AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Creates a link to a specified external Git repository. A repository link allows Git sync to monitor and sync changes to files in a specified Git repository.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to CreateRepositoryLinkAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.CodeStarconnections
Assembly: AWSSDK.CodeStarconnections.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public virtual CreateRepositoryLinkResponse CreateRepositoryLink(
         CreateRepositoryLinkRequest request


Type: Amazon.CodeStarconnections.Model.CreateRepositoryLinkRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateRepositoryLink service method.

Return Value

The response from the CreateRepositoryLink service method, as returned by CodeStarconnections.


AccessDeniedException You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
ConcurrentModificationException Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modification to an application. For example, two individuals attempting to edit the same application at the same time.
InternalServerException Received an internal server exception. Try again later.
InvalidInputException The input is not valid. Verify that the action is typed correctly.
LimitExceededException Exceeded the maximum limit for connections.
ResourceAlreadyExistsException Unable to create resource. Resource already exists.
ThrottlingException The request was denied due to request throttling.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5

See Also