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Creates a new, empty repository.
For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to CreateRepositoryAsync.
Namespace: Amazon.CodeCommit
Assembly: AWSSDK.CodeCommit.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z
public virtual CreateRepositoryResponse CreateRepository( CreateRepositoryRequest request )
Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateRepository service method.
Exception | Condition |
EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException | An encryption integrity check failed. |
EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException | An encryption key could not be accessed. |
EncryptionKeyDisabledException | The encryption key is disabled. |
EncryptionKeyInvalidIdException | The Key Management Service encryption key is not valid. |
EncryptionKeyInvalidUsageException | A KMS encryption key was used to try and encrypt or decrypt a repository, but either the repository or the key was not in a valid state to support the operation. |
EncryptionKeyNotFoundException | No encryption key was found. |
EncryptionKeyUnavailableException | The encryption key is not available. |
InvalidRepositoryDescriptionException | The specified repository description is not valid. |
InvalidRepositoryNameException | A specified repository name is not valid. This exception occurs only when a specified repository name is not valid. Other exceptions occur when a required repository parameter is missing, or when a specified repository does not exist. |
InvalidSystemTagUsageException | The specified tag is not valid. Key names cannot be prefixed with aws:. |
InvalidTagsMapException | The map of tags is not valid. |
OperationNotAllowedException | The requested action is not allowed. |
RepositoryLimitExceededException | A repository resource limit was exceeded. |
RepositoryNameExistsException | The specified repository name already exists. |
RepositoryNameRequiredException | A repository name is required, but was not specified. |
TagPolicyException | The tag policy is not valid. |
TooManyTagsException | The maximum number of tags for an CodeCommit resource has been exceeded. |
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5