AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Looks up management events or CloudTrail Insights events that are captured by CloudTrail. You can look up events that occurred in a Region within the last 90 days.

LookupEvents returns recent Insights events for trails that enable Insights. To view Insights events for an event data store, you can run queries on your Insights event data store, and you can also view the Lake dashboard for Insights.

Lookup supports the following attributes for management events:

Lookup supports the following attributes for Insights events:

All attributes are optional. The default number of results returned is 50, with a maximum of 50 possible. The response includes a token that you can use to get the next page of results.

The rate of lookup requests is limited to two per second, per account, per Region. If this limit is exceeded, a throttling error occurs.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to LookupEventsAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.CloudTrail
Assembly: AWSSDK.CloudTrail.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public virtual LookupEventsResponse LookupEvents(
         LookupEventsRequest request


Type: Amazon.CloudTrail.Model.LookupEventsRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the LookupEvents service method.

Return Value

The response from the LookupEvents service method, as returned by CloudTrail.


InvalidEventCategoryException Occurs if an event category that is not valid is specified as a value of EventCategory.
InvalidLookupAttributesException Occurs when a lookup attribute is specified that is not valid.
InvalidMaxResultsException This exception is thrown if the limit specified is not valid.
InvalidNextTokenException A token that is not valid, or a token that was previously used in a request with different parameters. This exception is thrown if the token is not valid.
InvalidTimeRangeException Occurs if the timestamp values are not valid. Either the start time occurs after the end time, or the time range is outside the range of possible values.
OperationNotPermittedException This exception is thrown when the requested operation is not permitted.
UnsupportedOperationException This exception is thrown when the requested operation is not supported.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5

See Also