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Creates a link to a specified external Git repository. A repository link allows Git sync to monitor and sync changes to files in a specified Git repository.
For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to CreateRepositoryLinkAsync.
Namespace: Amazon.CodeStarconnections
Assembly: AWSSDK.CodeStarconnections.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z
public virtual CreateRepositoryLinkResponse CreateRepositoryLink( CreateRepositoryLinkRequest request )
Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateRepositoryLink service method.
Exception | Condition |
AccessDeniedException | You do not have sufficient access to perform this action. |
ConcurrentModificationException | Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time. |
InternalServerException | Received an internal server exception. Try again later. |
InvalidInputException | The input is not valid. Verify that the action is typed correctly. |
LimitExceededException | Exceeded the maximum limit for connections. |
ResourceAlreadyExistsException | Unable to create resource. Resource already exists. |
ThrottlingException | The request was denied due to request throttling. |
.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5