AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Modifies the available capacity providers and the default capacity provider strategy for a cluster.

You must specify both the available capacity providers and a default capacity provider strategy for the cluster. If the specified cluster has existing capacity providers associated with it, you must specify all existing capacity providers in addition to any new ones you want to add. Any existing capacity providers that are associated with a cluster that are omitted from a PutClusterCapacityProviders API call will be disassociated with the cluster. You can only disassociate an existing capacity provider from a cluster if it's not being used by any existing tasks.

When creating a service or running a task on a cluster, if no capacity provider or launch type is specified, then the cluster's default capacity provider strategy is used. We recommend that you define a default capacity provider strategy for your cluster. However, you must specify an empty array ([]) to bypass defining a default strategy.


This is an asynchronous operation using the standard naming convention for .NET 4.5 or higher. For .NET 3.5 the operation is implemented as a pair of methods using the standard naming convention of BeginPutClusterCapacityProviders and EndPutClusterCapacityProviders.

Namespace: Amazon.ECS
Assembly: AWSSDK.ECS.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public abstract Task<PutClusterCapacityProvidersResponse> PutClusterCapacityProvidersAsync(
         PutClusterCapacityProvidersRequest request,
         CancellationToken cancellationToken


Type: Amazon.ECS.Model.PutClusterCapacityProvidersRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutClusterCapacityProviders service method.

Type: System.Threading.CancellationToken

A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.

Return Value

The response from the PutClusterCapacityProviders service method, as returned by ECS.


ClientException These errors are usually caused by a client action. This client action might be using an action or resource on behalf of a user that doesn't have permissions to use the action or resource. Or, it might be specifying an identifier that isn't valid.
ClusterNotFoundException The specified cluster wasn't found. You can view your available clusters with ListClusters. Amazon ECS clusters are Region specific.
InvalidParameterException The specified parameter isn't valid. Review the available parameters for the API request.
ResourceInUseException The specified resource is in-use and can't be removed.
ServerException These errors are usually caused by a server issue.
UpdateInProgressException There's already a current Amazon ECS container agent update in progress on the container instance that's specified. If the container agent becomes disconnected while it's in a transitional stage, such as PENDING or STAGING, the update process can get stuck in that state. However, when the agent reconnects, it resumes where it stopped previously.

Version Information

.NET Core App:
Supported in: 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5

See Also