AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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This API is identical to GetTemporaryTableCredentials except that this is used when the target Data Catalog resource is of type Partition. Lake Formation restricts the permission of the vended credentials with the same scope down policy which restricts access to a single Amazon S3 prefix.


For .NET Core this operation is only available in asynchronous form. Please refer to GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentialsAsync.

Namespace: Amazon.LakeFormation
Assembly: AWSSDK.LakeFormation.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public abstract GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentialsResponse GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentials(
         GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentialsRequest request


Type: Amazon.LakeFormation.Model.GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentialsRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentials service method.

Return Value

The response from the GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentials service method, as returned by LakeFormation.


AccessDeniedException Access to a resource was denied.
EntityNotFoundException A specified entity does not exist.
InternalServiceException An internal service error occurred.
InvalidInputException The input provided was not valid.
OperationTimeoutException The operation timed out.
PermissionTypeMismatchException The engine does not support filtering data based on the enforced permissions. For example, if you call the GetTemporaryGlueTableCredentials operation with SupportedPermissionType equal to ColumnPermission, but cell-level permissions exist on the table, this exception is thrown.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5

See Also