AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Class AccessDeniedException

You are not authorized to use this operation with the given parameters.

Class AccountEnrollmentStatus

Describes the enrollment status of an organization's member accounts in Cost Optimization Hub.

Class BlockStoragePerformanceConfiguration

Describes the Amazon Elastic Block Store performance configuration of the current and recommended resource configuration for a recommendation.

Class ComputeConfiguration

Describes the performance configuration for compute services such as Amazon EC2, Lambda, and ECS.

Class ComputeSavingsPlans

The Compute Savings Plans recommendation details.

Class ComputeSavingsPlansConfiguration

The Compute Savings Plans configuration used for recommendations.

Class CostOptimizationHubPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the CostOptimizationHub service

Class DbInstanceConfiguration

The DB instance configuration used for recommendations.

Class EbsVolume

Describes the Amazon Elastic Block Store volume configuration of the current and recommended resource configuration for a recommendation.

Class EbsVolumeConfiguration

The Amazon Elastic Block Store volume configuration used for recommendations.

Class Ec2AutoScalingGroup

The EC2 Auto Scaling group recommendation details.

Class Ec2AutoScalingGroupConfiguration

The EC2 Auto Scaling group configuration used for recommendations.

Class Ec2Instance

Describes the EC2 instance configuration of the current and recommended resource configuration for a recommendation.

Class Ec2InstanceConfiguration

The EC2 instance configuration used for recommendations.

Class Ec2InstanceSavingsPlans

The EC2 instance Savings Plans recommendation details.

Class Ec2InstanceSavingsPlansConfiguration

The EC2 instance Savings Plans configuration used for recommendations.

Class Ec2ReservedInstances

The EC2 reserved instances recommendation details.

Class Ec2ReservedInstancesConfiguration

The EC2 reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.

Class EcsService

The ECS service recommendation details.

Class EcsServiceConfiguration

The ECS service configuration used for recommendations.

Class ElastiCacheReservedInstances

The ElastiCache reserved instances recommendation details.

Class ElastiCacheReservedInstancesConfiguration

The ElastiCache reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.

Class EstimatedDiscounts

Estimated discount details of the current and recommended resource configuration for a recommendation.

Class Filter

Describes a filter that returns a more specific list of recommendations. Filters recommendations by different dimensions.

Class GetPreferencesRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetPreferences operation. Returns a set of preferences for an account in order to add account-specific preferences into the service. These preferences impact how the savings associated with recommendations are presented—estimated savings after discounts or estimated savings before discounts, for example.

Class GetPreferencesResponse

This is the response object from the GetPreferences operation.

Class GetRecommendationRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetRecommendation operation. Returns both the current and recommended resource configuration and the estimated cost impact for a recommendation.

The recommendationId is only valid for up to a maximum of 24 hours as recommendations are refreshed daily. To retrieve the recommendationId, use the ListRecommendations API.

Class GetRecommendationResponse

This is the response object from the GetRecommendation operation.

Class InstanceConfiguration

The instance configuration used for recommendations.

Class InternalServerException

An error on the server occurred during the processing of your request. Try again later.

Class LambdaFunction

The Lambda function recommendation details.

Class LambdaFunctionConfiguration

The Lambda function configuration used for recommendations.

Class ListEnrollmentStatusesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListEnrollmentStatuses operation. Retrieves the enrollment status for an account. It can also return the list of accounts that are enrolled under the organization.

Class ListEnrollmentStatusesResponse

This is the response object from the ListEnrollmentStatuses operation.

Class ListRecommendationsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListRecommendations operation. Returns a list of recommendations.

Class ListRecommendationsResponse

This is the response object from the ListRecommendations operation.

Class ListRecommendationSummariesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListRecommendationSummaries operation. Returns a concise representation of savings estimates for resources. Also returns de-duped savings across different types of recommendations.

The following filters are not supported for this API: recommendationIds, resourceArns, and resourceIds.

Class ListRecommendationSummariesResponse

This is the response object from the ListRecommendationSummaries operation.

Class MixedInstanceConfiguration

The configuration for the EC2 Auto Scaling group with mixed instance types.

Class OpenSearchReservedInstances

The OpenSearch reserved instances recommendation details.

Class OpenSearchReservedInstancesConfiguration

The OpenSearch reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.

Class OrderBy

Defines how rows will be sorted in the response.

Class RdsDbInstance

Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB instance.

Class RdsDbInstanceConfiguration

The Amazon RDS DB instance configuration used for recommendations.

Class RdsDbInstanceStorage

Contains the details of an Amazon RDS DB instance storage.

Class RdsDbInstanceStorageConfiguration

The Amazon RDS DB instance storage configuration used for recommendations.

Class RdsReservedInstances

The RDS reserved instances recommendation details.

Class RdsReservedInstancesConfiguration

The RDS reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.

Class Recommendation

Describes a recommendation.

Class RecommendationSummary

The summary of rightsizing recommendations, including de-duped savings from all types of recommendations.

Class RedshiftReservedInstances

The Redshift reserved instances recommendation details.

Class RedshiftReservedInstancesConfiguration

The Redshift reserved instances configuration used for recommendations.

Class ReservedInstancesCostCalculation

Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.

Class ReservedInstancesPricing

Pricing details for your recommended reserved instance.

Class ResourceCostCalculation

Cost impact of the resource recommendation.

Class ResourceDetails

Contains detailed information about the specified resource.

Class ResourceNotFoundException

The specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in the request doesn't exist.

Class ResourcePricing

Contains pricing information about the specified resource.

Class SageMakerSavingsPlans

The SageMaker Savings Plans recommendation details.

Class SageMakerSavingsPlansConfiguration

The SageMaker Savings Plans configuration used for recommendations.

Class SavingsPlansCostCalculation

Cost impact of the purchase recommendation.

Class SavingsPlansPricing

Pricing information about a Savings Plan.

Class StorageConfiguration

The storage configuration used for recommendations.

Class SummaryMetricsResult

The results or descriptions for the additional metrics, based on whether the metrics were or were not requested.

Class Tag

The tag structure that contains a tag key and value.

Class ThrottlingException

The request was denied due to request throttling.

Class UpdateEnrollmentStatusRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateEnrollmentStatus operation. Updates the enrollment (opt in and opt out) status of an account to the Cost Optimization Hub service.

If the account is a management account or delegated administrator of an organization, this action can also be used to enroll member accounts of the organization.

You must have the appropriate permissions to opt in to Cost Optimization Hub and to view its recommendations. When you opt in, Cost Optimization Hub automatically creates a service-linked role in your account to access its data.

Class UpdateEnrollmentStatusResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateEnrollmentStatus operation.

Class UpdatePreferencesRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdatePreferences operation. Updates a set of preferences for an account in order to add account-specific preferences into the service. These preferences impact how the savings associated with recommendations are presented.

Class UpdatePreferencesResponse

This is the response object from the UpdatePreferences operation.

Class Usage

Details about the usage.

Class ValidationException

The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service.

Class ValidationExceptionDetail

The input failed to meet the constraints specified by the Amazon Web Services service in a specified field.


Interface ICostOptimizationHubPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the CostOptimizationHub service

Interface IListEnrollmentStatusesPaginator

Paginator for the ListEnrollmentStatuses operation

Interface IListRecommendationsPaginator

Paginator for the ListRecommendations operation

Interface IListRecommendationSummariesPaginator

Paginator for the ListRecommendationSummaries operation