetConfiguredTableResponse

This is the response object from the GetConfiguredTable operation.

Class GetIdMappingTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetIdMappingTable operation. Retrieves an ID mapping table.

Class GetIdMappingTableResponse

This is the response object from the GetIdMappingTable operation.

Class GetIdNamespaceAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetIdNamespaceAssociation operation. Retrieves an ID namespace association.

Class GetIdNamespaceAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the GetIdNamespaceAssociation operation.

Class GetMembershipRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetMembership operation. Retrieves a specified membership for an identifier.

Class GetMembershipResponse

This is the response object from the GetMembership operation.

Class GetPrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetPrivacyBudgetTemplate operation. Returns details for a specified privacy budget template.

Class GetPrivacyBudgetTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the GetPrivacyBudgetTemplate operation.

Class GetProtectedQueryRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetProtectedQuery operation. Returns query processing metadata.

Class GetProtectedQueryResponse

This is the response object from the GetProtectedQuery operation.

Class GetSchemaAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetSchemaAnalysisRule operation. Retrieves a schema analysis rule.

Class GetSchemaAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the GetSchemaAnalysisRule operation.

Class GetSchemaRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetSchema operation. Retrieves the schema for a relation within a collaboration.

Class GetSchemaResponse

This is the response object from the GetSchema operation.

Class GlueTableReference

A reference to a table within an Glue data catalog.

Class IdMappingConfig

The configuration settings for the ID mapping table.

Class IdMappingTable

Describes information about the ID mapping table.

Class IdMappingTableInputReferenceConfig

Provides the input reference configuration for the ID mapping table.

Class IdMappingTableInputReferenceProperties

The input reference properties for the ID mapping table.

Class IdMappingTableInputSource

The input source of the ID mapping table.

Class IdMappingTableSchemaTypeProperties

Additional properties that are specific to the type of the associated schema.

Class IdMappingTableSummary

Detailed information about the ID mapping table.

Class IdNamespaceAssociation

Provides information to create the ID namespace association.

Class IdNamespaceAssociationInputReferenceConfig

Provides the information for the ID namespace association input reference configuration.

Class IdNamespaceAssociationInputReferenceProperties

Provides the information for the ID namespace association input reference properties.

Class IdNamespaceAssociationInputReferencePropertiesSummary

Detailed information about the ID namespace association input reference properties.

Class IdNamespaceAssociationSummary

Detailed information about the ID namespace association.

Class InternalServerException

Unexpected error during processing of request.

Class ListAnalysisTemplatesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListAnalysisTemplates operation. Lists analysis templates that the caller owns.

Class ListAnalysisTemplatesResponse

This is the response object from the ListAnalysisTemplates operation.

Class ListCollaborationAnalysisTemplatesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListCollaborationAnalysisTemplates operation. Lists analysis templates within a collaboration.

Class ListCollaborationAnalysisTemplatesResponse

This is the response object from the ListCollaborationAnalysisTemplates operation.

Class ListCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations operation. Lists configured audience model associations within a collaboration.

Class ListCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsResponse

This is the response object from the ListCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations operation.

Class ListCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociations operation. Returns a list of the ID namespace associations in a collaboration.

Class ListCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociationsResponse

This is the response object from the ListCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociations operation.

Class ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgets operation. Returns an array that summarizes each privacy budget in a specified collaboration. The summary includes the collaboration ARN, creation time, creating account, and privacy budget details.

Class ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetsResponse

This is the response object from the ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgets operation.

Class ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplatesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplates operation. Returns an array that summarizes each privacy budget template in a specified collaboration.

Class ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplatesResponse

This is the response object from the ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplates operation.

Class ListCollaborationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListCollaborations operation. Lists collaborations the caller owns, is active in, or has been invited to.

Class ListCollaborationsResponse

This is the response object from the ListCollaborations operation.

Class ListConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations operation. Lists information about requested configured audience model associations.

Class ListConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsResponse

This is the response object from the ListConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations operation.

Class ListConfiguredTableAssociationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListConfiguredTableAssociations operation. Lists configured table associations for a membership.

Class ListConfiguredTableAssociationsResponse

This is the response object from the ListConfiguredTableAssociations operation.

Class ListConfiguredTablesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListConfiguredTables operation. Lists configured tables.

Class ListConfiguredTablesResponse

This is the response object from the ListConfiguredTables operation.

Class ListIdMappingTablesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListIdMappingTables operation. Returns a list of ID mapping tables.

Class ListIdMappingTablesResponse

This is the response object from the ListIdMappingTables operation.

Class ListIdNamespaceAssociationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListIdNamespaceAssociations operation. Returns a list of ID namespace associations.

Class ListIdNamespaceAssociationsResponse

This is the response object from the ListIdNamespaceAssociations operation.

Class ListMembershipsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListMemberships operation. Lists all memberships resources within the caller's account.

Class ListMembershipsResponse

This is the response object from the ListMemberships operation.

Class ListMembersRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListMembers operation. Lists all members within a collaboration.

Class ListMembersResponse

This is the response object from the ListMembers operation.

Class ListPrivacyBudgetsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListPrivacyBudgets operation. Returns detailed information about the privacy budgets in a specified membership.

Class ListPrivacyBudgetsResponse

This is the response object from the ListPrivacyBudgets operation.

Class ListPrivacyBudgetTemplatesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListPrivacyBudgetTemplates operation. Returns detailed information about the privacy budget templates in a specified membership.

Class ListPrivacyBudgetTemplatesResponse

This is the response object from the ListPrivacyBudgetTemplates operation.

Class ListProtectedQueriesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListProtectedQueries operation. Lists protected queries, sorted by the most recent query.

Class ListProtectedQueriesResponse

This is the response object from the ListProtectedQueries operation.

Class ListSchemasRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListSchemas operation. Lists the schemas for relations within a collaboration.

Class ListSchemasResponse

This is the response object from the ListSchemas operation.

Class ListTagsForResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. Lists all of the tags that have been added to a resource.

Class ListTagsForResourceResponse

This is the response object from the ListTagsForResource operation.

Class Membership

The membership object.

Class MembershipMLPaymentConfig

An object representing the collaboration member's machine learning payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

Class MembershipModelInferencePaymentConfig

An object representing the collaboration member's model inference payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

Class MembershipModelTrainingPaymentConfig

An object representing the collaboration member's model training payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

Class MembershipPaymentConfiguration

An object representing the payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member.

Class MembershipProtectedQueryOutputConfiguration

Contains configurations for protected query results.

Class MembershipProtectedQueryResultConfiguration

Contains configurations for protected query results.

Class MembershipQueryComputePaymentConfig

An object representing the payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for query compute costs.

Class MembershipSummary

The membership object listed by the request.

Class MemberSpecification

Basic metadata used to construct a new member.

Class MemberSummary

The member object listed by the request.

Class MLMemberAbilities

The ML member abilities for a collaboration member.

Custom ML modeling is in beta release and is subject to change. For beta terms and conditions, see Betas and Previews in the Amazon Web Services Service Terms.

Class MLPaymentConfig

An object representing the collaboration member's machine learning payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

Class ModelInferencePaymentConfig

An object representing the collaboration member's model inference payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

Class ModelTrainingPaymentConfig

An object representing the collaboration member's model training payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

Class PaymentConfiguration

An object representing the collaboration member's payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator.

Class PopulateIdMappingTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the PopulateIdMappingTable operation. Defines the information that's necessary to populate an ID mapping table.

Class PopulateIdMappingTableResponse

This is the response object from the PopulateIdMappingTable operation.

Class PreviewPrivacyImpactParametersInput

Specifies the updated epsilon and noise parameters to preview. The preview allows you to see how the maximum number of each type of aggregation function would change with the new parameters.

Class PreviewPrivacyImpactRequest

Container for the parameters to the PreviewPrivacyImpact operation. An estimate of the number of aggregation functions that the member who can query can run given epsilon and noise parameters.

Class PreviewPrivacyImpactResponse

This is the response object from the PreviewPrivacyImpact operation.

Class PrivacyBudget

The epsilon parameter value and number of each aggregation function that you can perform.

Class PrivacyBudgetSummary

An array that summaries the specified privacy budget. This summary includes collaboration information, creation information, membership information, and privacy budget information.

Class PrivacyBudgetTemplate

An object that defines the privacy budget template.

Class PrivacyBudgetTemplateParametersInput

The epsilon and noise parameters that you want to use for the privacy budget template.

Class PrivacyBudgetTemplateParametersOutput

The epsilon and noise parameters that were used in the privacy budget template.

Class PrivacyBudgetTemplateSummary

A summary of the privacy budget template. The summary includes membership information, collaboration information, and creation information.

Class PrivacyBudgetTemplateUpdateParameters

The epsilon and noise parameters that you want to update in the privacy budget template.

Class PrivacyImpact

Provides an estimate of the number of aggregation functions that the member who can query can run given the epsilon and noise parameters.

Class ProtectedQuery

The parameters for an Clean Rooms protected query.

Class ProtectedQueryError

Details of errors thrown by the protected query.

Class ProtectedQueryMemberOutputConfiguration

Contains configuration details for the protected query member output.

Class ProtectedQueryOutput

Contains details about the protected query output.

Class ProtectedQueryOutputConfiguration

Contains configuration details for protected query output.

Class ProtectedQueryResult

Details about the query results.

Class ProtectedQueryResultConfiguration

Contains configurations for protected query results.

Class ProtectedQueryS3Output

Contains output information for protected queries with an S3 output type.

Class ProtectedQueryS3OutputConfiguration

Contains the configuration to write the query results to S3.

Class ProtectedQuerySingleMemberOutput

Details about the member who received the query result.

Class ProtectedQuerySQLParameters

The parameters for the SQL type Protected Query.

Class ProtectedQueryStatistics

Contains statistics about the execution of the protected query.

Class ProtectedQuerySummary

The protected query summary for the objects listed by the request.

Class QueryComputePaymentConfig

An object representing the collaboration member's payment responsibilities set by the collaboration creator for query compute costs.

Class QueryConstraint

Provides any necessary query constraint information.

Class QueryConstraintRequireOverlap

Provides the name of the columns that are required to overlap.

Class ReceiverConfiguration

The receiver configuration for a protected query.

Class ResourceNotFoundException

Request references a resource which does not exist.

Class Schema

A schema is a relation within a collaboration.

Class SchemaAnalysisRuleRequest

Defines the information that's necessary to retrieve an analysis rule schema. Schema analysis rules are uniquely identiļ¬ed by a combination of the schema name and the analysis rule type for a given collaboration.

Class SchemaStatusDetail

Information about the schema status.

A status of READY means that based on the schema analysis rule, queries of the given analysis rule type are properly configured to run queries on this schema.

Class SchemaStatusReason

A reason why the schema status is set to its current value.

Class SchemaSummary

The schema summary for the objects listed by the request.

Class SchemaTypeProperties

Information about the schema type properties.

Class ServiceQuotaExceededException

Request denied because service quota has been exceeded.

Class SnowflakeTableReference

A reference to a table within Snowflake.

Class SnowflakeTableSchema

The schema of a Snowflake table.

Class SnowflakeTableSchemaV1

The Snowflake table schema.

Class StartProtectedQueryRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartProtectedQuery operation. Creates a protected query that is started by Clean Rooms.

Class StartProtectedQueryResponse

This is the response object from the StartProtectedQuery operation.

Class TableReference

A pointer to the dataset that underlies this table.

Class TagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the TagResource operation. Tags a resource.

Class TagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the TagResource operation.

Class ThrottlingException

Request was denied due to request throttling.

Class UntagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the UntagResource operation. Removes a tag or list of tags from a resource.

Class UntagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the UntagResource operation.

Class UpdateAnalysisTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateAnalysisTemplate operation. Updates the analysis template metadata.

Class UpdateAnalysisTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateAnalysisTemplate operation.

Class UpdateCollaborationRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateCollaboration operation. Updates collaboration metadata and can only be called by the collaboration owner.

Class UpdateCollaborationResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateCollaboration operation.

Class UpdateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation. Provides the details necessary to update a configured audience model association.

Class UpdateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateConfiguredAudienceModelAssociation operation.

Class UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation. Updates a configured table analysis rule.

Class UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateConfiguredTableAnalysisRule operation.

Class UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation. Updates the analysis rule for a configured table association.

Class UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRuleResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationAnalysisRule operation.

Class UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateConfiguredTableAssociation operation. Updates a configured table association.

Class UpdateConfiguredTableAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateConfiguredTableAssociation operation.

Class UpdateConfiguredTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateConfiguredTable operation. Updates a configured table.

Class UpdateConfiguredTableResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateConfiguredTable operation.

Class UpdateIdMappingTableRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateIdMappingTable operation. Provides the details that are necessary to update an ID mapping table.

Class UpdateIdMappingTableResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateIdMappingTable operation.

Class UpdateIdNamespaceAssociationRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateIdNamespaceAssociation operation. Provides the details that are necessary to update an ID namespace association.

Class UpdateIdNamespaceAssociationResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateIdNamespaceAssociation operation.

Class UpdateMembershipRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateMembership operation. Updates a membership.

Class UpdateMembershipResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateMembership operation.

Class UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplateRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation. Updates the privacy budget template for the specified membership.

Class UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplateResponse

This is the response object from the UpdatePrivacyBudgetTemplate operation.

Class UpdateProtectedQueryRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateProtectedQuery operation. Updates the processing of a currently running query.

Class UpdateProtectedQueryResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateProtectedQuery operation.

Class ValidationException

The input fails to satisfy the specified constraints.

Class ValidationExceptionField

Describes validation errors for specific input parameters.

Class WorkerComputeConfiguration

The configuration of the compute resources for workers running an analysis with the Clean Rooms SQL analytics engine.


Interface ICleanRoomsPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the CleanRooms service

Interface IListAnalysisTemplatesPaginator

Paginator for the ListAnalysisTemplates operation

Interface IListCollaborationAnalysisTemplatesPaginator

Paginator for the ListCollaborationAnalysisTemplates operation

Interface IListCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListCollaborationConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations operation

Interface IListCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListCollaborationIdNamespaceAssociations operation

Interface IListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetsPaginator

Paginator for the ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgets operation

Interface IListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplatesPaginator

Paginator for the ListCollaborationPrivacyBudgetTemplates operation

Interface IListCollaborationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListCollaborations operation

Interface IListConfiguredAudienceModelAssociationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListConfiguredAudienceModelAssociations operation

Interface IListConfiguredTableAssociationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListConfiguredTableAssociations operation

Interface IListConfiguredTablesPaginator

Paginator for the ListConfiguredTables operation

Interface IListIdMappingTablesPaginator

Paginator for the ListIdMappingTables operation

Interface IListIdNamespaceAssociationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListIdNamespaceAssociations operation

Interface IListMembershipsPaginator

Paginator for the ListMemberships operation

Interface IListMembersPaginator

Paginator for the ListMembers operation

Interface IListPrivacyBudgetsPaginator

Paginator for the ListPrivacyBudgets operation

Interface IListPrivacyBudgetTemplatesPaginator

Paginator for the ListPrivacyBudgetTemplates operation

Interface IListProtectedQueriesPaginator

Paginator for the ListProtectedQueries operation

Interface IListSchemasPaginator

Paginator for the ListSchemas operation