AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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A single query result.

A query result contains information about a document returned by the query. This includes the original location of the document, a list of attributes assigned to the document, and relevant text from the document that satisfies the query.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.Kendra.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.Kendra.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class QueryResultItem

The QueryResultItem type exposes the following members


Public Method QueryResultItem()


Public Property AdditionalAttributes System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.Kendra.Model.AdditionalResultAttribute>

Gets and sets the property AdditionalAttributes.

One or more additional fields/attributes associated with the query result.

Public Property CollapsedResultDetail Amazon.Kendra.Model.CollapsedResultDetail

Gets and sets the property CollapsedResultDetail.

Provides details about a collapsed group of search results.

Public Property DocumentAttributes System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.Kendra.Model.DocumentAttribute>

Gets and sets the property DocumentAttributes.

An array of document fields/attributes assigned to a document in the search results. For example, the document author (_author) or the source URI (_source_uri) of the document.

Public Property DocumentExcerpt Amazon.Kendra.Model.TextWithHighlights

Gets and sets the property DocumentExcerpt.

An extract of the text in the document. Contains information about highlighting the relevant terms in the excerpt.

Public Property DocumentId System.String

Gets and sets the property DocumentId.

The identifier for the document.

Public Property DocumentTitle Amazon.Kendra.Model.TextWithHighlights

Gets and sets the property DocumentTitle.

The title of the document. Contains the text of the title and information for highlighting the relevant terms in the title.

Public Property DocumentURI System.String

Gets and sets the property DocumentURI.

The URI of the original location of the document.

Public Property FeedbackToken System.String

Gets and sets the property FeedbackToken.

A token that identifies a particular result from a particular query. Use this token to provide click-through feedback for the result. For more information, see Submitting feedback.

Public Property Format Amazon.Kendra.QueryResultFormat

Gets and sets the property Format.

If the Type of document within the response is ANSWER, then it is either a TABLE answer or TEXT answer. If it's a table answer, a table excerpt is returned in TableExcerpt. If it's a text answer, a text excerpt is returned in DocumentExcerpt.

Public Property Id System.String

Gets and sets the property Id.

The unique identifier for the query result item id (Id) and the query result item document id (DocumentId) combined. The value of this field changes with every request, even when you have the same documents.

Public Property ScoreAttributes Amazon.Kendra.Model.ScoreAttributes

Gets and sets the property ScoreAttributes.

Indicates the confidence level of Amazon Kendra providing a relevant result for the query. Each result is placed into a bin that indicates the confidence, VERY_HIGH, HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW. You can use the score to determine if a response meets the confidence needed for your application.

The field is only set to LOW when the Type field is set to DOCUMENT and Amazon Kendra is not confident that the result is relevant to the query.

Public Property TableExcerpt Amazon.Kendra.Model.TableExcerpt

Gets and sets the property TableExcerpt.

An excerpt from a table within a document.

Public Property Type Amazon.Kendra.QueryResultType

Gets and sets the property Type.

The type of document within the response. For example, a response could include a question-answer that's relevant to the query.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5