AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Information about a signal decoder.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.IoTFleetWise.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.IoTFleetWise.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class SignalDecoder

The SignalDecoder type exposes the following members


Public Method SignalDecoder()


Public Property CanSignal Amazon.IoTFleetWise.Model.CanSignal

Gets and sets the property CanSignal.

Information about signal decoder using the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol.

Public Property CustomDecodingSignal Amazon.IoTFleetWise.Model.CustomDecodingSignal

Gets and sets the property CustomDecodingSignal.

Information about a custom signal decoder.

Access to certain Amazon Web Services IoT FleetWise features is currently gated. For more information, see Amazon Web Services Region and feature availability in the Amazon Web Services IoT FleetWise Developer Guide.

Public Property FullyQualifiedName System.String

Gets and sets the property FullyQualifiedName.

The fully qualified name of a signal decoder as defined in a vehicle model.

Public Property InterfaceId System.String

Gets and sets the property InterfaceId.

The ID of a network interface that specifies what network protocol a vehicle follows.

Public Property MessageSignal Amazon.IoTFleetWise.Model.MessageSignal

Gets and sets the property MessageSignal.

The decoding information for a specific message which supports higher order data types.

Public Property ObdSignal Amazon.IoTFleetWise.Model.ObdSignal

Gets and sets the property ObdSignal.

Information about signal decoder using the on-board diagnostic (OBD) II protocol.

Public Property Type Amazon.IoTFleetWise.SignalDecoderType

Gets and sets the property Type.

The network protocol for the vehicle. For example, CAN_SIGNAL specifies a protocol that defines how data is communicated between electronic control units (ECUs). OBD_SIGNAL specifies a protocol that defines how self-diagnostic data is communicated between ECUs.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5