AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Class ConflictException

Sends a Conflict Exception.

Class CreateSuiteDefinitionRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateSuiteDefinition operation. Creates a Device Advisor test suite.

Requires permission to access the CreateSuiteDefinition action.

Class CreateSuiteDefinitionResponse

This is the response object from the CreateSuiteDefinition operation.

Class DeleteSuiteDefinitionRequest

Container for the parameters to the DeleteSuiteDefinition operation. Deletes a Device Advisor test suite.

Requires permission to access the DeleteSuiteDefinition action.

Class DeleteSuiteDefinitionResponse

This is the response object from the DeleteSuiteDefinition operation.

Class DeviceUnderTest

Information of a test device. A thing ARN, certificate ARN or device role ARN is required.

Class GetEndpointRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetEndpoint operation. Gets information about an Device Advisor endpoint.

Class GetEndpointResponse

This is the response object from the GetEndpoint operation.

Class GetSuiteDefinitionRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetSuiteDefinition operation. Gets information about a Device Advisor test suite.

Requires permission to access the GetSuiteDefinition action.

Class GetSuiteDefinitionResponse

This is the response object from the GetSuiteDefinition operation.

Class GetSuiteRunReportRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetSuiteRunReport operation. Gets a report download link for a successful Device Advisor qualifying test suite run.

Requires permission to access the GetSuiteRunReport action.

Class GetSuiteRunReportResponse

This is the response object from the GetSuiteRunReport operation.

Class GetSuiteRunRequest

Container for the parameters to the GetSuiteRun operation. Gets information about a Device Advisor test suite run.

Requires permission to access the GetSuiteRun action.

Class GetSuiteRunResponse

This is the response object from the GetSuiteRun operation.

Class GroupResult

Show Group Result.

Class InternalServerException

Sends an Internal Failure exception.

Class IoTDeviceAdvisorPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the IoTDeviceAdvisor service

Class ListSuiteDefinitionsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListSuiteDefinitions operation. Lists the Device Advisor test suites you have created.

Requires permission to access the ListSuiteDefinitions action.

Class ListSuiteDefinitionsResponse

This is the response object from the ListSuiteDefinitions operation.

Class ListSuiteRunsRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListSuiteRuns operation. Lists runs of the specified Device Advisor test suite. You can list all runs of the test suite, or the runs of a specific version of the test suite.

Requires permission to access the ListSuiteRuns action.

Class ListSuiteRunsResponse

This is the response object from the ListSuiteRuns operation.

Class ListTagsForResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. Lists the tags attached to an IoT Device Advisor resource.

Requires permission to access the ListTagsForResource action.

Class ListTagsForResourceResponse

This is the response object from the ListTagsForResource operation.

Class ResourceNotFoundException

Sends a Resource Not Found exception.

Class StartSuiteRunRequest

Container for the parameters to the StartSuiteRun operation. Starts a Device Advisor test suite run.

Requires permission to access the StartSuiteRun action.

Class StartSuiteRunResponse

This is the response object from the StartSuiteRun operation.

Class StopSuiteRunRequest

Container for the parameters to the StopSuiteRun operation. Stops a Device Advisor test suite run that is currently running.

Requires permission to access the StopSuiteRun action.

Class StopSuiteRunResponse

This is the response object from the StopSuiteRun operation.

Class SuiteDefinitionConfiguration

Gets the suite definition configuration.

Class SuiteDefinitionInformation

Information about the suite definition.

Class SuiteRunConfiguration

Gets suite run configuration.

Class SuiteRunInformation

Information about the suite run.

Requires permission to access the SuiteRunInformation action.

Class TagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the TagResource operation. Adds to and modifies existing tags of an IoT Device Advisor resource.

Requires permission to access the TagResource action.

Class TagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the TagResource operation.

Class TestCaseRun

Provides the test case run.

Class TestCaseScenario

Provides test case scenario.

Class TestResult

Show each group result.

Class UntagResourceRequest

Container for the parameters to the UntagResource operation. Removes tags from an IoT Device Advisor resource.

Requires permission to access the UntagResource action.

Class UntagResourceResponse

This is the response object from the UntagResource operation.

Class UpdateSuiteDefinitionRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdateSuiteDefinition operation. Updates a Device Advisor test suite.

Requires permission to access the UpdateSuiteDefinition action.

Class UpdateSuiteDefinitionResponse

This is the response object from the UpdateSuiteDefinition operation.

Class ValidationException

Sends a validation exception.


Interface IIoTDeviceAdvisorPaginatorFactory

Paginators for the IoTDeviceAdvisor service

Interface IListSuiteDefinitionsPaginator

Paginator for the ListSuiteDefinitions operation

Interface IListSuiteRunsPaginator

Paginator for the ListSuiteRuns operation